quiz 1


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• In the 1st century AD, Roman scribes wrote in cursive, so when they wrote the Latin word “__,” they would join the alphabets together which formed a characteristic shape.

• Eventually, schoolchildren started reciting it as the 27th

alphabet in schools (with an additional Latin expression) which eventually got corrupted into X, which is how this character is typically known as today.

• For full points, ID the character (what it is used for) and also X, the name by which it is technically known.



• “__ _____ ________” is a protest song that became a key anthem of the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968), popularised primarily by X, Guy Carawan and Joan Baez.

• The title and structure of the song are said to have been derived from an early gospel song by African-American composer Charles Albert Tindley.

• Girija Kumar Mathur is credited with having composed its Hindi translation.

• ID X and the song.

“We Shall Overcome” (Pete Seeger)

Ring Around the Rosie/Ringa-Ringa-Roses

• “The rosie” is a reference to the rash that covered the individuals afflicted with plague.

• The rashes used to smell teribbly, so the victims often attempted to cover it up with “a pocket full of posies.”

• 15% of England’s population was affected by it, reflected in the line, “We all fall down.”


• According to German legend, on his 1762 visit to Schonbrunn, the Austrian royal palace, a 7-year-old boy, X, playing with the young princesses, slipped on a polished floor. Bursting into tears, he was picked up and comforted by a 7-year-old girl Y. X then kissed Y. “You are nice,” he declared. “I will marry you.”

• X did not end up marrying Y, who got married into the royal house of a neighbouring country.Both X and Y went on to die in their 30s—X of disease, Y of beheading.

• ID X and Y.

X: Mozart, Y: Marie Antoinette


• Connect the following Olympic athletes with an infamous action they’ve all been associated with:

• Mark Wells (USA) – 1980, Hockey

• Wladimir Klitschko (Ukraine) – 1996, Boxing

• Anthony Ervin (USA) – 2000, Swimming

• Otylia Jedrzejczak (Poland) – 2004, Swimming

Ans: Having Sold Their Medals


• The _____ ____ is a semi-organised group of English cricket fans which arranges touring parties for some of its members to follow the English cricket team on overseas tours.

• The group, then less organised, was given its name by the Australian media during the 1994 - 1995 Test series in Australia, reportedly for the fans' audacity in travelling to Australia in the near-certain knowledge that their team would lose, and the fact that they kept on chanting even when England were losing quite badly.


The Barmy Army


• Charles Douglass was the inventor of this one-of-a-kind device wherein he used a keyboard to select the style, gender and age of “something” as well as a foot pedal to time the length of the reaction.

• What was the use of this device?(Picture on next slide)

The laugh track on TV shows

X on two separate occasions has insisted that the Y’s initial price was just a coincidence, and that they did not even know the number had religious implications. Unfortunately for X he cannot keep his story straight.

“I simply like triple digit numbers with all the things I’m involved with, the cost of making it was around $540 or there a bouts and we agreed on the best markup, retail price above the cost of building it, which worked out to a number. Z then tacked on the cents to make it an eye-catcher price for the ads with the sale and promotion publications of it to the public.”

“I was into repeating digits, and then we came up - Z worked a deal to sell his computers wholesale price to the store for $500 bucks. what should the retail be? Add a third on. that puts it at about this number, because its all one digit, to me that's just an easier way to type.”

X, Y, Z.

Or X, Z (people) and funda


• X – Steve Jobs

• Y – Apple 1

• Z – Steve Wozniak

• Funda – Price of Apple 1 was $666.66

Press Reviews for what?

Chicago Tribune : "The dedicatory remarks by the President will live among the annals of man."

Chicago Times : “The cheeks of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat, and dishwatery utterances.”

Harrisburg Patriot and Union : “We pass over the silly remarks of the President; for the credit of the Nation we are willing that the veil of oblivion shall be dropped over them and that they shall no more be repeated or thought of.”


• Lincoln’s Gettysburg address

• Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

• Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

• But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain— that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

- Toni Kroos & Franck Ribery in a 6-0 Bayern Munich victory over Hertha Berlin- Marco Reus & Mike Hanke in a 3-0 Borussia Monchengladbach victory over FC KolnWhat specific occurences involving these players in the two games above happened in the 2011-12 Bundesliga season?


• Rock Paper Scissors for deciding who takes the free-kick

• An arxiv paper discussing something.

