Consent form for location


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To whom it may concern,

The current year 13 Media Studies students are working on an important project for their

coursework, which will count towards their final grade for A levels. The coursework includes the

production of five-minute films by students in groups of two or three.

Indigo Motion Pictures would appreciate using your house for filming purposes. If you consent, we

will require the front entrance of your house and the living room during filming sessions (no later

than 4:30 pm) over two or three days in February.

Our film, ‘After the Riots’, shows how the anti-social and destructive behaviour of the August Rioters

affected the lives of a child and her widowed father. The central themes of the film are social

disintegration, generational divides and personal loss.

The film will be seen by examiners and is likely to be shown at the School’s annual Oscars Awards

ceremony in June, which is open to students, families, and staff.

Please indicate your decision by deleting the option that does not apply and signing at the bottom of

the slip. Your signature confirms that Indigo Motion Pictures will have the right to use the two parts

of the house mentioned above in our film and to showcase the film in reputable settings.

Kind regards,

Indigo Motion Pictures

Farjana Tahmin and Jahannara Ali


I do/do not give permission for the company to use my house in the film, After The Riots.


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