Peter's first day at school. juan restrepo. carlos esquivel


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By: Juan Pablo Restrepo Uribe and Carlos Guillermo Esquivel Ramírez

Peter was very sad because today he had his first day class at school. He was

very mournful for separate of his mother and he didn’t want to study. His

mother woke him in morning, she bathed him, she put him his clothes (against

his desire) and later, she prepared the breakfast. After the breakfast, Peter

didn’t want go to School and he began to run, as a crazy, for all house and he

hid of his mother. She was furious for her son’s attitude. Thirty minutes

after, she found her disobedient son and took him to the School, while him

was kicking and complaining. When they arrived at School and then his mother

said “good bye”, Peter began to cry; he was very, very sad. However, his new

teacher, Mr. Gonzales, said him that should be happy, because he will meet

new friends and he will enjoy the school. Mr. Gonzales guided his new small

student to his new classroom. When Peter went into the classroom, he saw

many unknown children. He felt uncomfortable but, a few minutes later, he

felt with self-confidence and began to speak and play with the other children.

Peter sad

Peter and his new friends

At the end of the day there was a surprise event at school: ¡A circus! The

children were very happy, they were to see jugglers, contortionists and

Chinese acrobats doing all kinds of stunts and tricks, french poodle dogs

dancing on a ball, a man eating all kinds of swords (he was a sword-swallower),

a man swallowing and spitting fire like a dragon (he was a fire-swallower)... The

circus was amazing. When the children were more concentrated and

entertained, suddenly, the lights went out. The children were nervous; they

did not like the dark.

The funny circus

When the teachers turn the lights on the mystery is revealed. On the stage

there was a lot of coloring clowns. They began to tell jokes and to make all

kinds of activities funny. The children were happy and excited. However, one

child was in complete silence and motionless. That was Peter. He was petrified,

with his face very pallid and completely mute for the fear. Nobody in at

School knew that he had much afraid the clowns, but they began to suspect

when a clown approached too much to Peter that he (for the panic felt) peed

on himself in the pants. After that unfortunate event, Peter didn’t turn

himself. But that is other history: the beginning of a horror history.

The clowns

The “bad” clown