NAD's Innovative Splintering of Adventism


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The Innovative Splintering

of Adventism

This presentation details the National Conferences on Innovation, and demonstrates how the North American Division promoted and supported these conferences, up until a petition to close down the conferences was circulated

and submitted. Close to 2,000 individuals signed the petition in protest of the conferences.

“There is manifested on the part of men in responsible positions an unwillingness to confess

where they have been in the wrong; and their neglect is working disaster, not only to themselves,

but to the churches… you will be left to make mistakes of a similar character, you will continue to

lack wisdom, and will call sin righteousness and righteousness sin. The multitude of deceptions that will prevail in these last days will encircle you, and

you will change leaders, and not know that you have done so.”

Review & Herald, vol. 2 448-449, Dec. 16, 1890.

“Spiritual darkness has covered the earth and gross darkness the people. Many, very many, are

questioning the verity and truth of the Scriptures. Human reasoning and the imaginings

of the human heart are undermining the inspiration of the Word of God, and that which should be received as granted, is surrounded

with a cloud of mysticism. Nothing stands out in clear and distinct lines, upon rock bottom. This

is one of the marked signs of the last days.” 1 SM pg. 15.2 (FLB pg. 13.3)

NAD Resource Center(AdventSource, Vervant, Best Practices: for Adventist Ministry)

What are these National

Conferences on Innovation?

Who sponsors them?

Best Practices

Let’s look at several of these Innovative Conferences and see who they have invited to

be keynote speakers.

1st Annual National Conference on Innovation

2005The first "INNOVATION" conference was held in 2004. The man who was the chief motivator was a medical consultant by the name

of LeLand Kaiser.

2005 & 2006 National Conference

on Innovation speakers

Kevin Kaiser recommended this book to the attendees at the 2005 Ohio Seventh-day

Adventist Conference on Innovation. What concerns me is that the Kaisers, who were honored guest speakers, use this book, and

witches, practitioners of magic, astral travelers, Shamans, etc. also use it. This is

straight occult language being brought right into the Adventist church.

Notice who the publisher is...

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Project 07: Community Christian School Community Christian School

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USA 14 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2005 : 10:55:06

This concept has many implications to consider for Adventist schools, but the core of this idea relates to establishing a community Christian school. Purpose: The purpose of this school is not to retain or evangelize students for the Adventist Church, but to advance the Kingdom of God (KOG) in that community, and, as the local vision grows, expand the KOG beyond that community. (Advancing the KOG has to do with the gospel not with any denomination. It’s about connecting with people who don’t know or have not accepted Jesus as their Savior. “Go and preach the gospel,” Jesus said.) Possible Characteristics: While this could look radically different from one community to the next, here are some ideas.

• Discussions may start with the local ministerial association for ecumenical participation/input/ownership.

• School will be planted in a community that needs a Christian choice, as determined by demographic studies.

• School may be privately or church community owned and operated.

• Students and teachers will be Christians motivated by the gospel commission.

• Board members will be KOG motivated Christians and selected partners.

• Parents must be willing to participate/support in KOG activities.

• Curriculum will meet standards through focus on KOG ministry and activities.

National Conference on Innovation forum• Students will spend the equivalent of at least

one-day per week in the community. (Could plan and arrange resources for an activity for 4 weeks, and then spend an entire week engaged in the activity.)

• The community will see the school as a resource both on and off of the campus, which will require collaboration with community leaders.

• After school activities will include community connections for the KOG.

Raj Attiken

100 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2005 : 14:35:42

Looks to me like a real "winner." Don't fail to invite me to the "grand opening." When do you start the first-steps? May we post this on our "projects" list? Raj

Leland R Kaiser

403 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2005 : 00:19:55

Jay: I like this concept. How would this school relate, if at all, to a SDA church that already operates a SDA school? Leland Kaiser


USA 14 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2005 : 10:32:23

Raj, You are at the top of the guest list! I’m thinking that preliminary public steps of this project may begin the first quarter of 2006. This could include discussions with non-public educational leaders, who have become friends through Ohio Dept. of Education meetings. Randy Ross, Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) director, would be an excellent initial resource. In fact, ACSI may have experience in this very area. A test conversation with a ministerial association may help shape the project as well. Premature? Maybe. Yes, you may post this as a project.

Read about their innovative ideas on Adventist education.

I think you have a real winner here. I believe there is a large market out there for this concept. It would also help SDA schools look beyond their usual borders. It is a great strategy for networking Christians to do God's work. Leland Kaiser

Chester Hitchcock

USA 3 Posts

Posted - 11/18/2005 : 00:26:49

Jay, The "win-win mentality toward other churches" and connecting with the broader community is a resounding theme that my churches hear from me. Praise God, I think they are not only hearing but also listening more and more as time goes by. I used your "KOGA" as a discussion topic Wed. nite at Medina. I asked what it ment to them to "advance the Kingdom of God". Is it synomous with advancing the SDA church? The answer came back; "No, the Kingdom of God includes all believers." My next question was; Can Adventists be involved in advancing the Kingdom, if they are reaching people for Christ who don't join the SDA church? Again, the answer came back; "Yes, of course". This lead into a discussion of what we are doing to AKOG, and what we can do. Medina is not a constituent of MJA but I had a similar conversation with the Barberton Board on Tuesday. Both churches are familiar with working with other denominations through the Community Service Centers. They have great respect for other denominations and are respected by them. In short, I believe that both of these churches are poised for and open to innovative ministries that include other churches. I am sure there are still those who are afraid of "associating with the beast" etc. etc.. but it is exciting to know that what is said in the pulpit each week CAN and DOES change lives, even in established, more traditional churches. Chester

Leland R Kaiser

403 Posts

Posted - 11/18/2005 : 18:10:58

Chester: Good for you, Chester!

Leland Kaiser


USA 14 Posts

Posted - 11/28/2005 : 15:15:51

Chester, Those responses from your churches are certainly encouraging to hear. Your leadership is making a difference! I wonder if Medina is in the market for a Christian school? I'll check the ODE listing of schools in your area. Jay


USA 2 Posts

Posted - 11/20/2006 : 00:10:34

I don't think that being a school sponsored by the SDA church necessarily excludes a school from being a KOG school. It is an attitude, and a different set of policies that will set us apart. Here are a few examples of what might be ground-level changes: a) one fee structure, regardless of 'race, creed, national origin', OR CHURCH AFFILIATION! b) non-denominational handbook rules, thus allowing children to actually bring meat from home in their lunches. c) and acknowledging that some girls do wear earrings, so studs would be an allowed 'body decoration'. It's true that we have a unique message. But from last quarter's SS lessons, only one of our 28 fundamentals is actually unique. The others are shared across many churches. So, we aren't as unique as some would have us believe. The advantage of staying with the SDA association is the in-place support system. A system that helps find qualified staff. A system that provides a good set of benefits. A system, that has a proven track record. A school with a support system such as ours need never fear the capricious pastor who wants to branch off and create his own kingdom. In any group of ecumenicals there will always be one who feels that his/her church is not getting their fair share of attention. This is also true for churches who don't feel connected as a result of changing demographics. Suddenly they find themselves with no school-age children, and support for the school

wanes. So, better that the SDA community looks to serve the needs of the whole community, through promoting Christian education, rather than promoting the most recent set of prophecy lessons. And then pay closer attnetion to the folks coming through your doors, and learning how you can meet their needs instead of merely counting baptisms. No, I don't think that you need to try and get 'community consensus' to ahve a good community Christian school. Just adjust your sights a little to include all of the community as your "market" and your goal can be accomplished.

may oles

USA 14 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2006 : 08:49:45

Learning how to meet the needs of the people who come into our community christian schools is a lesson in discipleship straight from the Master of Relationships. Can you be specific about how you have done this?


