Web 2.0 for Learning


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e-Learning Workshops for Students

Web 2.0 for Learning

Mike Chuimikechui@ied.edu.hkCentre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC)http://www.ied.edu.hk/lttc

Today’s Agenda

What is Web 2.0?

How to catch the opportunities of Web 2.0?

What are the impacts on education?

Sharing of Web 2.0 technologies (hands-on)

Q & A + Survey

What is Web 2.0?

Not a new Internet

Interactive information sharing


User-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web

24/7 ability to produce, communicate, collaborate, share, store, network and learn

Prosumer + Folksonomy

Prosumer Producer + Consumer

Professional Consumer

Folksonomy Using user-defined labels or tags to organize and

share information

Folk classification

1. Delicious

It is a social bookmarking site

Go to http://delicious.com/

1. Delicious (con’t)

Suppose you want to know more about e-portfolios, so how can you make use of Delicious?

How many bookmarks are related to e-portfolios?

How can you relate the searched bookmarks to higher education?

How many bookmarks did you get?

1. Delicious (con’t)

How can I save the bookmarks?

1. Delicious (con’t)

What are the differences between using Delicious and adding as My Favourite?

2. SlideShare

It is an online presentation sharing space

Go to http://www.slideshare.net/

Click on Signup

How can I upload a PowerPoint file?

How can I allow people download my presentation?

What are the benefits and drawbacks of using online presentation tool?

3. Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

It benefits publishers by letting the subscribers to get the syndicated content automatically

Subscribers 無需一天刷新幾十次自己感興趣的Web site或blog,因爲它們更新的內容會通過RSS feeds源源不斷地輸送到你的feeds閱讀器中。

3.1 How to subscribe a RSS feed (with iGoogle)

Go to http://www.google.com.hk/ig

You may select a theme

Click on See your page button

3.1 How to subscribe a RSS feed (with iGoogle)

You may delete some unwanted gadgets

3.1 How to subscribe a RSS feed (with iGoogle)

Click on Add Stuff (新增小工具)

3.1 How to subscribe a RSS feed (with iGoogle)

Click on 新增資訊提供或小工具

Open a new Internet browser page

Go to http://www.mingpao.com/

Click on RSS button

Select your favourite category and copy the .xmllink

3.1 How to subscribe a RSS feed (with iGoogle)

Go back the 新增資訊提供或小工具 box

Paste the copied URL: http://inews.mingpao.com/rss/INews/gb.xml

Click on 新增 button

4. Subscribe a blog (Using iGoogle)

Click on Add Stuff (新增小工具)

Click on 新增資訊提供或小工具

Enter http://educator.viviti.com

Click on 新增 button

5. Wikispaces

It facilitates collaborative writing and tracking history of editions

Go to http://www.wikispaces.com/

5. Wikispaces (con’t)

Click on Get Started button

5. Wikispaces (con’t)

Fill in the required fields

5. Wikispaces (con’t)


5. Wikispaces (con’t)

Click on Edit button to start editing the home page

5. Wikispaces (con’t)

Click on Manage Wiki > Invite People to engage your friends in editing the page

More Webapps to try

http://creately.com/ (an online diagramming application)

http://photofunia.com/ (an online photo editing tool)

http://bubbl.us/ (for brainstorming)

http://text-to-speech.imtranslator.net/speech.asp(for learning pronunciation of different languages)