Props for our film opening




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ScrapbookThe main prop within our film opening is the scrapbook. This is the central focus of the whole opening sequence; the scrapbook will act as an anchor to guide the viewer through the couple’s memories. The photograph on the right is a sample of how Molly and I envisage the scrapbook to look like; personal, handmade and full of memories.


These are photographs of the other books that Katy will be carrying in the pile of books that she puts on her desk, before she finds the scrapbook, at the very beginning of the film opening. These books don’t carry any real importance, one is a novel and the other is an informative book on Ambigrams. However they portray Katy as an intelligent and intellectual girl, which is how we want her to be represented in our film opening.

Mobile phone

The mobile phone will be used in the ‘first meeting’ scene by Luke. This reinforces his character’s average teenager status as it’s one of the stereotypical habits of a teenager. When Luke texts on his phone, it creates connotations of nervousness as it is a commonly used act to disguise an awkward situation. This makes the audience understand the significance of this meeting.

Hot Chocolate

We will use two hot chocolates in the ‘cafe’ scene to make Luke and Katy’s first date seem more realistic, as it’s a typical past time that a couple would enjoy. More importantly the hot drink reinforces the chilly Autumnal theme that we have throughout our film opening; thus creating continuity. The hot chocolate can also be used as a way of portraying the bond that the couple have e.g. Sharing hot chocolate, or putting cream on each other’s noses to add humour to the scene.


In the ‘bedroom’ scene which is the last clip in the scrapbook, the couple will have a pillow fight. This enhances the fun, happy context of the film opening, whilst also reinforcing the romantic genre of the film as it’s a cute (although slightly clichéd) activity for a couple. The pillow fight also helps to represent the character’s personalities as being; loving, caring and playful.