Tegrity 2012 a view of disruption



a presentation for the Tegrity Users Conference, April 19, 2012.

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A view of disruption: The future of lecture capture

Stephanie Delaney, JD, PhDSeattle Central Community College

Disruption*To interrupt or impede the normal course

To throw into disorder

Mirriam-Webser Online Dictionary

Normal = Capturing Faculty Lead Instruction

Disruption = Capturing Student Lead Instruction

Normal = Sharing Lectures with your Class

Disruption = Sharing Lectures with the World

Normal = Faculty Driven

Disruption = Student Driven

Peering into the Future

Social Reading

Adaptive Learning Environments

Learning Analytics

Things To Do Now

Share Your Lectures

Let your students record

References• NMC Horizon Report Project Short List, 2012 Higher Education Edition,

horizon.wiki.nmc.org/file/view/2012-Horizon.HE-Shortlist.pdf• Disrupting Ourselves: Learning in Higher Education by Randy Bass,

net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERM1221.pdf• All photos provided by Microsoft and iPhoto through Microsoft Office.
