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A student from the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia listens to panels during Lead & Transform: An ISTE Town Hall on Sunday. Students, teachers and administrators said we must make classrooms student centered.

Attendees share a selfie in the convention center. The chance to meet the people in your PLN face to face is one of the manhy things that sets the conference apart from other types of professional learning.

Carl Azuz, anchor of CNN Student News, enjoys a laugh with guests at the CEO Luncheon on Sunday.

The first ISTE Ignite session drew a large, enthusiastic crowd Sunday. If you weren’t there, you won’t want to miss Rounds 2, 3, and 4 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Search the program for times.

Attendees Tina Collazo and Reid Nonaka netowrk and share a laugh at the Communities Networking Fair Sunday afternoon.

The crowd raises the roof to the sounds of the Big City All Star Band during the opening keynote preshow before on Sunday evening.

Opening keynote speaker Soledad O’Brien strikes a pose before her Sunday talk. The award-winning journal-ist challenged attendees to leverage what they learn at ISTE to improve access and equity for all students.

Tamara Brooks kicks off ISTE 2015 with friends and colleagues while dancing to the Big City All Star Band during Sunday night’s Welcome Celebration.