Panel on Digital Badges


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Public Library for Badges on Make Waves

Take Missions and Earn Badges

Make Waves

Teaching to Learn

Give credit where credit is due.

1. Introduce yourself on our Google+ Community 2. Install and enter Bb Collaborate and Discord for voice in world3. Fill in the Google Registration form4. Reflect on your activities for Weeks 1-25. Join the Missions Accomplished Google sheet6. Join us in Minecraft7. Explore other networks in Minecraft8. Build something in creative mode on our server9. Create pictures or video of you in survival mode10.Reflect on your experiences in survival mode11. Help crowd source EVO Minecraft Useful Websites and Blogs

Missions Accomplished

Participants discern what to do starting with the landing page for EVO Minecraft MOOC

Instructions and tutorials showing how to accomplish missions found at

The spreadsheet is visible to anyone at
