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Implementing Wheel Story to Improve

Students’ Creativity in Writing

Ananda Lupita Sari


Education ‘10

Wheel story is a technique

of teaching English in fun

and joy that use cuts of

picture in a wheel and

create a story from it.

Why do we choose the Wheel Story??One language function is writing

creatively, in the other words it is imaginative function which is related to imaginative function of language. Creativity in writing cannot be learned in a short space but need more time to enhance, thus the students need to get such exercise.

1.As a game in class, party, and other.

2. as a gadget’s application.

3. lesson that is already developed in the class.

1. Using picture can attract students’ attention,

stimulate their thinking ability, refresh their mind,

relax their way of learning.

2. By using the picture as the theme of their story,

they can create their fully own story and express

their idea.

3. By using the wheel, the students cannot make a

preparation of the story, so that they will improve

their story.

"Studies have shown that humans retain only 20% of what they read, but they recall 80% of symbols."

"Storytelling stimulates the imagination. Recent studies have shown that children who lack imagination are not only prone to failure in school but are far more susceptible to violence.“(Fredericks, Linda and Allison Cox. Storytelling In The Classroom) www.dancingleaves.com

“this method need a long time and some students

may not get the chance to tell their story.”

“make the class smaller by dividing them into

some group and control the class.”

“it needs more preparation and student may just

keep their sheet clean and do nothing.”

“the teacher should take control and know the

situation, the preparation may do in home and in

the class they just do it instantly. While the teacher

can guide the students to write their story.”

The teacher should know the situation of the class and tricks of keeping the class’ dynamic. Principally, this technique is

only a way of improving students’ ability, whether this technique is successful or not will depend on the teacher’s

application in the class.