[Elite] Tea assignment - Nghi Nghi




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Ready – to – drink tea


Launching plan

AGENDA Background

Brand ideation

Launching plan

Who are we Where are we Who are we fighting with

Category truth Consumer truth Product truth

Activation platform Concept development Deployment


Who are we… …a giant corporate of food & FMCG in Vietnam which has the edge in finance & distribution channels. We want to expand into bottled beverage category, in particular, ready-to-drink (RTD) tea.

Where are we… … in a fresh, promising yet rapidly developed category which takes account for the most revenue in beverage market – 11,000 billion VND (2013) RTD tea is mostly appreciated for its “thirst-drenching and good for health” benefits.

Who are we fighting with? There are two main segments in RTD tea, including: > Green tea (80% RTD tea market) which has seen the fierce competition of many giant brands such as: Zero degree, C2, Real-leaf, Tea Plus , Lipton Pure Green, etc. > And Herbal tea: less competitors but nearly dominated by the big shadow of famous Dr. Thanh & Lincha. Recently, tea market has seen the significant penetration of Olong tea Plus – the sole brand

in Oolong tea segment.

Other promising segmentations which have been penetrated

by no brand up till now: black tea, white tea,

Matcha tea, decaf tea, etc.


Different varieties of tea have their own uniqueness, priorities and also disadvantages…



Green tea is a longtime treasure and also one of the most favorable kinds of beverages of our country. With about half the caffeine of black tea, green tea offers health advantages in every gentle cup. . Disadvantages: (1)fierce competitors from big companies; Advantages: (1) green tea is the most common & closest to Vietnamese while having many faithful & loyal support from RTD tea consumers; (2) market dominating brands have weak RTB which we can use to spectacularly change the new-comer situation into leading market.


This low-caffeine delicacy with precise technique produces a subtle cup with mellow, sweet notes. 100% natural white tea bags have become a staple of high-end tea collections, a new favorite flavor for connoisseurs to buy and drink with many health benefits. Disadvantages: high-price which shall not be affordable for most part of Vietnamese people; Advantages: (1) 1st introduce 1st own; (2) bring a brand new taste more intriguing than original green tea; (3) suitable for high-class consumers

Black tea is the most common tea in North America. Boasting numerous health benefits, black tea contains about half the caffeine of coffee and twice that of green tea. The drink is popular iced or hot as a breakfast tea, often enjoyed with sugar, milk, or lemon. Disadvantages: (1) kind of strange & far away products to Vietnamese (2) too strong for the mass Advantages: (1) 1st introduce 1st own; (2) foreign taste – foreign style; (3) suitable for strong taste


From its name to its distinctive flavor, oolong tea is all allure. Oolong tea is produced when tea leaves are oxidized in direct sunlight until they give off a precise and pleasant fragrance – somewhere between apples, orchids, and peaches. Also traditionally referred to as a weight loss tea, oolong tea has many health benefits. It has a distinct flavor with caffeine content midway between black tea and green tea. Disadvantages: not have any specific disadvantage Advantages: (1) 1 key competitor: Olong tea Plus with strong RTB & favorable taste (2) good for health

“REAL” kinds of tea made from leaves & buds of Camellia sinensis…

Highest concentration of polyphenols; Has all benefits other kinds of tea have;

Highest caffeine content; Specially protect lungs from damage caused by cigarette smoke;

Uncured and unfermented; Highest potent anticancer properties;

Lower bad cholesterol levels;

HERBAL TEA The thought of herbal tea brings to mind the sensory thrill of herbs, the medicinal and health benefits these teas possess, Technical fun facts aside, caffeine-free herbal teas offer a range of health benefits and can play a role in natural weight loss. Plus, they’re just plain delicious to buy and drink

“So-called” tea… Matcha tea powder is ground from fine Japanese green tea leaves. It is the star of the centuries-old Japanese tea ceremony, and its pleasant taste and health benefits make it a favorite of many tea-lovers today. Organic matcha powder is whisked in a bowl with hot water to create a frothy, bright green, nourishing beverage.



Relax and indulge with our soothing decaffeinated tea. Decaf tea gives consumers all the flavor and enjoyment they expect from a good cup of tea, but spares them the caffeine content.