26 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2007 : 13:22:45

This whole idea of having a community christian school will result in diluting the Adventist message the Three Angels Message. First of all a SDA school IS a community school. Children from the community are accepted into the school on a regular basis. Are Adventists really interested in giving an equal voice in the operation of an SDA school to non-SDA's? We have standards and there is nothing wrong with upholding them. I am trying to remember if Jesus had standards? Someone refresh my memory. He associated Himself with the "worst" of sinners but did not commit the sins that they did, and did not allow Himself to be polluted by associating with them. His mission was to win them TO Him, not become like them. Where I live we have three SDA church schools and I will do everything that I can to discourage the integration of other demoniations into the governing of our schools. Look at what happened to Worthington Foods when they aligned themselves with secular businesses. They no

longer exist. Also, Harding Hospital aligned themselves with OSU and now Harding is no longer under Adventist control and influence. The SDA message does advance the kingdom of God there is no need to become like other denominations. Are we not the Remnant? To bring a message to the people at the end of time. The health message, the sanctuary message, the Sabbath message. All of these lead to Jesus and better our relationship with Him.

Raj Attiken

100 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2007 : 19:35:49

Let us be cautious not to read into Jay's proposal (or into the Worthington Foods and Harding Hospital stories) our own fears or assumptions. The model that Jay proposes is not intended to replace our existing school system. Instead it recognizes an obvious Biblical fact that the Kingdom of God is much larger than the Adventist Church or any other church. Raj


26 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2007 : 16:28:15

Raj, I am not reading anything into the proposal that is not already there. Quote: "...but the core of this idea relates to establishing a community Christian school." So what does this quote from the original post mean. It could mean an SDA church school or a school governed by a group of churches. Quote: "School may be privately or church community owned and operated." Seems pretty clear to me that the MODEL suggest that it does not have to be Adventist owned and operated. Again I pose the question is that really a good idea? Aren't Adventist schools in and of themselves advancing the Kingdom of God? Why would it be necessary to join hands with another denomination in governing our schools? This is a bad idea!! Including more outreach into the school's curriculum is a

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Project 10: Innovative Quality School

Innovative Quality School Project

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USA3 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2005 : 11:38:34


I would like to have one of our existing Ohio SDA schools become a model of innovation using the criteria listed. The

Glasser Quality School concept is currently being researched and piloted in 5 sights across the U.S. through a grant from the

U.S. Department of Education. Our model, however, would include a spiritual element as well.


(Based on William Glasser’s Quality School concept)1. Relationships are based upon trust and respect, and all

discipline problems, not incidents, have been eliminated.2. Total Learning Competence is stressed and an evaluation that

is below competence or what is now a “B” has been eliminated. All schooling has been replaced by useful education.

3. All students do some quality work each year that is significantly beyond competence. All such work receives an “A”

grade or higher, such as an “A+”.4. Students and staff are taught to use Choice Theory (see note

below) in their lives and in their work in school. Parents are encouraged to participate in study groups to become familiar

with choice theory ideas.5. Students do better on state proficiency tests and college

entrance examinations. The importance of these tests is emphasized in the school.

6. Staff, students, parents, and administrators view the school as a joyful place.

In addition:

1. The curriculum will be child-centered and focus on child’s areas of interest

2. There will be a focus on children discovering God’s potential for their lives where they realize their uniqueness as individuals

and their covenant with God.3. There will be a focus on students being a part of advancing

the Kingdom of God in the community.

Note: Choice theory vs. external control:External control: criticizing, blaming, complaining, nagging,

threatening, punishing and rewarding people to control them.Choice theory: caring, listening, supporting, contributing,

encouraging, trusting and befriending.



USA5 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2005 : 23:09:05

Sounds great, I'd be interested in that idea.


Leland R


403 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2005 : 10:45:03

I wonder if Glasser's work is known by our education folks in the Ohio conference?

Leland Kaiser

Raj Attiken

100 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2005 : 06:16:43


Cindy is our Associate Superintendent of Education for the Ohio Conference. Jay Colburn (who has also listed two projects) is

our Superintendent.Raj

Leland R


403 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2005 : 08:05:12


Thanks - this clarification helps.

Leland Kaiser

may oles

USA14 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2006 : 14:16:32

Hi Cindy,

I teach in Colorado and think that Glasser is an icon of respect

and success in education!! Did you get any takers on your idea of a Glasser model school?

What kind of help is available for their process? How about someone from outside of the Ohio conference implementing

such a project? My sense is that having two innovators, even connected only by cyberspace, would more than double each

one's chance for success as they try to work the bugs out of a "new" model.

It sounds like Ohio has some real creative leadership in the education department!

National Conference on Innovation forum



USA1 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2006 : 10:18:03

There are a number of schools, particularly in the Pacific Union that are strongly involved with the Glasser model. Dr. Kelly

Bock, Director of Education, Pacific Union is a Glasser fellow and is regularly in Glasser's home for training. Kelly has a number of

administrators actively taking Glasser training.

I am supportive of Glaser training, but it is not the only model. I think the point is to find a model that works for a school and

then use it. To me it does not matter if it is the Glasser model in Ohio, the 4MAT training in the Southern Union or the creative

approach taken at Broadview Academy to offer competency-based or project-based education instead of the seat-time

approach in the traditional classroom, the point is to move off dead center and find a model that works for you. We need to re-

evaluate what we are doing and be sure it is acheiving the goals we have set for quality education.

Journey to Excellence is the NAD's attempt to develop and

promote innovation inthe classroom. Our difficulty has been in getting buy in or adaptation of the model in all schools. I do

realize this is the only model of innovation that has a diffucult

time with this problem

To all who are proceeding toward innovation and excellence in

education, may the Lord continue to bless you and may your tribe increase!!!!

Larry Blackmer,

NAD Associate Director of Education

may oles

USA14 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2006 : 00:05:42

I love hearing about the various innovations in diverse schools. Does NAD have a site where teachers can post their most

creative ideas? Is there already a way that schools share what they are trying and how it is working? As isolated as some SDA

teachers are, we need a forum where we can communicate and support each other for our "out-of-the-box" progress. I think

adventist education is moving past the time when schools existed mostly to shield and protect our own sda children. It

seems that more and more we are called to make a real impact on the communities where we live, as leaders of the most

creative education practices possible.

Any more stories, Larry, of great schools and what they are

trying? How can we hear more of the details?

May OlesColumbine Christian School

Durango, CO


USA3 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2006 : 10:52:10

I think it is similar to the fact that God does not speak to each of us in the same way. For some He has used a burning bush

and others a donkey -- we need to discover and be aware of how He speaks to us -- which comes from an intimate

relationship. So it is with our schools. For some it may be a Glasser model, for others a KOGA, the point is that each school

needs to discover what God intends for them to be. I believe we have not because we ask not. We are stuck in traditions that no

longer work in most communities - and you are right, May, we should be known as creative leaders who serve our communities

and our students in exemplary ways.


