Roles in our group


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Roles in our Group

The roles we had changed every week because we gave different people in our group the chance to do different things instead of sticking to one thing that they may not end up liking. The roles that each team member had to most were -

Irbaaz – Drawer, designer and DT Specialist

My role includes creating and designing things to do with the sculpture. I can create additional designs and draw on anything if we need something or we change our mind about the sculpture design. As part of the role I need to be able to produce good accurate designs and I need to be able to be able to create designs. The skills I need are I need to be imaginative and I need to have good designing skills. My team decided that I was suited for this role because I am imaginative and I can create things easily, I am also good at drawing.

Ryan – Lead organiser and planner

Ryan got given the role of the lead organiser and the planner because he is very organised and instructive, people in the group can listen to him and he can listen to people in the group that’s why we chose him as the organiser. As part of Ryan’s role he needed to be able to produce good instructions and deadlines that were reasonable and that everyone could follow, he also needed to be able to organise everyone and give people roles and responsibilities to follow and complete. The skills Ryan needed to be suited for his role is he needed to be very organised and very time efficient, he also needs to be able to plan. Ryan is suited for this role because he has an organising personality and he is good at planning.

Amar – Artistic designer and drawer

Amar had been given the role of the artistic designer and drawer because he is very artistic and has a good imagination. He likes drawing so we thought the best thing for him to do in the group was to draw the designs and drawings, he also had to do things such as scale drawings. As part of Amar’s role he needed to be able to produce accurate designs that look interesting and eye catching. He needed to design things that the whole group wanted to make. The skills Amar needed were he needed to be imaginative and creative; he needed to be able to draw things if we needed anything changed and he needed to create designs and drawings for scratch. Amar’s role was suited for him because he is a very artistic person and he likes designing things.

Marie – Minute taker, organiser and researcher

Marie was given the role of the minute taker, organiser and researcher because these roles are things that she is good at doing. She is good at taking minutes and setting deadlines for the group to complete work in. She is much organised and likes things to be done on time, also she can find things easily on the internet such as materials. The skills Marie needed were she needed to be reasonable and set good deadlines, she needed to be very organised if deadlines weren’t made and she needed to be able to tell the rest of the group research she had found. Marie’s role was suited for her because she is the kind of person who likes researching into things such as materials and she likes planning.