Rất khó có được những tác dụng như quảng cáo từ những loại trà đóng chai công nghiệp hiện nay trên thị trường (đẩy mạnh trao đổi chất, thanh nhiệt,

giải độc gan…) vì hàm lượng chè ở trong đó rất ít, đa số là các thành phần hóa học. (theo ông Đo{n Hùng Tiến – Viện trưởng viện nghiên cứu Chè Việt Nam)

Để có được những lợi ích tương tự như có trong chỉ một chén trà pha, trong một số trường hợp, người tiêu dùng sẽ phải uống đến 20 chai nước trà đóng chai. Nước trà đóng chai không chỉ chứa rất ít các thành phần tốt cho sức khỏe mà vốn có trong trà, hơn nữa lại thường chứa lượng đường cao và một số chất khác - các chất mà người tiêu dùng có ý thức bảo vệ sức khỏe luôn cố gắng để tránh (Hội hóa học Hoa Kỳ)

About nowadays RTD tea…

Key reason

Polyphenol – chất tạo ra phần lớn lợi ích từ trà xanh, hơi đắng và rất khó để bảo quản chế biến, tốn chi phí, nhưng để hấp dẫn càng nhiều người tiêu dùng càng tốt, các nhà sản xuất muốn giảm vị đắng và tính làm se đến mức tối thiểu. Cách đơn giản là cho ít trà hơn, làm cho hàm lượng polyphenol trong trà thấp, nhưng lại có vị dễ uống và ngọt ngào hơn.

Phụ nữ uống trà xanh tốt hơn nam giới Các nhà khoa học Hoa Kỳ cho rằng nguyên nhân là do ở nữ giới có hormone giới tính estrogen. Họ nhận thấy những thành phần hoạt tính trong trà xanh ảnh hưởng tới hàm lượng estrogen, hormone giới tính có tác dụng tăng cường bảo vệ tim.




Key findings about category…


Our target consumers are office female aged 22 to 30 years old. They take great care of their health & beauty. They have busy life, all be pro-active & ambitious about their careers. They are also smart, characteristic, independent & modern women.

They find fast foods, cakes, fried potatoes, carbonated drinks, etc. extremely delicious, tasty and alluring. It’s great to have a bit of it as an indulgence they grant themselves. But they know where the limit is and actively resist from having it as they know it’s bad for their health, their weight & their beauty. They believe what is tasty addictive cannot be healthy.


I am now at the peak of health & beauty so I want to best maintain this blooming period. Bitter pills may have blessed effects. As I do care about my health & my beauty, I don’t believe in drinks which are advertised as “good for health”; “pure nature” but too delicious, sweet & tasty at the same time. I want to have a healthy drink whose benefits I can believe in regardless of its “bitter pills”.



GREEN TEA Highest concentration of polyphenols; Has all benefits other kinds of tea have;

POLYPHENOL Substance which create most of benefits of tea; Bitter & hard to be preserved, processed; must invest costs

Our product is RTD green tea which contain a volume of polyphenol

equal to a cup of tea made from real tea

leaves (expressed as bitter taste).

We are backed by high-end technology which

leverages in preservation &

processing stages.

To put it all together


Bitter Good for women health

I want to best maintain my blooming period

Best preserve and process the polyphenol in tea leaves

RTD tea brand: bring you a true healthy drink by preserving the great bitterness of tea to protect your blooming period.

CONSUMER BRAND INSIGHT: "I am now at the peak of health & beauty so I want to best maintain this blooming period. Bitter pills may have blessed effects. As I do care about my health & my beauty, I don’t believe in drinks which are advertised as “good for health”; “pure nature” but too delicious, sweet & tasty at the same time. I want to have a healthy drink whose benefits I can believe in regardless of its “bitter pills”. When consider to healthy drink, I think of tea. And RTD tea is absolutely suitable for my busy schedule. But on-sale RTD tea brands now are too sweet & cheap that force me to cast doubt on the healthy benefits of them. I want a kind of RTD tea that is truly good for my health with strong RTB.”


A product of ready-to-drink green tea providing

truer polyphenols volume

Comfort the bitterness of polyphenols by

natural sweeteners such as: honey or cane which will comfort your taste but still be able to

highlight the bitterness of polyphenols.

BITTERNESS of polyphenols

For your health & beauty NATURAL SWEETENER

For your taste & highlight the bitterness

Give heath-minded consumers a drink truly care about their health as they need.


Brand Positioning Statement

Premium truly Green tea with

ingredients mostly from real tea leaves

(high ratio of polyphenol) &

outstanding packaging

- 22-30 YO female (Bull-eyes: 23-25), ABC - modern, smart, business women - Health & beauty-minded

Premium green tea made from real tea leaves backed by high end technology & breakthrough packaging

Provide what NEED


Differentiate by

Innovative technology to maximize the profits of tea,

amplify by the innovative packaging.

