Ix determiners part 1_master file


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Note- File for Final Evaluation




Show a girl named Babli lying on a bed. Her grandmother is trying to put her to sleep.Show the dialogues in bubbles.

Babli – Amma, every day ma tells me a story in English. I cannot sleep till you tell me one.

Granny- OK Babli. Today, I’ll tell you a story called “The Milkman and his castle”

(The scene changes to the animation of the following story along with VO)

Show a boy walking along the road carrying a milk-can. He dreams of becoming rich and living like a king in a Palace( This can be shown with pictures of the boy himself dressed as a king in front of a palace, shown in dream bubbles). Later, a cow hits him. He falls down and starts crying over spilled milk.

Voice over 1: (Wrong English used on purpose)Let it be in the voice of the grandmother, who does not know English Language, properly.

There lived the poor milkman in the village. He had a son who was always lost in her day dreams. One day he was walking along the road to sell milk. He had the can fill of a milk on her head. He began to dream of a riches he would earn by selling this milk. He dreamt of becoming richer day by day by selling a milk. One day he would own an castle. Suddenly the cow hit him. Her can of milk fell down on an road. Few a milk was spilt and there was hardly some left in the can. A boy started crying.

MM-2 (The scene changes to the mother-daughter again, Dialogues to be shown in bubbles)

Granny: So Babli, what did you learn from this story?

Babli: Amma, I wasn’t able to understand the story! I am still not able to decide whether the milkman had a son or a daughter. You have confused me so much.

Granny: (looking embarrassed) Is it? Oh!



So did you enjoy the story? I am sure you couldn’t. This was because of incorrect grammar usage. The boy was made ‘her’, milk was substituted with ‘an’, instead of using ‘all’, ‘few’ milk was used. Now, let us correct the story and narrate it again to understand the story and appreciate the importance of proper grammar use.


PES/ENG/IX/004MM3 – (Show the same story animation once again but this time with the following voice-over with correct grammar use)

Voice over-2 with text on screen: Let it be the voice of the Anchor.

There lived a poor milkman in a village. He had a son who was always lost in his day dreams. One day he was walking along a road to sell milk. He had a can full of milk on his head. He began to dream of the riches he would earn by selling this milk. He dreamt of becoming richer day by day by selling the milk. One day he would own a castle. Suddenly a cow hit him. His can of milk fell down on the road. All the milk was spilt and there was hardly any left in the can. The boy started crying.


You can notice the difference now. The story is clear enough to be understood. Have you ever wondered which part of English grammar do these small but important words belong to? How are they supposed to be used in the correct manner? How can they be categorized and distinguished? We shall find answers to all these questions together today as we study another very important part of English grammar called DETERMINERS. Here are the learning objectives for this module-



Voice-over with text on screen

After the end of this module, students will be able to

• Define determiners• List the six types of determiners• Give examples of different types of determiners• Use the correct word order with different types of determiners• Differentiate between adjectives and determiners

ANCHOR- 3To achieve all these objectives, let’s go with Babli and learn the kinds of determiners, with her teacher ,Mrs. Puri.


Scene shifts to Babli knocking at the door of Mrs. Puri. Mrs. Puri opens the door .(Conversation with lip movement between Babli and Mrs.Puri to be shown in bubbles with VO.)

Babli: Namaste Mrs. Puri, I am so confused. I cannot do my homework on Determiners. Can you help me out with it?

Mrs. Puri: Yes Babli, if we take up one at a time, you will understand them better, But before that, come with me to the vegetable shop. We can start our learning of ‘determiners’ from there itself.

Babli: That sounds funny! But lets try.


PES/ENG/IX/004MM-5Now show Babli and Mrs. Puri walking to a vegetable shop, with all kinds of vegetables displayed in different shelves and baskets. They stop and start talking.

Conversation:(voice over with lip movement of the two characters and dialogues shown in bubbles.)

Mrs. Puri: See the vegetables carefully, Babli.

Babli: Yes Ma’m, I can see all of them.

Mrs. Puri: Tell me, where are the potatoes?

Babli: Well, the potatoes are there.

Mrs. Puri :How many ‘baskets of onions are there?

Babli: There are three baskets of onions.

Mrs. Puri: Which Gobi do you want?

Babli: I want that Gobi.

Mrs. Puri: Can you see some salad leaves?

Babli: There isn’t any salad leaf.

Mrs. Puri: Is every vegetable fresh?

Babli: Yes, some vegetables are quite fresh.