The bob

USA21 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2006 : 00:55:10

Nice work to you and Jay tonight at our NEW school dedication. I love OHIO and the leadership that shows TOTAL innovative

qualities constantly. HOW can it be?

Altogether Lovely


26 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2007 : 10:38:19

From the original post:"Note: Choice theory vs. external control:

External control: criticizing, blaming, complaining, nagging, threatening, punishing and rewarding people to control them.

Choice theory: caring, listening, supporting, contributing, encouraging, trusting and befriending."

Hebrews 12 on Discipline:

4 You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;

5 and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons, "MY SON, DO NOT REGARD LIGHTLY THE



7 It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?

8 But if you are without discipline, of which all have become

partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.9 Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we

respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits, and live?

10 For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, that we may share His

holiness.11 All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but

sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.

The bob

USA21 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2007 : 01:30:01


Altogether Lovely

may oles

USA14 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2007 : 03:41:56

The best way for me to evaluate what works in terms of

discipline and change, is to look back over the milestones in my life, and try to understand what led me to move forward toward

God's plan for me. Never have I experienced lasting change from feelilng "bullied". On the other hand, have become a willing

servant from undeserved favors from the Creator of the Universe. It is very like the bonds of attachment that infants

form with their caregivers. We form deep and lasting attachments by having needs, crying out, and having our Parent

meet those needs. (No one scolds or spanks a baby). As my children grow older, modeling what I expect from them is the

best way of teaching them. Yes, boundaries are set and are important. But criticism and badgering my children leads to

resentment every time. As they grow older and more capable, the best way for me to encourage growth in my children is to

trust them with responsibility. That is discipline. I don't have to beat myself up (or others) to grow. For me, choice theory is an

incredible movtivator.


26 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2007 : 13:47:54


I would have to say that a balance of the two theories

is probably the correct way to raise a child. In

different circumstances using one more then the


I hope you realize that the words in red were a direct

quote from scripture? I can't see how we can go

wrong by following scripture.

may oles

USA14 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2007 : 23:24:24

I did realize the red words were from the Bible, but was not sure

what your intention was in quoting them. I see caring, befriending, listening, etc. to be closely alligned with God's

discipline, rather than nagging, blaming, criticizing, threatening, etc.

Have you ever had the opportunity to see the Glasser model in

action? There is another respectful model called The Responsive Classroom (from the Northeast Foundation for Children) which

seems like it would be beautiful in action, especially with Christ at the center of it.

Does anyone know of a SDA school working within the Responsive Classroom model?


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Looks like the National Conference on Innovation hopes to innovate more than just the church.

2th Annual National Conference on Innovation

2006Speakers: Alan Roxburgh. Ryan Bell, Monte Sahlin (vice president of the Columbia Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church). The Leland Kaiser family

keynoted this one.

Hollywood Church observing Lent

Go online and watch their taize service ...

Ryan Bell - professed atheist, former pastor

of Hollywood

Chairman of the Center for Creative Ministry serving in the Ohio Conference. (see the iFollow

Slideshare presentation)

2005 & 2006 National Conference

on Innovation speakers

The Kaiser’s have founded a school called “Two Worlds

Wisdom” which we will look at shortly.

Dr. Leland (Lee) and his son and daughter.

Dr. Kaiser is a pioneer in many emerging areas of health care, and an acknowledged authority on the changing American healthcare system. Dr. Kaiser is founder and president of Kaiser Consulting, a health care consulting firm in Brighton, CO. He also is co-founder

of Kaiser Institute, a postgraduate educational program providing advanced training in

integrative medicine, intuition, and philanthropy. Dr. Kaiser is a dynamic motivational speaker known for his ability to change the way organizations think. He is an associate

professor in the graduate program in health administration at the University of Colorado in Denver. He has previous professional experience as a hospital administrator, trustee, R&D

director, graduate program director, and professional psychologist. He holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and Medical Care Administration and a doctoral degree in

Social Psychology and Higher Education. Dr. Kaiser is involved in the design of new communities and state-of-the-art hospital architecture. He differentiates spirituality from

religion, and teaches (what he considers) core spiritual values useful for managing healthcare organizations, discusses how spiritual values can be translated into organizational

norms, and suggests the role of spirituality in solving pressing organizational problems.

Leanne chairs the grants committee of the VHA foundation which is funding innovation across healthcare--from organizations as

large as the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins, to an array of small and rural organizations. She has reviewed the innovation

strategies in hundreds of hospitals, and funded novel prototypes. Leanne continues her growth through exposure to the scientific fields, deep exploration across spiritual traditions, etc. Health

systems seek her out to think in new ways and create paths to a preferable rather than a probable future.

Dr. Leland (Lee) Kaiser’s son

Kevin Kaiser gave his definition of what he thinks the Adventist Church is, at the 2006 Conference on Innovation, in Columbus, Ohio. On Monday, October 2, 2006, in his presentation entitled “Spiritual Capacities of Innovative Leaders,” beginning at the minute mark of 65:00, here is what he said:

“See, the Adventist Church isn’t the 28 fundamental beliefs, and we know that. The Adventist Church is alive—it’s always re-creating itself. It is an alive entity. It is an expression of God. It’s always changing. It’s always in metamorphosis. And, although we’re always gonna have structures to support that, and ways to try to explain what it is, you certainly can’t contain that. The Adventist Church is an epiphany. It’s something, that, without any of the structures—without Sabbath, without the 28 fundamental beliefs, without the Bible, without Christianity—there is a consciousness, where a group of people now for a long period of time have come together to talk to God and to create something. And if that energy—that pure energy of inspiration and creativity—moves through your voice, moves through your words, then anything that you do is going to be effective with anyone with any kind of openness.” ~ Kevin Kaiser

"The essential task of cutting through decades and centuries of tradition and ritual, and rediscovering the beauty and simplicity of following Jesus into His mission field, has meant that we reevaluate our priorities, assumptions, and loyalties. Applying the principles of Jesus' ministry has meant that we displace and rearrange some cherished practices and habits. The task of engaging ourselves in distinguishing what is essential to preserve from our heritage from what is expendable is daunting." ~ Raj Attiken, in written introductory remarks given to the public at town hall meetings in 2010

Kevin Kaiser, son of Leland Kaiser, spoke at both the 2005 and 2006 Conferences on Innovation, in Columbus, Ohio. In the 2006 conference, Kevin Kaiser recounted an experience he had at the Cliffs of Moher, in Ireland. In this experience he was laying face-down, with his head hanging over the cliff. The Cliffs of Moher are a traditional sacred spot for Celts and Druids. Here is what Kevin Kaiser said on Monday, October 2, 2006, in his presentation entitled “Spiritual Capacities of Innovative Leaders,” starting at the minute mark of 8 min. 16 seconds on the recorded CD of the event:

“And then something amazing happened for me that really started a lot of my thinking and moving towards what I’m going to talk to you today. And this is a kind of connection that you so eloquently talked about, that didn’t have to do with separation, religion, or classification; it had to do with community. And I noticed that as I was laying on my chest with now—now everyone was sort of, you know, they were emboldened—almost everyone was laying on their stomachs, hanging out over the cliffs. I noticed that as I was laying there with these fifteen to twenty people, that I felt really connected. I felt really connected to this space. It was as if I had always been at the cliffs. It was so familiar to me in the moment. And I noticed that the people around me, who, at face value, seemed like complete strangers, were so familiar. It was as if I had always been with them. And you talk about seeing the Kingdom of God in any person! I’m sure there was probably an atheist there—maybe there was a Wiccan—I’m sure there were a couple of Southern Baptists, and maybe a Muslim or two, and maybe a Zen Buddhist—and there was a moment of connection where it simply didn’t matter; that the thing that was Divine in all of us was simply moving through us into the ground.”