Reason to believe

Bitter your taste, better

your life

- Healthy - Beautiful - Smart - Delicate - Pro-active

Innovative technology to maximize the profits of tea, amplify by the innovative


Functional: Maximize the profit of green tea by preserving the polyphenols of real tea leaves during processing stage. Emotional: maintain your blooming period

Premium green tea made from real tea leaves & breakthrough packaging

I am now at the peak of health & beauty so I want to best maintain this blooming period. Bitter pills may have blessed effects. As I do care about my health & my beauty, I don’t believe in drinks which are advertised as “good for health”; “pure nature” but too delicious, sweet & tasty at the same time. I want to have a healthy drink whose benefits I can believe in regardless of its “bitter pills”. When consider to healthy drink, I think of tea. And RTD tea is absolutely suitable for my busy schedule. But on-sale RTD tea brands now are too sweet & cheap that force me to cast doubt on the healthy benefits of them. I want a kind of RTD tea that is truly good for my health with strong RTB.

Green tea brands: C2, Zero degree, etc. Other competitors: Dr. Thanh, Lincha, etc.

- 22-30 YO female (Bull-eyes: 23-25), ABC - modern, smart, business women - Health & beauty-minded

Consumers perceive


Support the brand promise of bringing the best healthy tea product ever, the

packaging is specially made all from glass; not use any plastic or PET as they are perceived as anti-health no matter what they protest




Packaging must be SIMPLEST, FASHIONABLY MODERN SHAPED & CONVENIENT. It is all made from see-through class, printed brand name on one side, basic

information on another. Especially, with glass substance, you can heat your tea before enjoy it if you want to.

Standing out of the normal bottle shape nowadays, we may design the bottle shape as below.

High price RTD product, only for woman

Premium truly Green tea with ingredients mostly from real tea leaves (high ratio of polyphenol). The bitterness of polyphenol would be comforted by natural sweeteners such as honey or cane which are good for health, have

mellow sweetness & most important, can highlight the bitterness of tea not just normally erase it.

High price (compared with other products) but affordable

Convenient store: circle K, B’s Mart, etc.


Communication big idea: Bitter your taste, better your life


15 -20,000 VND/ bottle




Activation Platform

Healthiness among busy life


As TA is too busy with their daily work so it’s much better if we could insert our brand into their working habit.

I want to be

healthy as to best

maintain my blooming


I am too

busy to invest time caring my health & beauty



Launching Objective

Raise awareness of the Brand

Drive penetration of new range

Communicate brand values

BE-BITTER TEA may not be so tasty & delicious as others; it may not suit your taste. But be hold, it’s definitely what your body wants and needs. It’s what will treasure your valuable body.

STRATEGIC APPROACH Brand communication idea:

Bitter your taste, better your life

Campaign idea:

Your body wants it

Recruit: Create awareness & drive trial of products

Engage: Engage TA in health keeping habit with products

Amplify: Create long-term visibilities

This is how your body is struggling everyday, don’t wanna help it?

Be responsible to your body Let good habit amplify

AR sampling activation – Body rescue guerilla

QR code – scan to have daily office exercises Yoga center

Office buildings sampling Advertorials

Editorials TVC


Mobile apps Advertorials

Editorials Sales promotion

Influencer sharing Advertorials


3 months – invest 10 bil VND 3 months – invest 5 bil VND Invest 15 bil VND

Online Print Influencers

Social media



Big LCD screens are put at the main door of office buildings

using high-end augmented reality technology…


With celebrity endorsement, we will begin exercises specially designed for office female.

Move along to trainer’s instruction, AR technology will automatically recognize your moves and score you if you get the actions right. Accomplish that mini-exercise, you will get a sample of BE-BITTER TEA.

COMMUNICATING MESSAGES Are you ready to rescue your body which has been exhausted due to your busy daily work? Move a bit, it takes you only 1 minutes to warm your weary body up, to comfort its wearisome before continue getting into the complexity of work & work.

Then, grant your hard-working body a bottle of tea which is absolutely what your body longs for.

GAME SET examples

Eye exercise The screen will contact your eyes’ apples and recognize their movements. Follow the instructions and start doing some eyes exercises

Neck exercise

Other simple movement

PHASE 2: ENGAGEMENT -Scan QR code on packaging to receive daily office exercise

Buy any products, you will get a QR code on bottle, scan it via your smartphone and you will receive a surprising gift set, including:

An instruction of mini-exercise which can be done on spot (facial exercise, smile exercise, neck & hand,.etc.)

PHASE 3: AMPLIFICATION - found Yoga centers for office women

Our loyal consumers will have a priority to be member of this Yoga center. It’s all free. With high technology and professional coaches, you will have the most indulgent time in here. After long tiring working week, relaxing in a Yoga center to free your body and mind also is not a bad idea, right? BE-BITTER TEA will establish those centers as to prove that our products are symbols of healthy life. We do what your body needs.
