Topic baby dumping


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Topic: baby dumpinginterpersonal communication skill and social science

group members: Amir & Azhari


Baby dumping very no

stranger among our

society. Baby dumping

occurs everywhere

without sympathy.

Today's society is often involved in social ills that contribute to the negative impact on the character of an individual, particularly regarding baby dumping. That are serious ill among community.



FROM 2005 TO

2011 THERE




factor of baby dumpingLow High

lack of religious education among our youth

family institution itself has collapsed

Social attitudes too like punishing also the cause of baby dumping .

the mass media have fuelled the problem.

why these things happen???

lack of religious education among our youth.

1. they can not distinguish an act they were right or wrong.

2. This can be easily seen when the teenage girl involved in the mire while adultery is adultery illegal in religion.

family institution itself has collapsed

It is common now a family that has no father or mother to educate.

Single parent often busy looking to alimony to support his family.

Thus, they have failed to fulfil their true role in educating and monitoring each treatment for their children.

We like to assume that women who are pregnant without a husband is to be guilty.

some of them are pregnant because of the evil of human action to the extent of raping an innocent girl.

Because of social attitudes teenagers do not have a place to complain about their problems so willing to let their children be in a place that should not be out looked disgusted by society.

Social attitudes too like punishing the innocent victim

Program of Western freedom of

association linking resulted

impressionable teenagers.

feelings will definitely want to try

imitate actions or hot scenes in

Western films to satisfy their lust.

Modernization, especially through the mass media

Preventing of baby dumping

Given parenting education through various programs.

This point should be stressed to all Malaysians, especially the youth.

should be made aware of the adverse effects of baby dumping activity.

awareness campaign or talks baby dumping

As we know, baby dumping cases due to free mixing is considered as a common for urban citizens now. We should refrain from negative elements so as not to be like already banging just about to gaze upward.Indeed, dynamic and consistent effort is needed to guide the people to always be on the right track in life.

offenders convicted of adultery or rape should be punished with a heavy.

Rapists or people who violate the human dignity of women is inhumane. They need a heavy sentence as a warning to others.

This can reduce crime removal of innocent babies in our country.

End of a word from us, the problem is that causes abandonment by many factors have a distinctive approach to overcome if studied in a transparent manner. Various parties have to work together vital resolve and reduce baby dumping cases that occur in our country. The problem will spread and become a thorn in the flesh if not addressed immediately as the country strives to achieve Vision 2020. Cooperation of all parties is very important to curb this problem because the hills are equally scaled, to groove together descendants. Through these efforts, the government's intention to create a more healthy and distinction in terms of physical and spiritual realization.