• The velocity is chiefly dependent on the shape (circular, square), and the initial spin provided.

• The number can be calculated thusly. What?


• “The physics of Stone Skipping”

• To calculate the number of bounces.

David CrossSeth RogenLucy LiuJackie ChanAngelina Jolie

How do we better know this group?


• The Furious Five from Kung Fu Panda

"Russian Mountains” were specially constructed hills of ice, located especially around Saint Petersburg. They consisted of slides which were built to a height of between 70 and 80 feet, consisted of a 50 degree drop, and were reinforced by wooden supports. The Russian Mountains of Belleville were constructed in Paris in 1817 with key features as we see them today. The name Russian Mountains to designate a X is preserved in most Latin languages. Ironically, the Russian term for X is "американские горки" ("amerikanskiye gorki"), which means "American Mountains". What is X?


• Roller Coaster

Agatha came once, she shall come again 6 years later and so forth, as shall Estelle and Frank. Adrian shall take Agatha’s place next year and we pray we would never need Zelda. Alice was the first to come, while Bob was the first guy and Onil was the first Indian. As years have passed we have seen some Spanish and French unlike earlier. Some famous names we have heard are now retired due to their popularity. What is being talked about?


Naming system of tropical cyclones/hurricanes

8. Whose artwork ?

Adolf Hitler.

For what specific thing did Facebook pay the The American Farm Bureau Federation 8.5 million dollars?

The domain fb.com.

__________ also referred to as motor neuron disease (MND), Charcot disease (in France "maladie de Charcot"), and, in the United States, Lou Gehrig's disease—is a neurodegenerative disease with various causes. It is characterised by muscle spasticity, rapidly progressive weakness due to muscle atrophy, difficulty in speaking (dysarthria), swallowing (dysphagia), and breathing (dyspnea). ALS is the most common of the five motor neuron diseases. One of the famous victims of this disease is Stephen Hawking. In recent times this disease has somehow accumulated the internet's attention. How so ?

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

____ actually comes from the Roman for for a container or a pot and is a very very famous form of pasta. This pasta is typically sold as sheets after which it is cut off and used for cooking. Weirdly enough comic writer Jim Davis helped popularise this pasta when he talked of one his characters insatiable lust for this. What character ?

Garfield and Lasagna.

Evanna Lynch’s obsession with Harry Potter is almost legendary. While hospitalised as an 11 year old, she was allowed to sneak out for an hour to collect a signed copy of the book. She also maintained an epistolary relationship with JK Rowling throughout her childhood. In a fairytale moment, Evanna also won the role of a character in the Harry Potter series and was described by Rowling as “perfect”. WHich character does Evanna Lynch play?

Luna Lovegood.

Which philosopher’s last words -

“Go away! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough.”

Karl Marx.

Frank Oz was a master puppeteer who worked frequently in the Muppets his stellar work led him to be cast as one of the most well known characters of the century. Although Jim Henson (the Muppets founder) was contacted first for this role, Oz was chosen and the rest as they say is well known quiz trivia.

Which legendary character ?

Master Yoda.

4. Several common words have their origins to give almost solely to pop culture. Though Online Etymology Dictionary speculates that the word is an alteration of the 1940s term ______ (meaning "stupid or crazy person"), Seuss’s 1950 children’s book If I Ran the Zoo contains the first printed usage of the word X, as a strange little animal one might like to keep locked up:

”And then, just to show them, I’ll sail to Ka-Troo

And Bring Back an It-Kutch a Preep and a Proo

A Nerkle a X and a Seersucker, too!”

By the 1960s, this word picked up popularity across the USA to being synonymous to a drip or a square as according to Newsweek. However, the mainstream usage of the word must be credited to Happy Days. What’s the word?


Identify this guy and give us why he was on the news a while back.

Edgar Martirosyan – The pizza delivery guy from the Oscars

The Lord of Light is a sci-fi fantasy novel by Roger Zelazny which won the Hugo award for best novel in 1968. The story revolves around a band of men who have become powerful, immortal and rulers of the world as Gods of the Hindu pantheon and how they are opposed by one who was known as Siddhartha and now as Mahasamatmana.k.a 'Sam'.

The novel was set to go on to become a film (and much more) but under unfortunate circumstances the development was cancelled. Funnily enough, the under development script, after being rebranded, was an instrumental part of ________. What?
