SPJ Bootcamp at SIUE


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Journalism in the digital age

@HollyEdgellSt. Louis Society of Professional JournalistsCollege Journalism Boot CampSIUEFebruary 2016

“We are in something of a golden age of journalism for news consumers.

There’s no shortage of great journalism being done, and there’s no shortage of people hungering for it.

-Arianna Huffington

FIRST My motto > “Journalism is about people” My other motto > “Have a multimedia state of

mind” So, what’s the story?

Purpose or missionIs there a news hook?

Cultivate curiosity Storytelling vs. reporting


So What’s the Story? What are you trying to convey?

Information, humor, emotional impact 5 categories to consider

People Process Place Event Trends & Data


PS: It’s always about PEOPLE Who is affected, has been affected or

will be affected? Know your audience

Campus population v. wider community


Basic sources: human Most news organizations will want at

least two real live sources; i.e. people THREE is even better1. Central Compelling Character(s)

> victim, patient, stakeholder, profile subject, outraged individual

2. Perspective person; expert3. Observers, opinions


Digital reality checkHow & where are people going to consume your story? TV Paper Phone Tablet Laptop PC

Digital reality checkHow can you provide a complete picture? Photos, video Graphics Text Links Maps Embeds

4 great FREE digital tools For finding info, people

Social media “crowdsourcing” For curating content

Storify For tracking social media conversation

Tweetdeck, Hootsuite For tracking trends, getting story ideas

Google Trends

Twitter > @HollyEdgell edgellholly@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/hollyedgell https://www.facebook.com/holly.edgell http://www.slideshare.net/hollyedgell Blog > http://hollyedgell.wordpress.com

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