Teacher speaks to the audience and to Babli:

Mrs. Puri: So, now what do you notice in all the answers that Babli gave?All the underlined words point to the position of the nouns concerned.Since they all determine the positions of the Noun, they are known as ‘Determiners’.

Anchor 4: So now friends, we can define ‘Determiners’. They are words that give position to Nouns. They signal the coming of a noun in a sentence. It is linked with a noun, and the meaning refers to only a particular noun.

Voice over with text on screen: (Show the shaded text on screen)

Read the following sentences: (Show them one by one, as the anchor speaks.)

She will be given that trophy.

Every individual has the right to speak his mind.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Those mangoes were not ripe.



There isn’t any water in the well.

Little knowledge is dangerous.

(Show animated kaleidoscopic designs while this voice over continues)

Now can you identify the common characteristic of the words given in bold and underlined?

These words determine the position of a noun. Hence they are called determiners.

They can be categorized into six types- (Each one to be shown, one by one, as the Anchor speaks.)

Types of Determiners

• Articles

• Demonstratives

• Possessives

• Numericals

• Quantitatives

• Interrogatives (‘wh’ words.)

Let us have a look at each of these with the help of our friend Babli and her Teacher, Mrs. Puri.

MM -6:

Show the teacher and her class again. VO (along with MM-6):Show the dialogues in bubbles.

Mrs. Puri:The first type of determiners are the Articles – a, an, the

But before we talk about the ‘Articles’ as the first form of determiners, can we do a quick recap of the ‘vowels’?

Babli: Yes ma’m, we remember them. They are ‘a’, ‘e’, ’i ’, ’o ’, and ‘u’

Mrs. Puri: Yes, but tell me why do we need to recall the vowels?

Babli: I know it ma’m. The use of these articles is connected to the words starting with the vowel sounds---eg. An ant; An egg; an inkpot; an order; an umbrella,an Xray, An MLA

.(Babli points to the pictures with words.)


Now let’s learn about the Determiners that come before words without a vowel sound.



(Blink the words written in dark black.)

• For words that don’t start with a vowel, we use ‘the’ and ‘ a’ as determiners eg. The boy narrated an amazing story.

A cat is on the roof.

• The second type are the Possessives – my, our, his, her,their etc.

Eg. My hands have become dirty. His notebook was very untidy.

Their team is winning.

• The third type are the Demonstratives – this, that, these, those, etc. They are used to point out people or things.

e. g. This book is red in colour.

Those children have been punished.

That dog is barking.

• The next ones are the Numericals and Number Expressions – each, either, every, neither. ,another, many, several, any, some of, a number of, a lot of, plenty of, one, two, three, first, second, etc

They refer to each member of a class separately.

e. g. I met some of the children of that school.

Each of them is very smart.

. A number of children have gone for picnic.

Many eggs in the carton were already rotten. We have plenty of water to drink.

She is the first girl to do well in the class.

He caught one fish in his net.

• The Fifth type of determiners is the Quantifiers – much, some, no, any, little, enough, a lot of, etc.

Eg. They don’t have enough money to go by air.


PES/ENG/IX/004 He has not taken much water today. She has little food to feed the whole family.

Meena has a lot of dresses.

• Last, but not the least, we have the Interrogatives or the ‘wh’words – what, which, whose, etc. Eg. What colour is the fire?

Whose pencil is this?

Which book do you want?


So we saw how to place the determiners in correct order and hence form proper sentences. Now we shall focus on the differences between an adjective and a determiner.

VOICE OVER WITH TEXT ON SCREEN (Show one point of difference at a time, in synchronization with voice over. Then show the next point, and so on)





• . The form of adjectives can change. Eg. Wise wiser wisest

• . An adjective can be used before a noun, or as a complement

‘to be’. Eg. A nice dress

This dress is nice.

• fe;/ th Noun ~ modify eoB bJh

fJZe s'I f}nkdk adjective dh tos'I ehsh

ik ;edh j?.

• fe;/ tke ftZu adjective jw/Fk

Determiner s'I pknd nkT[Idk j?. Eg. Her new dress( not, new her dress)

• Determiners on the other hand have an invariant form.

Eg. A boy, an apple

• A determiner comes only before a noun.

Eg. A dress

• fJZe s'I tZX determiner ~

noun phrase #u tofsnk Bjh ik

;edk .

