Stat.Presentation Of Data Swine Flu



Lesson on Mean, Median and Mode for grouped data

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Ungrouped data1st term grades of iii-reverence in math

for the sy 2008-2009

GradesGrades Frequency (Frequency (ff))

68 1

73 1

74 4

75 3

76 1

77 1

78 6

79 7

80 6

81 7

82 2

86 3

89 2

Grouped data1st term grades of iii-reverence in math

for the sy 2008-2009

GradesGrades Frequency Frequency ((ff))

Class markClass markxx

fxfx Cumulative Cumulative frequencyfrequency


65-69 1 67 67 1

70-74 5 72 360 6

75-79 18 77 1386 24

80-84 15 82 1230 39

85-89 5 87 435 44

Presentation of dataFor grouped data:


Presentation of dataFor grouped data:

Frequency polygon

Presentation of dataFor grouped data:


Presentation of dataFor ungrouped data:

Line graph

Presentation of dataFor ungrouped data:

bar graph

Presentation of dataFor ungrouped data:

Pie chart

Presentation of dataFor ungrouped data:


Grouped data

To solve for the mean Divide the sum of the product of all the

class marks and frequency by the sum of all the frequency.

Grouped data

In symbols:

where is the mean, is the sum of

all the product of the frequency and the class mark and is the sum of all the frequency.



x fx


Grouped data1st term grades of iii-reverence in math

for the sy 2008-2009

GradesGrades Frequency Frequency ((ff))

Class markClass markxx

fxfx Cumulative Cumulative frequencyfrequency


65-69 1 67 67 1

70-74 5 72 360 6

75-79 18 77 1386 24

80-84 15 82 1230 39

85-89 5 87 435 44

Grouped data

To solve for the median 1. Locate the median class (the

interval that contains the middle point of the observation). This is found through the cumulative frequency column.

Grouped data1st term grades of iii-reverence in math

for the sy 2008-2009

GradesGrades Frequency Frequency ((ff))

Class markClass markxx

fxfx Cumulative Cumulative frequencyfrequency


65-69 1 67 67 1

70-74 5 72 360 6

75-79 18 77 1386 24

80-84 15 82 1230 39

85-89 5 87 435 44

Grouped data1st term grades of iii-reverence in math

for the sy 2008-2009

GradesGrades Frequency Frequency ((ff))

Class markClass markxx

fxfx Cumulative Cumulative frequencyfrequency


65-69 1 67 67 1

70-74 5 72 360 6

75-7975-79 1818 7777 13861386 2424

80-84 15 82 1230 39

85-89 5 87 435 44

Grouped data

To solve for the median 2. Identify the lower class boundary of

the median class, the cumulative frequency of the interval before the median class and the class width.

Grouped data1st term grades of iii-reverence in math

for the sy 2008-2009

GradesGrades Frequency Frequency ((ff))

Class markClass markxx

fxfx Cumulative Cumulative frequencyfrequency


65-69 1 67 67 1

70-74 5 72 360 6

75-7975-79 1818 7777 13861386 2424

80-84 15 82 1230 39

85-89 5 87 435 44

Grouped data

In symbols:

where is the lower limit of the

median class, is the class width, is the sum of all the frequency, is the cumulative frequency of the interval before the median class and is the frequency of the median class.




m f







Grouped data1st term grades of iii-reverence in math

for the sy 2008-2009

GradesGrades Frequency Frequency ((ff))

Class markClass markxx

fxfx Cumulative Cumulative frequencyfrequency


65-69 1 67 67 1

70-74 5 72 360 6

75-7975-79 1818 7777 13861386 2424

80-84 15 82 1230 39

85-89 5 87 435 44

Grouped data

To solve for the mode Simply identify the midpoint of the

interval with the largest number of class frequency.

Grouped data1st term grades of iii-reverence in math

for the sy 2008-2009

GradesGrades Frequency Frequency ((ff))

Class markClass markxx

fxfx Cumulative Cumulative frequencyfrequency


65-69 1 67 67 1

70-74 5 72 360 6

75-79 18 77 1386 24

80-84 15 82 1230 39

85-89 5 87 435 44

Grouped data1st term grades of iii-reverence in math

for the sy 2008-2009

GradesGrades Frequency Frequency ((ff))

Class markClass markxx

fxfx Cumulative Cumulative frequencyfrequency


65-69 1 67 67 1

70-74 5 72 360 6

75-79 18 77 1386 24

80-84 15 82 1230 39

85-89 5 87 435 44

Example 2the no. of hours spent by the students in doing their

homeworksTime (h)Time (h) Frequency Frequency

of studentsof students((ff))

Class markClass markxx

fxfx Cumulative Cumulative frequencyfrequency


0-2 2 1 2 2

3-5 13 4 52 15

6-8 20 7 140 35

9-11 11 10 110 46

12-14 4 13 52 50


1. Recite the formula for solving the mean, median and mode.

2. How can we use this lesson in real life?

3. discuss way/s on how you can easily memorize the formula for solving the mean, median and mode?

assignmentSolve for the mean, median and mode:

(1/2 sheet cwip) Class Class intervalsintervals

Frequency Frequency ((ff))

Class markClass markxx

fxfx Cumulative Cumulative frequencyfrequency


15-24 2 19.5 39 2

25-34 3 29.5 88.5 5

35-44 4 39.5 158 9

45-54 6 49.5 297 15

55-64 5 59.5 297.5 20