Now, you would think that the Conference president, or one of the other Conference personnel, or maybe one of the many pastors who were present—somebody would have right then and there stood to their feet and said: “I’m sorry, but you will have to leave. You are of a different spirit altogether.

But no. Nobody stood up and said anything of the sort. Instead, 130 or so people stayed right in their seats, and continued to listen to Kevin Kaiser, as he led them in an exercise regarding how to create and hold “sacred space” in their lives.

The following Pagan site mentions the Cliffs of Moher as a sacred site (scroll way down):

This next site also mentions the Cliffs of Moher as a sacred site. Here is the opening to the author’s page: “As Christians look to the Holy Land or Muslims revere Mecca, those of us who walk a Druidic or Celtic Pagan path regard Ireland, or Eire, as the spiritual home of our tradition.”

Scroll down about one third the way down the page:

Dr. Leland Kaiser’s blog page...

Dr. Kaiser’s inner board of directors...

Taken directly from Kaiser’s blog...

...learn to harness alchemy...

Alchemy: A seemingly magical power or

process of transmuting.

Two Worlds Wisdom School (owned & operated by the Kaiser family)

The Crossings (retreat center)


The Crossings

Two Worlds Wisdom School Presents The 2009 Annual Wisdom Gathering: A JOURNEY INTO THE WORLD OF KARMA With Rabbi Gershon Winkler, Rabbi Miriam Maron, Leanne KeiserCarlson, Lench Archuleta, Kevin Kaiser, and others.

November 2-4, 2009 at “The Crossings” in Austin, Texas This year we explore the mysteries of why things happen.We journey into the roots of repeating patterns, cause and effect cycles, and consequence. We look at seeds we sow throughour own action as well as seeds generated by larger groups, or originating before birth in our ancestral DNA. We questionseeming twists of fate. Connect what appears unrelated. See paths of learning. And we explore how to accelerate, mitigate, and ultimately use karma to shape our destiny. For more information, and to register,visit

faculty member of Two Worlds...


Title: Hello :);topic=2677.0 Post by: Tiger on July 27, 2008, 02:12:59 PM

Hello everyone,

Well I'll try to make it short and sweet for everyone. I am a 23 year old male from middle of nowhere America. I am currently attending a local university and will graduate with my RN BSN degree (nursing). I have played approx. 3 years of college baseball, but am now done due to both injury and elgibility reasons. Metaphysical wise- I have been projecting etherically (real time zone) for about the last 5 years, and have had close to 100 in this time period. They started off occurring at random, and I have now gained SOME control over it. Projection led me into energy work, in which I found energy healings. I am now on course to becoming a certified healing touch practioner, so that way I can incorporate healing touch into my field of work. I want to help people with not only traditional western medicine, but non traditional treatments as well. I am taking courses, and right now I am a level 2 of 5 student. The results I, and my mother have had are pretty unreal. I am looking to get healing touch implemented into the local hospitals. I am a practicing Rosicrucian, although I have been slack on my monographs and studies as of late (any questions, just ask or google). I have been slowly developing my auric vision as of has been occurring spontaneously over the past year, but I have also learned to control it as well. One of my most memorable moments, of all the things I have accomplished, is seeing my aura extend in a cone-like shape about 2 feet above my head (which I found out was my crown chakra), into an array of unreal, vibrant colors. I am also an ordained minister through the Universal Life Church, which I use as my 'license' to touch until I get my RN, so if I choose to charge for my services as a student of healing touch, I can do so legally. I am also a staff member of astral commune, so if my nickname sounds familiar, that is probably why. My mother also visits this site on occasion, and she is also a Rosicrucian, a practicing healing touch student, and is clairvoyant. Hey mom, if you are reading Any questions or concerns just pm me. Nice to be here :).

Title: Re: Hello :) Post by: Leswan on August 07, 2008, 04:27:05 AM

Hey Tiger, thanks for posting your introduction. Have you heard of Two Worlds Wisdom School run by Leland Kaiser? Google 'gnosticnotes' to find his blog. Leland is a health care consultant who's goal is to integrate spirituality into healthcare and the wider world of business and commerce. I think you'd like his blog - I find it very inspiring. If you get a chance it would be great to hear about some of your most profound / strange / exciting OBE's.

Take care


Title: Re: Hello :) Post by: Aunt Clair on August 07, 2008, 03:54:10 AM

Hello and welcome to the River ! (

Notice the web address above... read what this guy has to say and then notice who he is directed to contact.

Let’s just briefly look at

Matt says... “Leland is a health care consultant who’s goal is to integrate spirituality into healthcare and the wider world of business and commerce.”

Notice their quotation from “Christ”.

Dr. Leland Kaiser wrote the forward in

this book...


If you want to understand what the spiritual journey is really like – this is the book for you. Dr. Ellerby has given us an intimate, exciting view of walking with Spirit. It is a true inner look at the spiritual world along with 12 powerful spiritual practices that will greatly assist your own passage. This is a great introduction to what spirituality is all about. If you are ready to graduate from traditional religion to spirituality - this is your roadmap. What a delightful book Jonathan has given us!—Leland R. Kaiser, Ph.D. Spiritual Coach, Co-founder of Two Worlds Wisdom School


Kaiser endorsing Return To The Sacred


with Kevin Kaiser

Introduction to Intuition

Intuition is your birthright! You are wired to know the world in extraordinary ways that transcend the five senses. Welcome to an

exploration of your intuitive gifts!

Receiving Intuitive Information Information, energy, and consciousness are

everywhere—all you have to do is learn to receive. But receiving intuitive information

takes practice—it is a specialized skill. Learn how to activate your intuitive antennas.

In the BLINK of an Eye Good decision-making requires a balance

of intuitive and analytic skills and the capacity to quickly synthesize a lot of

information and a lot of experience. The book BLINK describes one form of this as

thin-slicing. Learn how to use rapid synthesis to make better decisions faster.

Barriers to Intuition

Evoking your intuitive gifts requires an understanding of common barriers to intuition. These include fear, projection,

energetic imbalance, and excessive reduction. Step over barriers and into expansion!

images by Deborah Koff-Chapin

The Kaiser’s travel far and wide presenting

their “futurist” ideas to hospitals and others in the health community.

These businesses pay top dollar to have the

Kaiser’s come and share their “magic”. Let’s look at just a few people on

their client list.

Here are just a few of their many clients...

Adventist Today Magazine May/June 1994

Dr. Kaiser and his son taught Sabbath School class at Brighton SDA

Kaiser’s former home church

Basically the same article

Ohio SDA Conference President

Read who their partners are...

