Social media story of bakers and his customer


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Social Media Marketing


Story of bakers & his customer

Marketing can be annoying,but it can be meaningful as well.It can make you broke,or make you the new Google.PS:Don’ttrytobeEvil.

Do you Love/Hate Marketing?

I HateMarketing

I love Marketing

What are the 3 Eras

of Marketing?

Product Centric

ىنتضع اھقنخب اناو مارحلا تنباھتودع شلوقت ,ىدیا ىف


Culture Influence

In another wordsThe “Story”

of bakers & his customer.

The Baker was in a small village.The Baker had a personal relationship.Have a daily Dialogue.It was a Special Experience to Visit.

The bakery turned into a factory, the village became a city.the factory had no relationship, no dialogue & there was no experience. with its customers.

Now Marketing goes back to basics.big brands behave like little bakeries.they initiate personal relationships & start dialogues with their customers.They do not only offer products, but brand experiences as well.

Where does Social Media

fit in the Marketing Mix

Business Mission

Business Goals

Marketing Goals

Social Media Goals

Social Media Tactic

Start Here

NOT Here

Who are your COMPETITORSon Social Media?

Do you want to Reach

many people as much as you can?

Do you want to get Engagements

as much as you can?

What is your Main GOAL from Social Media?

The Goal is NOT to be Good at Social Media

The Goal is to be Good at BusinessBecause of Social Media

How to promote your events?

Include a Clear Call to Action in event Info.Get Your Presenters Involved.Offer a Sneak Peek.Do a Countdown.Promote early until The VERY END.Provide customer support.Ask for the feedback.

One More Thing

Luck is an attitude.