• fe;/ tke ftZu Determiner

jw/Fk adjective s'I gfjbK nkT[Idk j?.

fit/ Eg. A red pen( not, red a pen)

fJ; sokQ n;hI determiner ns/ adjective ftZu w[Zy tZvk coe d/y fbnk j?. j[D w?~ T[whd j? fe s[;h fJBKQ

ftub/ coe ~ ;gFN eo ;ed/ j'. j[D S/sh Bkb d[jokJh eo bJhJ/ i' e[ZM n;hI fJ; gkm ftZu f;Zfynk j?.

Voice over with text on screen:

• determiner fJZe nfijk Fpd j? i' fe fe;/ tke ftZu noun d/ nkT[D dk signals fdzdk j?. determiners dhnk

fe;wK nouns dhnk fe;wK s/ fBoGo eodhnk jB-Singular or Plural. Singular nouns ~ jw/Fk

determiner dh }o{os j[zdh j?. Plural nouns bJh ,the Determiner is optional. For uncountables,

the Determiner fJZe tko c/o optional j?.For Singular Noun (determiner is a must)Eg. Bobby took one egg from the plate.(right) Bobby took one egg from plate.(sounds wrong without the determiner ‘the’.(Singular noun is’Bobby”)For Plural Noun(Determiner is optional)Eg .Let’s not buy books.(right, although there is no determiner, and ’Books’ is a plural word) Let’s not buy these books.(Still correct with the use of the determiner’ these’ and the plural noun ‘books’)For uncountable nouns(Determiner is optional)Eg.Please give me some water.(right, with ‘some ‘as the determiner for the uncountable noun ‘water’)Water is not required in this dish.(Still correct, even after the absence of the determiner ‘some’.)


PES/ENG/IX/004The above mentioned cases tell us that the use of the determiners depend on the situation and meaning of the sentence to be constructed., in case of singular nouns, Plural -Nouns and uncountables


Before we proceed further, let us quickly revise the different categories of the Determiners.

Text on screen with VO

Determiners can be categorized as:

• articles- a, an, the• possessives – my, our, his, etc• demonstratives – this, that, those, etc• Numericals and number expressions – each, every, either, another, many, some, a lot of,

plenty of, one, two, three.• quantifiers – much, some, any, etc• interrogatives or ‘wh’ words – what, which, whose

Adjectives eJh sohfenK Bkb fit/ change of form / ; d fj kp Bkb determiners ' / s I tZyo jB. ;/ fe tke ftZu Determiner / jw Fk adjective ' [ ?. ' s I gfjbK nkT Idk j fJZe s I tZX

determiner ~ noun phrase # ; . u tofsnk Bjh ik edk


• Although Rita is tall,Pinky is the taller of the two.(Form of ‘Adjective’ is changed in the same sentence but the sentence is correct.)

• This is a house.(Here the determiner ’a’ cannot change its form).

• This is a big,beautiful house.(This sentence has 2 adjectives’big’ and ‘beautiful’ and only one determiner’a’.)

Anchor 8- Let us now practice the correct use of the different kinds of Determiners.

Text on screen with VO.


(Show the question and flash the answer by filling the word in the blank space, itself after 1-2 seconds. Show each sentence along with the animated image.) Images for reference are given, for all the sentences.


PES/ENG/IX/004Which of the two determiners given in the brackets would you use to fill in the blanks?

• I have three party dresses, but ________ of them is new. (neither, none)

Ans – none

• There aremany umbrellas here, but _________ of them is mine. (neither, none)Ans-none

• He owns five dogs. _______ of them are Alsatians. (All, Both)

Ans- all



• Many of the birds in this park _________ here throughout the year. (live, lives) Ans- live

• Both of the children wanted to finish _________ work early. (his, their)Ans- their

• Every child should learn from _________ own experiences. (his or her, their)Ans- his or her



• Either of my daughters can lend you _________ racket. (her, their)Ans- her

What word do you need to complete the sentence?(Your teacher will tell you whether you are right or wrong)

• I like my job most ___ the time.• None ______ the people I met spoke English. • Could you spare me a couple ______ minutes?

ANCHOR-9Now children, let us practice the identification of a Numeral and a determiner

In each of the following sentences, indicate whether the highlighted word is a numeral or a determiner:

• Five twos are ten Numeral Determiner

• Seven is my lucky number

Numeral Determiner

• Each team consists of

eleven players

Numeral Determiner

• They've invited me to a

second interview

Numeral Determiner



• He was the last to arrive, as usual

Numeral Determiner

That should be all on Determiners, for today. I hope this session was easy, and informative. Have a good day!

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