Pastor Loren Seibold of the Worthington SDA Church in Ohio writes this article in Spectrum Magazine applauding the National Conference On


Remember “Faith House” (Manhattan)

Today the mysteries of heathen worship are replaced by the secret associations and seances, the obscurities and wonders, of Spiritualistic mediums. The disclosures of these mediums are eagerly received by thousands who refuse to accept light from God's Word or through his Spirit. Believers in Spiritualism may speak with scorn of the magicians of old but the great deceiver laughs in triumph as they yield to his arts under a different form. {RH, January 15, 1914 par. 9} There are many who shrink with horror from the thought of consulting spirit mediums, but who are attracted by more pleasing forms of spiritism... Still others are led astray by the teachings of Christian Science, and by the mysticism of theosophy and other Oriental religions. {RH, January 15, 1914 par. 10}

3th Annual National Conference on Innovation

2007Speakers: Doug Pagitt, Jon Paulien, Philip Jenkins (Distinguished Professor of History and Religious Studies at Penn State University, Author of The Next Christendom: The Coming of

Global Christianity) and Rabbi Marcia Prager, Dean of ALEPH, Alliance for Jewish Renewal, and rabbi of Jewish Renewal Communities in Philadelphia and Princeton, N.J.

Vervent, the North American Division Ministries Resource Center, awarded its first Innovative Church of the Year award to Pastor David Jamieson from the Aldergrove

Seventh- day Adventist Church in British Columbia.

2007 Innovation Keynote Speakers

Marcia’s web page...

Marcia’s website states, “In the ancient language of Jewish tradition and the modern language of feminist consciousness, creation theology, and psychology, Marcia Prager brings the words of the Hebrew invocation dramatically alive. Her ‘Weekday Amidah in Guided Imagery’ is a deck of 20 exquisitely illustrated cards which use guided meditation to lead you through the transformative blessings of this ancient prayer practice. This experience brings us to embrace the full inclusion of women and the divine feminine, and which facilitate the deep healing of our relationships with each other and the earth.” []

Here’s Rabbi Marcia as a keynote speaker, on

meditation, at the Tibet Center to be held at the

Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine.

What is Jewish Renewal and what does she teach? In a deep way, Jewish Renewal is built on the idea that we live in a transformative moment in time, in which a new paradigm for spiritual life is being developed.

Jewish Renewal actively seeks a relationship with God as the immanent reality that suffuses all creation and from time to time calls to us from beyond creation as well. This changes how we view the earth, the relationship of human beings to the rest of creation - everything.

Jewish Renewal is the ongoing creative project of a generation of Jews who are seeking to embrace a global vision of the role of all human beings and spiritual paths in the transformation of life on earth. In Jewish renewal we draw significant inspiration from the legacy of Jewish mystical and Hassidic traditions, which is expressed in the cultivation of traditional practices such as meditation, chanting, and davvenen' [the uniquely Jewish prayer practice that blends light body- movement, modal chant and sacred text] and the study of traditional Kabbalistic and Hasidic sources to enhance both individual and communal practice.

4th Annual National Conference on Innovation

2008Speakers: Leonard Sweet, Robert Wuthnow (sociologist), James Tucker (professor of

Educational Psychology at the University of Tennessee), Julius Nam (associate professor of Religion at Loma Linda University).

The Hillsboro Spanish church in Oregon was named Innovative Church of the year. Vervent, the North American Division’s Church Resource Center, presented the


2008 National Conference on

Innovation speakers

Innovation ConferenceNAD

Leonard Sweet talks about Kundalini in his book,Quantum Spirituality

"Energy-fire experiences take us into ourselves only that we might reach outside of ourselves. Metanoia is a de-centering experience of connected-ness and community. It is not an exercise in reciting what Jesus has done for me lately. Energy-fire ecstasy, more a buzz than a binge, takes us out of ourselves, literally. That is the meaning of the word 'ecstatic.'" —Quantum Spirituality, P. 93

"A surprisingly central feature of all the world's religions is the language of light in communicating the divine and symbolizing the union of the human with the divine: Muhammad's light-filled cave, Moses' burning bush, Paul's blinding light, Fox's "inner light," Krishna's Lord of Light, Bohme's light-filled cobbler shop, Plotinus' fire experiences, Bodhisattvas with the flow of Kundalini's fire erupting from their fontanelles, and so on." P. 235

Leonard states... “Mysticism, once cast to the sidelines of the Christian tradition, is now situated in postmodernist culture near the center.… In the

words of one of the greatest theologians of the twentieth century, Jesuit philosopher of religion/

dogmatist Karl Rahner, “The Christian of tomorrow will be a mystic, one who has

experienced something, or he will be nothing.” [Mysticism] is metaphysics arrived at

through mindbody experiences. Mysticism begins in experience; it ends in theology.”

(from p.160, A Time of Departing, quoting Sweet from Quantum Spirituality, p. 76)

Rick Warren did an audio seminar with Leonard Sweet called The Tides of Change (1995). Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox at endorses Sweet. SoulTsunami: Sink or Swim in New Millennium Culture (his endorsement is on the front cover.) Leonard Sweet teaches that we have an organic integration with those in the past.

In his book Quantum Spirituality: Under the topic of Sevening (On the seventh day [God] rested and drew breath.) he gives some 10 deep breathing exercises. “1. Get in touch with your lungs by closing your eyes. Visualize in your mind a tennis court” 8.“Hold your Bible and breathe meditatively. The breathtaking, nay, breathgiving truth of aliveness is more than Methuselean in its span: Part of your body right now was once actually, literally part of the body of Abraham, Sarah, Noah, Esther, David, Abigail, Moses, Ruth, Matthew, Mary, Like, Martha, John, Priscilla, Paul... and Jesus. 9. Keep breathing quietly while holding your Bible. You have within you not just the powers of goodness resident in the great spiritual leaders like Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, Lao Tzu You also have within you the forces of evil and destruction.” Resident in each breath you take is the body of angels like Joan of Arc and devils like Gilles de Rais, Genghis Khan, Judas Iscariot, Herod, Hitler, Stalin and all the other destructive spirits throughout history” (Quantum Spirituality p.300-301)

It all goes back to the source of Alice Bailey, who said, “The great theme of the new world religion will be the recognition of, the many divine approaches and the continuity of revelation which each of them conveyed.”

The 4Th Annual National Conference On Innovation, sponsored by the Ohio Conference Of Seventh Day Adventists, will take place in October in Columbus, Ohio and will feature New Age sympathizer/emerging futurist Leonard Sweet. On the conference website, it states: Partners in Innovation is a convergence of people and organizations committed to providing the environment, encouragement, resources and support for the emergence of the Adventist Church of the future in North America.... We ask you to consider becoming a partner in developing this far-reaching initiative to energize a new future for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America. Leonard Sweet, who promotes mysticism, christ-consciousness, and the "New Lights" movement that touts people like Matthew Fox, Ken Wilber, and other mystic proponents, recently spoke at Rick Warren's Small Groups Conference. Sweet states in his book Quantum Spirituality that the "power of small groups is in their ability to develop the discipline to get people 'in-phase' with the Christ consciousness (meaning the divinity of man) and connected with one another (meaning interspirituality)(p. 147).The emerging church has been making inroads into Seventh Day Adventism as it has in most of "religion in the Western world." Roger Oakland, in his book Faith Undone, discusses Samir Selmanovic, a Muslim turned-Seventh Day Adventist pastor-turned emerging figure: Samir Selmanovic ... has some interesting and alarming views on Christianity. He states:

The emerging church movement has come to believe that the ultimate context of the spiritual aspirations of a follower of Jesus Christ is not Christianity but rather the kingdom of God.... to believe that God is limited to it [Christianity] would be an attempt to manage God. If one holds that Christ is confined to Christianity, one has chosen a god that is not sovereign. Soren Kierkegaard argued that the moment one decides to become a Christian, one is liable to idolatry.1

On Selmanovic's website, Faith House project, he presents an interfaith vision that will " to bring progressive Jews, Christians, Muslims, and spiritual seekers of no faith to become an interfaith community for the good of the world. We have one world and one God."2 (non-Adventist website)

Pastor Chris Bullock

Who is Ron Gladden?

