Some thoughts about history


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Some thoughts about History…

Emilia Wills

In its best form, history is story

(written or painted or sung or carried in our DNA)…

*What is History and The Journey of man.

People do want to know where they came from…

… and why present conditions are as they are …

*What is History

Human societies and individuals explain and

justify and validate themeselves by presenting

history in so many forms…

*What is History

An influencial individual or group of people might want

events interpreted in only cercains ways…

*What is History

Most histories in past, were written

from the “winning” side…

We know Hernan Cortes version of

the conquering of Tenochtitlan.

*What is History

… but we do not know Motecuzhoma’s version of the facts…

Today a cohort of historians has radically challenged

conventional ways of marking history…

*Changing interpretations of America´s past.

…Considering different sources

for explain and interpretate this story about who

we are… including

catastrophes, plagues and even history written in

ours genes.

*Catrastrophe, Changing…

All those new radical approaches to history

let us to imagine the world again…

* The World & the Trade

However, big history makes us to think in our role as


What is our value as individuals in this great
