Social Innovation Workshop Botswana



The first RLabs workshop in Botswana covered the topic of Social Innovation

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Changing your lens

“Change will not come if we wait for some other

person or some other time. We are the ones we've

been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

See things Differently

Phase 0: Problem


Become the Problem Expert


Become the point of reference


Solutions will have to start with you

Deconstructing the problem

Why is this a Problem?

Why did this occur?

How urgent is this problem?

How are others addressing the problem?

Phase 1: Idea

1.An idea may not be an invention

&An Invention may not be a good


2.Break the whole process with a

time limit&

Be disciplined about time

3.Generate as many ideas as


Forget about constraints first

4.Select the best 3 Ideas from the


5.Get the best one by Elimination

and debate

6.Start putting constraints on your

best idea

7.Once you worked that out, test

the idea

Phase 2: Innovation

Concern for man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all innovative endeavors.

As Innovators we need a shift of focus…

…from the world Of innovation…

… to innovation for the world

“Social innovation

is new ideas that work in meeting social goals”

Phase 3: Entrepreneurship

”the pursuit of

opportunity without

regard to resources currently

controlled.”Howard Stevenson

Create Value

Deliver Value

Capture Value

“Here's to the crazy ones,… because the ones who are crazy enough to think

that they can

change the world,

Are the ones who do.”