Pinterest by-peter-yexley



A quick and simple guide to Pinterest by Peter Yexley.Making money from Pinterest and using Pinterest to market a business.

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Easy Guide To Pinterest

By Peter Yexley

What Is Pinterest?

Think of a notice board, that's what Pinterest is. Users pin photos that link to products they love to share. You see a picture that you like and pin in on your board, it gives a link to that website page.

By Peter Yexley

Some Pinterest Facts• 10 Million unique visitors per month

• 11 million registered users on Pinterest

• Pinterest generates more traffic than Youtube, Google+, and LinkedIn combined

• It is the fastest site in history to break through the 10 million unique visitor mark

By Peter Yexley

How Pinterest Works

Users pin any image from any website they want to share – this is linked back to the original site and other visitors can re-pin that image to their own board = MORE VISITORS

By Peter Yexley

Pinterest Boards

A board is a collection of pinned pictures. Each board

is created on almost any topic sports, food, cake

designs, hairstyles, cooking etc. Each picture is a link to a

web page.

By Peter Yexley

Pinterest is very Viral!

Over 80% Pins are Re-pins!

Each time your pin is re-pinned, the potential traffic is increased,

and increased.

By Peter Yexley

•Food•Television•Beauty/Fashion•Sport/Health•Travel•Non Profit•Retail•Home Improvement

By Peter Yexley

When the big boys play, there's a big reason – powerful marketing opportunities. Nearly all

big brands are into Pinterest

How Pinterest can help you market and promote your business

• Shout about your brand with pictures – IT's FREE ADVERTISING! and links to your website

• Market your best selling products at NO COST !!

• Push your business and go viral - gain a huge social media presence

• Generate FREE VIRAL Pinterest traffic to your website•

By Peter Yexley

There's lots of ways to market & promote your website Want to know more?

Contact Peter

Number 01727 825 999 (UK)

By Peter Yexley
