Tugas call salfiana amalia


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Name : Salfiana Amalia

Class : BG VII/j

NIM : 10535574913


Speak English application

A. Speak English knowledge

speak english is one of the skill that very important in learning English. because it is a

very major thing that must be mastered. in speaking English, there are some important

things that need to be considered primarily pronouncation. there are many people who

have difficulty in pronunciation of the English language but there would be good if

someone who is experiencing these obstacles continue to practice by listening to songs or

conversation English through audio and followed

B. How to use Speak English Application

First, open the application of speak english on your gadget. after opening the

application, you will find many features there. Than, open one of the features that you

want to learn. after that will come a lot of vocabulary is important that we can learn.

select one of the words or phrases that will be studied, and then follow pronunciation, and

so on.

C. The Function of Speak English Application

speak english application has a very useful function for user. by using this application,

we can know the pronunciation of a word or phrases correctly, so no more obstacles

encountered when speaking English in public. this application can helps us become

speaker of English better.

D. The Example of Using Speak English Application

speak english application has many features, so that users of these applications can be

easily to used. as :

- The beginner session, there are 7 features that can be used are: pronunciation I

containing words beginning with th.w.v. Pronunciation II and III contain silent letters, IV

contains the different pronunciation of the words, My First phrase, number, time, date

and around the house.

- The advanced sessions, there are 7 Also features that can be used is small talk,

presentation, job interview, traveling, flirting, customer service and sales pitch.

- On application speak english have settings that can adjust the volume and recording

speaking volume

- The application has a tutorial speak english application usage, making it easier for end

users to use this application

- Speak english-application has 12 languages that can be used, including English, francis,

and etc

E. My Opinion About Speak English Aplication

Speak english application is an application that I have review. This application is

considered one of the very application for someone in learning English major in speech.

This application has many features that automatically can make me easily know the

pronunciation of the English language well. after using this application I really feel the

benefits. I know the pronunciation of the English language well. I think this aplication is

very good and Easily to used