Lesson 5



Lesson 5 of 10 for the Beginners' Course on Islam. The final 2 of the 6 Articles of Faith. Every Muslims need to belief in: -The Last Day; -The Qada' and Qadar of Allah. Simple concepts presented to help you understand the two articles. It doesn't matter whether 2012 would be the last day or not. For all we know, our last day might come the next second. Our death is our last day and it is something that we don't know when it will come to us. All we need to know is to be ready for it. Put our trust back in Allah. Put our trust back in Allah. Videos can be found here: Slide no. 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asA08tN2EeU&feature=related (Who ate the third loaf of bread, Story about Jesus [peace and blessings be upon him] and this world). Slide no. 15: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asA08tN2EeU&feature=related (Poem on Jannah) Slide no. 28: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu5PgM7ItYo&feature=g-hist (Hadith of A'isha: Allah Will Provide)

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Beginners’ Course on IslamLesson 5

Revision Who is a Prophet?

Those who received inspiration from Allah.

Who is a Messenger? Those who received Inspiration and a Book of

Revelation from Allah.

How many Prophets and Messengers sent by Allah? 124,000

How many of them are mentioned in the Quran and known to us? 25



A man comes and tells you:“I am a Messenger sent by Allah to you..”


Lesson Outline Belief in the Last Day

Belief in Qada’ and Qadar of Allah.


Belief in the Last Day


A day where all creation will cease to exist.

Human beings since the time of Prophet Adam till the last child born will be resurrected.

Everybody will stand before God and will be judge for their deeds.

Belief in the Last Day:Meaning


Belief in the Last Day What is the state of this world?


Belief in the Last Day:Four Important Concepts


Everything Must Perish



Life After Death

Belief in the Last Day:Everything Must Perish


“Everything shall perish: but forever will abide

thy Sustainer’s Self, full of Majesty and Glory” …

Quran 55:26-27

Belief in the Last Day:Everything Must Perish


“Every living thing/soul shall have a taste of death…”

Quran… 3:185Quran… 21:35Quran… 29:57

Belief in the Last Day:Resurrection

o Allah knows that men will doubt, question and argue.

o He answered their doubts, questions and arguments.

And he presents for Us an example and forgets his [own] creation. He says, "Who will give life to bones while they

are disintegrated?“

Say, "He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all creation, Knowing.“

Quran, 36:78 - 79


Belief in the Last Day:Resurrection


“Does man think that We will not assemble his bones?”

“Yes. [We are] Able [even] to proportion his fingertips.”

Quran, 75: 3 - 4

Belief in the Last Day:Judgment


“Verily the Hour (Day of Judgment) is surely coming, there is no doubt about it,

yet most men believe not” …

Quran 40 : 59

Belief in the Last Day:Judgment


Man will be judged based on their actions.

They will be treated justly.

“Then on this day, no soul shall be dealt with unjustly in the least; and you shall not be repaid

ought but that which you did.” …

Quran 36:54

Belief in the Last Day:Life After Death


What comes after the Judgment?

Where would one be then?

What is the biggest reward given by Allah to mankind?

What is the greatest punishment then?

Belief in Qada’ and Qadar of Allah


Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Meaning


What is meant by Qada’? Allah’s carrying out His Decrees.

What is meant by Qadar? The Decree of Allah.

Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Understanding The Concept


Absolute Knowledge



Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Understanding The Concept

Know that Everything happens with Allah’s Knowledge.

Absolute Knowledge


Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Understanding The Concept


And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darkness's of the earth and no

moist or dry [thing] but that it is [written] in a clear record.

Quran, 6:59

Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Understanding The Concept


Say: "Whether ye hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it all: He knows what is in the

heavens, and what is on earth. And Allah has power over all things.

Quran, 3:29


Between our limited knowledge and Allah’s absolute wisdom.

Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Understanding The Concept

o As his servant, we must know our responsibility towards our Creator.



Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Understanding The Concept


Responsibility: the exercise of free-choice, whether to follow Allah’s commands or go against it, which is the basis of accountability in the Hereafter.

If you are compelled to do something without a choice: you are therefore not responsible nor accountable in that case. Compulsion removes accountability.

Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Understanding The Concept


o How do we make these choices then?

o By following the Guidance that comes from Allah through His revelation and Prophets.

o Once received, inaction leads to accountability.

o What are the things we have choice and what areas we don’t?


Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Understanding The Concept

Let’s Reflect…

Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Understanding The Concept


As Muslims, we are reminded to trust our Lord.

“… And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his


Quran, 65:3


Belief in Qada’ & Qadar: Understanding The Concept


End Thank you for coming.

Any Questions?