Gladden no longer believes in Ellen White or the Sabbath and

puts out the magazine


Notice Pastor Bullock says…

Graduate of Andrews University

4th Annual Conference

Center for Creative Ministry

*See our presentation

about the NAD’s iFollow Discipleship Resource for pastor and churches.

“The truths most plainly revealed in the Bible have been involved in doubt and darkness by learned men, who, with a pretense of great wisdom, teach that the Scriptures have a mystical, a secret, spiritual meaning not apparent in the language employed. These men are false teachers. It was to such a class that Jesus declared, "Ye know not the Scriptures, neither the power of God." [MARK 12:24.]” GC. pg 598

5th Annual National Conference on Innovation

2009Speakers: Samir Selmanovic, Suzy Welch (author), David Neff (vice president of

Christianity Today International, editor-in-chief of Christianity Today magazine and former Seventh-day Adventist pastor) "The Ancient-Future Church", Michael Lindsay (sociologist), Margaret Feinberg (who was tagged by Charisma magazine as one of the

top 30 emerging voices who will lead the church into the next decade) "Church & Culture, Style & Substance" and "Backstage Pass: A Toolbox of Ideas". As an added

bonus, Dave Weigley (president of the Columbia Union Conference) made a spur of the moment decision to buy Suzy's new book, 10-10-10, for every person in the room.

Innovative Church of the Year. Vervent ( a part of the Church Resource Center at the North American Division headquarters in Silver Spring, Md., chose

Atlanta’s Berean ( church because of its innovative approach to evangelism.

Margaret Feinberg

5th Annual Conference

Dr. Michael Lindsay

We’ll look at the Stained Glass Documentary shortly

Muslim raised Adventist Pastor Samir Selmanovic’s most recent book

It’s Really All About God is a very personal story and a thrilling exploration of a redeeming, dynamic, and radically different way to hold one’s religion. Readers will deepen their religious identities while discovering God, goodness, and grace beyond their own religious boundaries.

The emerging church has been making inroads into Seventh Day Adventism as it has in most of “religion in the Western world.” Samir Selmanovic is a Muslim turned-Seventh Day Adventist pastor-turned emerging figure.

Samir Selmanovic … has some interesting and alarming views on Christianity. He states:

The emerging church movement has come to believe that the ultimate context of the spiritual aspirations of a follower of Jesus Christ is not Christianity but rather the kingdom of God…. to believe that God is limited to it [Christianity] would be an attempt to manage God. If one holds that Christ is confined to Christianity, one has chosen a god that is not sovereign. Soren Kierkegaard argued that the moment one decides to become a Christian, one is liable to idolatry.1

On Selmanovic’s website, Faith House project, he presents an interfaith vision that will “…seek to bring progressive Jews, Christians, Muslims, and spiritual seekers of no faith to become an interfaith community for the good of the world. We have one world and one God.”2

Selmanovic is co-leader and Founder of“Experience Your Neighbor’s Faith”


We are an experiential inter-religious community that comes together to deepen our personal and

communal journeys, share ritual life and devotional space, and foster a commitment to social justice and

healing the world.

Looks like he’s jumped on board with this ecumenical


Empty circle for the atheist

Samir also serves on the

Interfaith Relations

Commission of the United

States National Council of Churches.

Early Endorsements

Faith House Manhattan was launched by AMM

Written endorsements

Connected with the One Project.

iFollow Discipleship

Keynote speaker for 2014 Oshkosh Camporee and

speaker for the One Project.

Andrews University

These Living Room Gatherings meet twice a month


Center for Creative Ministry

Center for Creative Ministry

Matt is a speaker for GODencounters & the

One Project.

Shasta (Burr) Nelson(wife of Greg Nelson)


“I really hope you guys will stay Adventists. The body of Christ

needs you to stay there and be a force for change within your


6th Annual National Conference on Innovation

2010Speakers included Zack Plantak (chair of the Religion Department at WAU), Barbara Bradley Hagerty (award-winning religion correspondent for National Public Radio). She talked about the search for the science of spirituality, the

topic of her recent book. A highlight of the event is a banquet where the NAD Church Resource Center recognizes the Innovative Church of the Year and Kettering Adventist HealthCare presents the Innovation of the Year award. This year both awards were bestowed upon the Hollywood (California) church pastored by Ryan Bell.

She is the religion correspondent for NPR, and author of “Fingerprints of God.” In this book she explores the ‘science’ of spirituality. This book chronicles her year long quest to answer a question: is there any real scientific evidence for God? Right up front, Hagerty reveals that this is not an entirely objective exercise. As a Christian, she wants to understand her own mystical encounter with the divine and why she believes when others do not.

In this book we watch Hagerty attempt to balance her own trust in faith and science and, in the end, come down with one foot planted firmly in both. The author hails from a Christian Science background but as an individual who fell away from her faith and then regained a new faith through her individual spiritual experience. Some of the research she covers: - Neuroscientific research into the brains of `accomplished' spiritual practitioners - specifically Tibetan Buddhist monks and Franciscan nuns, and the permanent changes in their brain that their spiritual practice has caused. - Studies on individuals who have had near death experiences (NDEs). In this book she approvingly quotes spiritual feminist, Julian of Norwich; a favorite mystic of the Emergant church movement.

She also quotes; “ [William] James wrote… spiritualism means the affirmation of an eternal order, and the letting loose of hope". Given the choice, I throw my lot in with hope.”

A Curious perspective on church growth from Alan’s book, “The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church”) When Mao Tse-tung took control of China there were approximately 2 million Christians. However, when the Bamboo Curtain was lifted some estimated the Christian population in China to be near 60 million. Moreover, the number of Christians in China today are around 80 million. Once again, how did this kind of growth happen? Hirsch states some qualifications: 1. They didn't have church buildings as we know them. 2. They didn't have scriptures as we know them. 3. They didn't have an institution or professional forms of leadership.

Hirsch states "if you wish to grow a contemporary church following good church growth principles, there are several things you must do and constantly improve upon. His suggestion include: 1. Expand the building for growth. 2. Develop an inspiring worship service with an excellent band. 3. Make certain you have excellent parking facilities.

