Thinking about thinking



How to think about thinking

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  • 1. Thinking About Thinking

2. We cant solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to create them. 3. Which red inner circle is larger? Think quick!!! 4. We are hardwired to compare. This is how we generally make decisions. You of course are not irrational but the person sitting next to you? 5. Facebooks privacy agreement is 5830 words U.S. Constitution is 4543 words Rational/Irrational? 6. Question: You have two papers to write for a class and the first paper is worth 10% of the grade and the second is worth 90%.Your friend has just finished the assignment and tells you it took them an hour to write the first paper and 4 hours to write the second. How much time are you going to spend writing each paper? 7. Common sense is just the habit of thought.Most of the time it just gets in the way. Question: What is your most limited resource? 8. TIME 9. Im the one that makes decisions. I am in control. I cannot be manipulated. Are you sure? 10. How do we think about our preferences 11. Does this work with physical attraction? 12. The power of comparison and the third option. 13. The results with the third option removed. 14. Intuition Intuition is the apparent ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason. The word intuition comes from the Latin word 'intueri', which is often roughly translated as meaning to look inside or to contemplate.We use intuition to make decisionsand many areWRONG. How do we test our intuition? 15. Evidence Based Decision Making. 16. I don't know what I think until I see what I say. 17. Simplify SOPPADA Method (1 page) Subject Objective Present Situation Proposal Advantage Disadvantage Action 18. Things that help 8-18-1800 19. Trust and consistency are linked. Promotion is better than defense. Connect Agendas. (People do things of their own reasons, not your!) Reciprocity is powerful. Always ask Am I sure? Thoughts 20. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
