Proficiency exam for students - oral test


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Aeronautical coursesORAL TEST

Prof. Nilo Jeronimo VieiraPrepare a presentation about a real company. It can be: Boeing, Nestlé,

Embraer, Johnson & Johnson, etc. During the presentation you need to introduce yourself as a CEO of the company. Talk about yourself and your résumé. It can be fictitious. Talk about your responsibilities and your job. After that, talk about the company:

Be sure to mention the key elements of your company: – (they need to be real) Its main activities, type of products, its size, its location, number of employees, etc.

Pay attention: we are evaluating your fluency in English. You can use the PowerPoint with topics and pictures. Don’t use long texts, sounds or movies.

Maximum 6 slides Time: 3 to 5 minutes.

Bibliography: Business Result Book – Oxford University Press

Student EvaluationStudent Name:

Course Level – today:

Excellent Good Average PoorComprehensionPronunciationAccuracyFluency

Student Strengths:

Areas for Improvement:



Teacher: ___________________________________________________________
