


nutrition 5th grade

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5th Grade Saint Andrew

Eating is good for your health



Humans are omnivores; they eatall kinds of food.



The more we eat, the healthier we are.



Milk and cheese are animal products that we can eat.



A balanced diet includes only fruit and vegetables



Food and nutrients

• The food you eat daily helps you strengthen your body.

• It provides energy abd nutrients that keep the body systems healthy.

Function of food: Renovation

• Renovation: it restores and regenerates tissue and organs.

Function of food: Renovation

• It insures the growth and development of the body.

Function of food: Energy

• It provides the energy that the organism needs for heat and movement.

Function of food: Replacement

• It replaces the water loss through urine, sweat, and feces.• The body needs at least 1 liter of water a day to function.

Nutrients in food

• A nutrient is a substance that the body needs to grow, develop, and maintain itself.

• Your body obtains nutrients from the food you eat.

Nutrients in food

• Nutrients perform different functions in our organism to keep it functioning correctly.

Nutrients in food


Lipids of fats



• Proteins are large molecules. They are formed by smaller molecules called amino acids.

Defense: They protect the body from certain microorganisms and foreign bodies.

Stucture: They form part of the structuresin our body such as skin.

Regulation: They regulate the chemical reactions in the body. Enzimes are a type of protein.

Transportation: some proteins carry specific molecules. Hemoglobin is a type of protein that carries oxygen.


• They are also called sugars. They consist mainly of glucose molecules.

Energy: They provide instant energy. Glucose, the simplist carbohydrate is used for this funcion.

Structure: They form the stucture s such as the cell wallof plant cells.

Reserve: Animals store carbohydrates as glycogen.Plants store glycogen as starch.Glycogen and starchare complex carbohydrates that can beconverted to glucose.


They are chemical substances indispensable for the body.

They help prevent disease and optimize vital functions.

Mineral salts

They are nutrients They are essential in small quantities.

They help your body function properly.







It is an essential moleculeIt transports nutrients and waste throug the body.

Water is the main component of living things.

Nutrition Balance

• There is a great ammount of food around us; but what and how much should we eat to stay healthy?

Nutrition Balance

• A balanced diet is one that keeps the body healthy.• A balanced diet provides the nutrients and

energy to perform everyday activities.

Nutrition Balance

• Follow a balanced diet that includes a varity of food .

• Not everyone needs to eat the same amount of food• It Depends :

- geneder: male or female- age-physical activity levels

What should an 10-11 Boy/girl eat? According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Boy Girl

-1600 -2200 calories a day

-1400 -2000 calories a day

-34 grams of proteins.

-34 grams of proteins.

-130 grams of carbohydrates

-130 grams of carbohydrates

50 to 70 grams of fat per day for children who eat 1,800 calories a day.

50 to 70 grams of fat per day for children who eat 1,800 calories a day.

The more active the child is, the more calories he/she requires.

By eating a variety of healthy proteins, carbs and fats, your child should be getting all the vitamins and minerals he needs.

Food Pyramid