Hirsch writes a chapter that critiques the "pastor-teacher" mode of church leaders as insufficient to meet the challenges of the church today. What the church needs in these times, according to Hirsch, are those with the "apostolic" gift of Ephesians 4:11. This spiritual gift is not limited to the original Twelve, but is reflected in those "pioneer missionaries and working theologians [p 156]" in our midst that can help the church navigate the difficult waters of a post-modern environment. This statement contains a footnote referencing prominent New Age physicist Fritjof Capra for support. To approvingly cite Capra, a proponent of Eastern mysticism, as possessing the proper understanding of the "inner structure of life and cosmology itself" is grossly irresponsible and also very telling. Hirsch's chapter on "organic systems" states,”they have everything in themselves (latent DNA) to be able to adapt and thrive in any setting...the task of missional leadership here is simply to unleash the mDNA that is dormant in the system and help guide it to its God-intended purpose [p 183]." This language of potencies and latent powers sounds more like that of New Age philosophy, particularly Theosophy, rather than anything biblical. This sort of thinking comes out of the New Age worldview, which is diametrically opposed to the theistic Christian framework.

Hirsch writes: "we must be willing to significantly realign resources, invest in the future, take a journey, and experiment like mad [p 71]." This theme of rampant experimentation in every area of church life reverberates through the pages. Throughout the book we get the impression that Hirsch believes he has a bead on inaugurating true Christianity after 1700 years of its corruption by Christendom. Hirsch writes, "The Christendom church is fundamentally different from the NT church [p 276]."

It is important to remember that Christ's Church has persisted for two thousand years, while new models for "doing church" come and go like so many fads and trends. Never forget that Christ builds His church by His Spirit, not mechanical formulas or algorithms.

2010 CRC Innovative Church of the Year Opportunity Because the world in which we live is constantly changing, the way that we serve as disciples of Jesus needs to continually undergo innovation. The North American Division Church Resource Center is looking for pioneering congregations that have successfully taken a risk in adapting the eternal truth of the gospel to the constant change of people’s needs. Prize The Innovative Church of the Year will receive as a prize an all expense paid trip for the pastor and two lay leaders to the 2010 National Conference on Innovation in Columbus Ohio on October 3-October 5, 2010. In addition the church will receive an unrestricted cash award of $2,000. Criteria

• The church has taken advantage of opportunities in a changing society with new ways of doing ministry.

• The innovation has resulted in either numerical or spiritual growth in the congregation or has made a significant contribution to the target community.

• The innovation addresses one or more of the Natural Church Development Characteristics.

• The innovation offers the potential to be repeated in other congregations. • The pastor and two laypeople are able and willing to attend the 2008 Conference

on innovation October 3-October 5, 2010 in Columbus, Ohio. Registering Nomination Filing Deadline: August 16, 2010 Mail or email to: NAD Church Resource Center 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD 20904

6th Annual Conference

Raj Attiken’s son-in-law, Nathan

French, member of Hollywood SDA Church, accepts award for Innovative church of the


What makes Hollywood SDA Church so innovative?

Hollywood Church observing Lent

Go online and watch their taize service ...

Ryan Bell - now professed atheist & former pastor of

Hollywood SDA.

Lectio Divina....

Pastor Loren Seibold

Pastor Ryan Bell


Ryan J. Bell Senior Pastor, Hollywood Seventh-day Adventist

Posted: April 6, 2010 04:31 PM

I'm A Social Justice Christian A few weeks ago Glenn Beck threw down the gauntlet regarding Christianity and social justice. When news of Beck's incendiary comments broke, my colleagues and I across the religious spectrum couldn't believe what we were hearing. In the weeks that followed everyone was talking about how to respond. I met with a couple of filmmakers at the church I serve and together we decided to create two or three Public Service Announcements with the aim of creating a civil conversation out of the cultural moment created by Glenn Beck's unfortunate comments. Our goal is to help people understand what social justice is and its place at the center of Christian faith. The first of our PSAs is can be viewed below and at There is great debate, especially among people who might identify as more conservative evangelicals, about what social justice really means. In my experience, growing up in a very conservative Christian environment, nearly every Christian is in favor of serving the poor and, in general, helping people. Occasionally there might be a debate about a person's worthiness vis-à-vis his or her personal life choices. But in general, most Christians I meet, conservative or liberal, feel that feeding the hungry and clothing the naked is the church's responsibility. Even if they aren't personally engaged in such work, they feel that someone should do it.

The difficulty comes when the conversation turns to our corporate responsibility, as a society, to care for each other. In other words, in what sense should my religious values determine the way we order our public lives? Some will brush away any suggestion that Christians should be involved in this type of conversation by invoking "separation of church and state." But the separation of church and state is about the state being prohibited from establishing any religion or inhibiting the free exercise of religion. It is not meant to prevent people from bringing their religiously inspired moral values to bear upon issues of public concern as long as others are also permitted to bring their values to the table... Finally, when the church makes acts of charity the only way to be involved in the world, it leaves systemic injustice -- and I would say, evil -- unchallenged. I have come to the conclusion that focusing exclusively on charity actually allows injustice to flourish. Providers of charity become those who service the wreckage of an economic system that leaves millions of people destitute. By holding to this theology of charity alone, Christians actually facilitate injustice rather than challenging it.

Imagine if instead of organizing the civil rights movement, black leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. had simply advised Christians to love each other and stay out of the public square. Imagine if King had said to black Christians across the country that the church has no business getting involved in "politics." Where would we be today? But instead, he correctly identified racism as systemic, social sin. Then he organized a nationwide campaign to root out that sin and improve the lives of millions of Americans. Today Martin Luther King, Jr. is lauded as an American hero. Sadly, he also paid the ultimate price for living out his convictions. Social justice is at the heart of the Christian faith. The religious leaders and people of faith we spoke to in the making of this PSA couldn't fathom a form of Christianity that doesn't speak to systemic brokenness. They couldn't imagine a Christian message of redemption and healing that only applied to people's personal lives and not to their social lives.

If you are a social justice Christian, we encourage you to post your own video response on our YouTube page expressing why you're a social justice Christian. Or drop us an email through the link on our webpage, In the coming weeks we will be creating more PSAs and broadening the scope to include people of other others religious traditions and no religious tradition expressing why they believe in social justice. Stay tuned to and

Pastor Ryan Bell

By now you should recognize

these names.

Dybdahl’s book Hunger also promotes the spiritual discipline of Lectio Divina

“Multitudes of potential methods for meditation exist, but I want to outline two

major possibilities to give an example of what you can do. You can modify both

of them to fit your particular need and preference.

