Present progressive/continuous


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Present Progressive ORPresent Continuous

Use & Verbs

What do we know about verbs ?

We know verbs show an action We know a verb is a “part of speech”: In a sentence the structure is:

Subject Verb Object

How would you describe the action in this picture?

Chances are… you would say SpongeBob and Patrick are catching jellyfish.

What questions can you ask about this picture?

What are they trying to catch? Are they trying to catch jellyfish? Who is trying to catch jellyfish?

Present Progressive Tense The present progressive tense is also known as the present

continuous tense.

When using a verb, we use the present progressive tense to show: 1.  An action happening right now.

2.  An action that is happening regularly but isn't finished. It is a longer action that is in progress.

3.  An action that is happening in a period of time around now. It is an action that will probably take place in the near future.

1.  An action happening right now. Examples:

The cat is running.

The boy is riding his bike.

The girl is jumping rope.

The dog is barking.

2.  An action that is happening regularly but isn't finished.

Examples: We are learning how to cook.

They are planning to travel.

My aunt is writing a book.

I am reading the book Tom Sawyer.

3. An action that is happening in a period of time around now.


You are coming over for a pizza later.

They are going to a show tonight.

We are driving there next weekend.

I am meeting my friend after school.

Present Progressive Structure Verbs in the present continuous tense end in –ing.

The Present Progressive

To talk about things that are happening now/ continuing around the time of speaking/ to describe photos


now, right now, at the moment, at present Time Expressions

Subject + am/is/are + verb ing. PositiveSubject + am/is/are not + verb ing. NegativeAm/Is/Are + subject + verb ing. Yes/No Q.Wh- + am/is/are + subject + verb ing. Wh. Q.Who/What is + verb ing. Subject Q.

Identify the Sentences with Present Progressive Verbs

1. I like to drink hot chocolate in the winter.2. We are going to the movies tonight.3. Do you think it will rain next week?4. He doesn’t listen to his friends.5. His friends are calling him.6. She is studying for the English test.7. They are practicing for the concert.8. You are waiting quietly.9. Do you dance in every English lesson?

PracticeChoose a photo from the family photo album and

describe what is happening in it in the present progressive.
