Virtual Presentation Tips - READ 6406


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Virtual PresentationsTips, Tricks, and Suggestions for

READ 6406 Students PlanningAction Research Proposal Presentations

Step 1: PREPARE!

Know your topic and the research about it

Have your TYPO-FREE one-page handout ready and turned in to Bb

Do a “dress rehearsal” with your group See presentation schedule to find your group members Set a time to practice; meet up on the Google Hangout

link assigned to your group at that time Be sure the technology works Have each person present; share any feedback

Step 2: Set Up

Dress professionally

Turn off alarms, email notifications, cell phones, and other distractions

Arrange your papers/notes to eliminate extraneous noise during the presentations

Be sure you won’t be interrupted Make arrangements for children, pets, etc.

Step 3: Check Your Equipment

Set your camera so we can see you Avoid having windows or lights directly behind you

Test your audio and your microphone Use Ethernet instead of wireless Internet to assure

strong connection

Remember to look directly at your camera Put a picture of someone behind the camera if you

need a reminder that you’re speaking to actual people!

Step 4: Present!

Sign on to the Google Hangout link for your group a few minutes before your group’s presentation time

Speak slowly and clearly

Begin your presentation by introducing yourself and your teaching/research context

Refer the audience to your written materials when appropriate

Tell us about the topic you’re interested in and the research you’re proposing!


Each person will present for the specified time limit (usually about 10 minutes; see Module 3 commentary for details)

READ faculty will then have time to ask you questions and discuss your proposal with you

These questions are meant to help you clarify and extend your thinking.

Take notes so you can incorporate suggestions into your final proposal

We’re looking forward to

hearing about all you’ve been

working on.


See you during your presentation…