The first is a variation of an ancient Christian method called lectio divina, or

sacred/divine reading. One reason I use it is that either an individual or a group

can employ it. Often I find people are more willing to try meditation personally

if they have had a good experience in a group setting. In class I have often done

this type as a means of introducing meditation and of helping people see the

discipline's value.” ~ Hunger pg. 62

“The second method of meditation uses visualization... The same guidlines that

apply to lectio divina apply to visualization. Visualization should be connected

to Scripture or nature... This method is particualarly helpful in connection

with the biblical stories. I have found time and time again in my own

experience that study and spiritual life are enriched, as I have in imagination

entered the scriptural account and relived the event. ~ Hunger pg. 64-65

Jon Dybdahl’s contemplative propensities are strongly presented in his 2008 book, Hunger:

Satisfying the Longing of Your Soul. In Hunger, Dybdahl favorably instructs on contemplative

practices such as lectio divina, visualization (p. 64), the Jesus Prayer, and breath prayers

(p. 52). Dybdahl explains in his book that in his “not-so-secret quest for God,” he turned to Quaker

Thomas Kelly’s book A Testament of Devotion. It is Kelly, a panentheist, who said that within every

human being is a “Divine Center,” a “secret sanctuary” (from A Testament of Devotion). This

“secret sanctuary” Kelly is speaking of is what he calls “abiding Light behind all changing [life]

forms.” He says: “In that Current we must bathe. In that abiding yet energizing Center we are all

made one” (p. 38).” Dybdahl says in Hunger that Henri Nouwen “intensified” his ”craving” for “God’s

presence.” (p.12) But the presence that Nouwen is speaking of is the same as that of mystics, and it

is this mysticism that led Nouwen to reject Jesus Christ as the only path to God at the end of his life

(Sabbatical Journey). Dybdahl’s book is brimming with references to contemplative mystics: David

Benner, Morton Kelsey, Adele Alberg Calhoun, Tilden Edwards, Richard Foster, Ken Boa, and

Brother Lawrence. (also see this critique on Hunger)

Professor at Andrews Theological Seminary & main editor of Andrews University’s new Study Bible.

Speakers: Samir Selmanovic, Anna Lappé (Food expert), Ron Stout, Diana Fleming and Gabe Lyons (founded the Fermi Project in 2003 where conference

presenters have included Donald Miller, Rob Bell, Scott McKnight and Rick Warren. His bestselling book (with David Kinnaman) unChristian featured

contribution from Jim Wallis.

7th Annual National Conference on Innovation


WHO IS GABE LYONS? • co-founder of the Catalyst conference

• the creative force behind the Fermi Project (now called "Q"),

• author of The Next Christians: The Good News About the End of Christian America (10/2010)

• co-author of UnChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity and Why it Matters,

• His philosophy incorporates elements of the Social gospel, Liberation theology, Dominionism as well as the Emergent church movement

From Lyons' book The Next Christians, page 53. Gabe Lyons explains: "Christ's death and Resurrection were not only meant to save people from something. He wanted to save Christians to something… they (Christians) are participating with God in his restoration project for the whole world. They recognize that Christ's redemptive work is not the end or even the goal of our stories; redemption is the beginning of our participation in God's work of restoration in our lives and in the world. Understanding that one idea literally changes everything." [emphasis added] This quote is precisely what Dominionism is all about. This is based on the esoteric idea of "restoration" of "God's original intention for his creation." Dominionism has now reached out into the mainstream evangelical milieu via conferences, books, technology, and media. And this is where Gabe Lyons and an entire army of social engineers appear on the scene. Gabe Lyons is the co-founder of Catalyst, which was originally set up in 1999 for the purpose of "change agent" training for the younger generation, which purpose was billed as: "We are the kingdom ambassadors, change agents, and cultural architects who have the influence to change our communities, churches, and cultures for good. But this change happens in the very place where many leaders flinch and fail because the perceived cost is too high. We must push through this fear for kingdom change to define the future." [emphasis added] Lyons is also founder of a "re-education" group of "young, innovative and influential leaders" called Q, which "was birthed out of Gabe Lyons’ vision to see Christians, especially leaders, recover a vision for their historic responsibility to renew and restore cultures." "A place where church and cultural leaders come together to collaborate and explore ideas about how the Gospel can be expressed within our cultural context." This is not the Gospel of Salvation. This is the Gospel of "Kingdom Now," in which Society itself is seen as an extension of the Church, and views the Church's primary role is to fulfill a "cultural commission" for "social renewal."

Gabe Lyons QUOTES: CP: What do you mean by the term “restoration”? How does the idea of restoration shape the worldview of the Next Christian? Lyons: This next generation understands restoration as connected to the gospel… We need to create something that the world can interact with that will help them get restored, and not just spiritually. So this next generation is really capturing the ‘both/and’ of the message. That it is restoration of spiritual things but also to very physical, tangible acts that the rest of the world gets to interact with.

CP: Do you foresee conflict within the Christian body between the Next Christians and their predecessors? Lyons: They’re (Next Christians) not restricted by the debate of the last century between the liberal social understanding of the gospel and building utopia, and how that comes into conflict with whether we need to be proclaiming the name of Christ. They’re actually doing these two things and understand[ing] that they are so integral, and you can’t separate them. Interview with The Christian Post > |Mon, Oct. 11 2010 11:57 PM EDT

Lyons believes that the gospel is no longer having a powerful influence in our culture.

“I believe God is calling the Church of America to grasp its calling to influence the greater culture... I can’t imagine anything more important or significant in our lifetime, than to be a part of the church recapturing its role in shaping culture.” The vision for Gabe Lyons’ Q Ideas is to call the church and all Christians of our time...

“ rediscover the cultural mandate, embracing the opportunity to influence culture. In the church, we must teach about calling and cultural influence and provide vital support to cultural leaders. We must become an integral piece of the local culture, convening and encouraging creation of future culture that serves the common good. We must become connoisseurs of good culture, recognizing and celebrating the good, true and beautiful to the glory of God and begin to lead the conversations that will shape future culture."

The Q Gathering hopes to encourage Christians to engage and shape the culture.

"By bringing together leaders from the channels of media, education, politics, arts and entertainment, business, the social sector and the church to learn from one another, it instigates lively interaction and learning that seldom takes place in other environments. We believe that inherent in Christian faithfulness is the responsibility to create a better world, one that reflects God’s original design and intention. Q is a place leaders can explore what that might look like and how God’s intention is showing up in the lives of their peers and the cultural projects they create.”

The Next Christians was passed out to each attendee of The One Project


8th Annual National Conference on Innovation

2012Keynote speakers were Miroslav Volf and Henry B. Wright from Yale University. Other speaker was David Kinnaman of the Barna Group and

co-author of unChristian.

Keynote speakers: Miroslav Volf was the main attraction at 9th Innovation National Conference in Ohio. Volf earned doctoral and post-doctoral degrees (with

highest honors) from the University of Tübingen (at Jürgen Moltmann) in Germany. Other speakers were Sider and Crouch.

9th Annual National Conference on Innovation


“The warnings of the word of God regarding the perils surrounding the

Christian church belong to us today. As in the days of the apostles men tried by

tradition and philosophy to destroy faith in the Scriptures, so today, by the

pleasing sentiments of higher criticism, evolution, spiritualism, theosophy, and

pantheism, the enemy of righteousness is seeking to lead souls into forbidden

paths.” Acts of the Apostles

This article was published 2-08-2015. Let’s take a closer look.

Center for Creative Ministry - board member

Adventist Youth Ministries - board member

Versacare - Trustee


For the time being, the annual National Conferences on Innovation have been discontinued. It is unknown

whether this annual training event will reappear again in the future under a different name. But praise be to the

Lord Jesus Christ that at least for now, there are no more scheduled meetings. Thank you for all of you who have prayed for godly revival and reformation to take place.

We must continue to be diligent people of prayer, for the devil is continuing to try to weaken and bring

compromise into God’s remnant church.

If you took part in signing the petition protesting these conferences, we would like to sincerely

thank you. However, there are still other venues in which Emergent presenters are invited to

speak to God’s people. Let us actively address each of these situations in a Christ-like and

forthright manner.

Please see the Slideshare presentations on iFollow Discipleship and the presentations on The One Project.