1910 Paris Flood


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PowerPoint Show by Andrew

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Paris has regularly experienced flooding previous to 1910. But that year, after months of rainfall, the city experienced one of the most severe episodes of flooding in its history.

On Jan. 21, the Seine began to rise more rapidly than usual. Parisians evacuated at-risk locations. Then, on the outskirts, the river burst its banks. In the center of the city, workmen hurriedly built embankments to stop the Seine flooding the city's quays — the water only rose up through tunnels, drains and sewers.

A week later, the Seine reached its peak at six metres above its normal level, flooding 12 of Paris's 20 arrondissements (districts). Roughly 20,000 buildings were devastated and 200,000 people made homeless. Emergency services, police and charities, alongside the citizens of Paris, pulled together and organized ferry services and built wooden walkways to keep the city operating.

Boulevard Diderot, XII arrondissement.

Rowing down the street in Poitiers (VIIth arrondissement).

People skirt the edge of the street on improvised pathways.

A polar bear in the flooded bear enclosure in the Botanical Gardens.

Three men talking to people at first floor widows.

A street of Bourgogne (VIIth arrondissement).

The army lays down a wooden walkway.

People gingerly cross the street on a wooden plank.

Avenue Daumesnil.

Avenue Daumesnil.

A street of the Universite (VIIth arrondissement).

A street of the Universite (VIIth arrondissement).

Two men travel down the street in an improvised boat.

A Parisian suburb.

A uniformed man punts a boat as people at first floor windows look on.

Boulevard Saint Germain.

In front of Gare Saint-Lazare.

The Paris-Limoges express at the station in Choisy-le-Roi (Val-de-Marne).

The interior of Gare d'Orsay.

A shelter in a gymnasium.

Wooden paving blocks are scattered on the ground, which is still covered with water. A carriage sits abandoned.

A woman is supported by two men.
