Is Your LMS User-centric? A Quick Checklist


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Is Your User-centric?

A Quick Checklist

Almost 90% of participants in a

study conducted by the Brandon

Hall Group in 2016 agreed that

they need to make changes to

their existing LMS in order to make

it user-centric.

If this is how they react, it’s time

for a change.

How do users react to the LMS in your organization?

1. Has an easy user-interface

2. Supports gamification

3. Allows collaborative learning

4. Provides real-time reporting

5. Is administrator-friendly

6. Is mobile compatible

In order to make your LMS user-centric, check if the

LMS meets the following requirements:

What is an easy user-interface in an LMS?

The interaction between the user and the LMS needs to

happen effortlessly with minimal need for training.

Easy user-interface

Go the extra mile to make a smile!

How to create an easy user-interface for the LMS?

Provide clutter-free navigation and consistency of GUI elements

Organize courses in a logical manner

Provide FAQs and Help buttons to address simple queries

Easy user-interface

Gamification is the 4th most desired feature in an LMS based on a

recent LMS user search.

Use the power of gamification to give learners a platform that can hold

their attention.

Trust us, they will keep coming back for more.


How to use gamification to keep learners engaged?


Motivate learners through badges, points, certificates, and leaderboards.

Let learners go up one level when they achieve what is expected of them.

This offers motivation to proceed to the next level of learning.

An LMS that supports collaborative learning allows users a chance to

interact, brainstorm, discuss, exchange, and apply ideas.

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning

How to know if your LMS supports collaborative learning?

The LMS must support

Discussion forums

Messaging options

Online chat options

Blogs & journals

User groups

Sign-up lists

Polls and surveys

Real-time reporting

Reports help management make informed decisions on the L&D

scenario in their organization.

Real-time reporting

How to check if the LMS supports real-time reporting?

Large reports can be run instantly

Report on a training that was completed an hour ago is available

Sending e-mails without scheduling them in a queue is possible


Routine administrative tasks such as creating and deleting users,

and assigning courses should not take much time.

If your LMS administrator needs to spend hours in order to utilize the

LMS to its full potential, then it is not user-centric.


What makes the LMS administrator-friendly?

Routine and repetitive tasks are automated

Multilingual access is enabled

Interface is personalized, based on individual needs

Smart reporting and tracking is facilitated

Mobile compatible

The increasing preference for mobile-learning requires your LMS to

support mobile devices.

How do you benefit from implementing a user-

centric LMS?

User-centric LMS = Happy learner = Organizational benefits

Keep this checklist handy to assess if your LMS is


Easy user-interface


Collaborative learning

Real-time reporting

Administrator friendly

Mobile compatible

Before we conclude

Here’s a quick recap of the key takeaways

An easy interface requires minimal training

Gamification holds a learner’s attention

Collaborative learning allows users to exchange ideas

Real-time reporting facilitates decision-making

An administrator-friendly LMS helps complete routine tasks quickly

A mobile compatible LMS is required to implement mobile learning

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