Magazine Review Page


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Tone: Introducing a disappointing attitude to the reader, the writer’s tone emulates from the outsets and throughout the film review consistently by inflicting negative language such as, “uninspired”, to which the film is bluntly, “borrows so many ideas from previous genre films.” Notifying the reader of these derivative plot ideas, the examples of films that resemble the one in the review such as, “Alien” and “Pitch Black” are emphasised in bold, black font to undoubtedly underline the comparative films that will catch the attention from the reader.

The review page outlines both counter arguments weighing an imbalanced positive and negative aspects of the film. This makes for the review to not be completely biased, however the initial attitude of the review dominates the article.

“$20”- Very little use of statistical figures/quantitative data are used by Time Magazine. This might suggest the magazine’s house style focuses less on the profitable aspects of the film, and instead

The critic star rating notifies the audience, prior to reading the columns of review, of the overall attitude towards the film from the critic. This avoids the reader having to read all of the film review, and can quickly capture whether the film is good or not. This unique selling point is highlighted in numerous review examples in Time Out magazine; not only for Film reviews, but for Music and TV reviews suggesting

The subheading/pun, “Going deeper underground” contrasts dramatically against the main headline both in size, font and boldness. The subheading captures the theme of the film, while building anticipation and suspense with the audience by using ellipse.

The film review critic refrains from suggesting constructive criticism for what could have been made better in regards to the film. This makes for an unsatisfying and adverse review for

Positive Comments/Language Negative Comments/Language “technically impressive” “This film has a lot of

qualities that are fearsome.”

“The features are definitely here for an impressive movie.”

“The cave is a good looking film.”

“Goes to great lengths to tell a story we’ve seen many times before.”

“Viewer is left with a too familiar feeling of been there, done that.”

“Not least of which are impressive.”

“Not very original or scary.”

“The cave is a good looking film, made with some intelligence."