The Diary of Anne Frank




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The Diary of Anne Frank

Alex Howard

The Diary of Anne Frank begins with a young girl

who receives a diary, which she names Kitty, for

her thirteenth birthday.

Anne Frank Starts off…





Easy goingUpbeat


Anne Frank Starts off…


Anne Frank’s life was not perfect (being a Jewish

girl living in a Nazis controlled area), but she would be

begging for it back in a few months.

Her family and a another family who had a son, Peter,

her age, are forced into hiding, in a secret room (the secret annex) for almost two

years. Anne begins to change over that period of time.

Her family and a another family who had a son, Peter,

her age, are forced into hiding for almost two years. Anne begins to change over

that period of time.

The Entrance to the secret Annex

Anne Frank begins to feel…









She tell Kitty:

“I don't want to have lived in vain like most people. I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I've never met. I want to go on living even after my death!”

It's Ironic that she says this not knowing the affect

her diary has had.

No one can say how they would they would handle such a

situation. Though the hiding harden Anne Frank she was still hopeful and she never

gave up.

Anne is inspiration to anyone who has ever been through

hard times. What she went through makes our daily problems seem

petty in comparison. It certainly puts things in perspective.

I would recommend any type of person to read book.

“I don't think of all the misery, but of

the beauty that still remains.”

“Whoever is happy will make

others happy.”

“People can tell you to keep your

mouth shut, but that doesn't stop

you from having your

own opinion.”

“Memories mean more to me

than dresses.”

“I believe that even bad people are

truly good at heart.”

- Anne Frank
