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The Masthead is reinforced on the contents page to allow the audience to recognise the magazine and, the highlight again that the genre of the magazine is classical, ‘Classic FM’. The font style is comparable to ‘Times New Roman’ which suggests the age of the target audience is older because it’s traditional style could be seen to reflect the older generations traditional values. Also, it relates to the inter-running classical theme because of the idea of ‘traditional’.

Unusually, the ‘Contents’ title isn’t portrayed in a banner like fashion, instead taking up a small section in the top right hand corner of the page. However, its size is somewhat irrelevant because despite being small, it is placed in a primary optical area which allows the audience to notice it straight away.It fits into the rigid colour scheme of pink and white which not only adds to its professionalism but, the colour connotations link musical interest of the audience. White can symbolise purity, relating to the religious and calming associations with the classical genre.

The mode of address throughout the contents page is formal, this suggests that the target audience’s social class is upper because they are most likely to connect/ understand the formal approach.

The actual layout of the magazine complies with the rule of thirds as the most fundamental information is placed along significant lines and intersections. The layout of this magazine is noticeably three columns; two displaying thumbnail images that connect to the cover lines and the other the cover lines.The cover lines are displayed in a bold font with a description underneath to attract the audience. It is put together in a concise and simply way which allows the audience to read them clearly. Additionally, this ‘simplicity’ relates back to the classical genre because even though its simple it looks sophisticated which is what classical music is associated with.

The magazines mast head ‘smash hits’ is displayed on the contents page. This reinforces the magazine itself and acts as a constant reminder that the genre is pop because it’s all about ‘hits’

The main image on the contents page is a picture of pop band West life. This reinforces the target audience’s music genre style and is perhaps used as young girls look up to them and see them as icons.

The mode of address of the cover lines ‘news, gossip, whatever!’ indicates the social class of the audience. It is colloquial, informal and the use of exclamation heightens the idea of a ‘laid back approach’ which more links to the working class out of all three classes.

The ‘Contents’ title is atypically situated towards the bottom end of the page. It is in bold block letters though to draw the target audience’s eye to it and, to make it stand out further is underlined with a long, bold line.From this we can tell that the target audience are female because the colour pink has stereotypical connotations of femininity and, its connotations of love, romance and friendship links into the target audience’s musical preference, pop. Additionally, the more modern intake of the ‘Contents’ title being at the bottom rather than the top, gives an indication that the age of the target audience is young people; its not a traditional layout which could be a reflection of the less traditional values of youth today.

The page itself complies with the rule of thirds.

The main colour scheme of the contents page is dark red, white and black. This can also be seen to relate to the magazines rock genre because dark red and black have connotations such as ‘rage’, ‘anger’, ‘wrath’, ‘strength’ and ‘grieve’; these are typical concepts within rock music.

The denotation of the main image is a picture of Chester Bennington, lead singer from band ‘Linkin Park’. He is shown performing and it looks as if he is screaming into the microphone; this links to the magazines genre because rock is thought to have a much heavier sound compared to other musical styles. This also shows indicates that target audience’s favourite artists include rock acts such as Linkin Park.

The cover lines portrayed in the contents page gives an indication of the social class and age of the target audience. It can be inferred that by the magazines mast head being abbreviated to ‘K’ in more than one cover line that the target audience is young people 15-19 because, this age group are stereotypically portrayed to abbreviate words. As well as this, the fact that a cover line introduces the idea of bargains, ‘Get K! Delivered to your door for just £6 per month!’ shows that the primary social class of the target audience is working class as this is the social class that aims to save the most money.

The actual layout of the magazine complies with the rule of thirds as the most fundamental information is placed along significant lines and intersections. The layout of this magazine is noticeably three parts; one strip at the top which displays thumbnail images of rock artists such as ‘Specs Appeal’ that link to the cover lines, one section containing the main image of Chester from Linkin Park and the other the cover lines themselves.The cover lines are displayed in a bold font with a description underneath to attract the audience. It is put together in a concise and simply way which allows the audience to read them clearly. Additionally, it keeps into the colour scheme of white, black and dark red to reinforce the rock genre.

The ‘Contents’ title is displayed in a banner like fashion in the top right hand corner of the page. It is placed in this primary optical area in order to gain the target audiences attention almost instantaneously. In terms of font style, the ‘Contents’ title bold and in capital letters in order to grab and maintain the attention of the magazine readers. In addition, the fact that the style itself isn’t traditional highlights the target audience’s musical preference of rock; this is because its ‘dismantled’ appearance has connotations of rebellion relates to the concept of rock.
