Revised annual plan_2010[1]


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Revised Annual Plan 2010

Strategic Goal: to enhance high quality learning with the use of ICTs


"The technology is not the focus of the learning, but it provides an essential vehicle for getting to the destination ...The inquiry - what the student wants to learn - provides the fuel for the vehicle. Without fuel the vehicle is useless."

Owens, Hester & Teale, 2002

e-tools are a vehicle for learning

It is important our school community (children, staff, parents & BOT) to understand why they using the technology - it needs to be embedded into the learning in our classroom programmes

Annual Goal: by November 2011 90% of students will often use a

computer in their learningOur goal has been driven by the student engagement survey

and the 3 Year ICT PD Ministry contract we are currently involved in

What has happened so far?

Strategies to meet annual plan

The infrastructure journey so far...New server, securities and network fully operational

Laptops for teachers

Library & media spaces developed (E-Space & Eye-Box)

Upgraded desktop PCs in each classroom & the E-Space

Digital camera for every classroom

Pilot interactive whiteboard installed in the E-Space & in one classroom

Rukus Wireless Radio

The infrastructure journey so far...SMS (student management system) - MUSAC

Through the SMS Tahunanui has a customized digital report

Remote access for all teachers - to the server/MUSAC

Member of the LOOP

Generic image/platform for all PCs across the school

Trialling Google Apps & SSO (single sign on) with teachers & small number of students

Moved from purchasing hard ware to leasing

ICT Professional Development at TahunanuiSchool Wide Professional Development:�

Whakatu I.C.T. cluster in service day & cluster wide mtgs

In school & cluster wide walk through

Staff meetings dedicated to pedagogy, androgogy, & e-learning

Techie Brekkies for all staff (teachers & teacher aides)

Tahunanui School Wiki Page

Staff and students exploring Web 2.0 tools and other digital learning objects (e.g. windows movie maker)

What next?

Strategies to meet annual plan

The Model of Professional Development at Tahunanui

We have embarked on a personalised professional development for individual teachers:

1:1 release with lead e-learning teacher - to personalise professional development (45 minute session x2 per term)

Lead e-learning teachers to work with teachers and their class in the e-space and in the classroom

Teachers developing their individual goals set in 1:1 sessions in their CRT time through e-tools or professional reading

Purpose of 1:1 sessions with teachers

Make syndicate I.C.T. goals more precise

Personalise professional development

Identify who can help achieve goals

Identify I.C.T.s to be used on the cluster wide walk through

(The four points/purposes for 1:1 sessions are interelated)

Where will our infrastructure and professional development journey take us next?

SNUP upgrades

Aligning teaching & learning models with our school value

Developing our classrooms for 21st century learning

Identifying the best use and distribution of e-tools & hardware across the school

“Imagine saying to your students, ‘Okay class, now we’re all going to get up and go down the hall to the room where the pens are.”

Mary Cuillane (Microsoft)

"The research (Becker, 2000; Norris, Sullivan, Poirot & Soloway, 2003; Ravitz, Wong and Becker,1998) supports computers being located in classrooms if they are going to be used by teachers and students. Additionally, having computers in labs means it is not as easy to integrate computers into the classroom programme or for teachers and students to use them as they would any other classroom tool..."

Jan-Marie Kellow

Welcome to the Inquiring Mind site. This site is a collection of information,

research results and resources about inquiry learning that I compiled during my time as a Ministry of Education e-learning fellow. The views

expressed on this website are my own, developed through research, reading and over 20 years experience in the classroom.


"The technology is not the focus of the learning, but it provides an essential vehicle for getting to the destination ...The inquiry - what the student wants to learn - provides the fuel for the vehicle. Without fuel the vehicle is useless."

Owens, Hester & Teale, 2002

"...1:5 or 1:6 ratio in the classroom and then a shared mobile pod of wireless laptops to bring the ratio down to 1:2 when needed. This solution is a lower cost alternative, takes less space and the computers would be able to move to areas of need rather than lying idle (McKenzie, 2001)."

Jan-Marie Kellow

When thinking about what constitutes an ICT-rich classroom environment Jan-Marie Kellow states the research of Wilson:

Wilson (1995) defines this as " a place where learners may work together and support each other as they use a variety of tools and information resources in their pursuit of learning goals and problem-solving activities."

Jan-Marie Kellow

Web 2.0 Applications

Using the computer within our classroom programmes

Why use Web 2.0?Web 2.0 can...

Create opportunities for students to reflect on and discuss what they are learningPractice the written expression of ideas and opinions with an authentic audienceHelp students explore classroom learning through what others have writtenReceive support and feedback on their own ideas through teacher/peer commentsLearn about and practice collaboration, respect, and relating to others onlinePromote the overall teaching and learning goals of the classroom

information from

Health & Safety

protecting and respecting ourselves & others online

So far at Tahunanui we have...Created cyber safety agreements for senior & junior students which are signed by students & parents

Created cyber safety agreements for staff

Provided cyber information at the KOS parents evening (John Parsons from Stimulate 2 Educate)

Used Web 2.0 tools to provide a safe platform for students to explore issues of cyber safety and develop a code of ethics to help them protect and respect themselves & others on line

Suggestions for where to next...Implement structured unit/lesson plans based around cyber safety, digital citizenship & respecting and protecting on line identities

Turn our senior and junior cyber safety agreements into 'living documents'

Continue to use Web 2.0 tools to provide a safe platform for students to explore issues of cyber safety and develop a code of ethics to help them protect and respect themselves & others on line

Year 5/6 partake in digital health & safety, a staff meeting (and another parent evening?) with John Parsons from Stimulate 2 Educate.

We need to be continually reflecting upon and adapting our pedagogy and androgogy to enable our school community to become...

...confident, connected, actively involved and life

long learners.Page 8 NZC

infrastructure - use of e-tools - health & safety
