Manly west reading bug egg launch



The launch of our reading program - a partnership between Manly West State school and Silky Oaks Childcare facilitated by The Smith Family Partnership Brokers, Mt Gravatt

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Manly West Reading Bug Egg Launch

Everyone gathers

Egg discovery

The story so far…

And then…

The egg

The fishermen

The egg arrives

Here it is

The captains bring in the egg

The vet explains the analysis of the egg by the marine biologist

A healthcheck and a heartbeat is discovered

The egg is marked for a healthy incubation

Something is alive in there…

The egg shows signs of life.

The reading bug inside will thrive if it is read to – some books that it might like

Books on other things that come from eggs

More books from the egg and the plan for lots of people to come and read to

the egg

The egg gets its first story
