How to show our appreciation to my friend


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How to sh

ow our appre


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my frie



Members :

1)Nara Raisa Sumayyah2)Quinara Zhafina Ayudia3)Raidah Sabrina4)Risa Rahmatia F 5)Ronan Fadly Q6)Tiffani Nur Zahirah

Group 5


How to show our appreciation to our friends

If our friends got some feat, of course we should show our appreciation to our friends. Why we give some appreciation? Because when we give appreciation, he/she will feel happy. Other people are no different. You may not expect anything in return but it’s still nice to know what you do is appreciated. Example like my friend got a good score for exam and i say congratulations to her, say happy birthday to her on her birthday or Be open to learning about yourself and others


Nara : Congratulations Raidah! You got a good score for your exam today.Raidah : Thank You, Nara!

For example


We Will Tell you too 5 Ways To Show your appreciation to your fr iend

5 Ways To Show Appreciation To Our Friends


1. Send a card

As it may sound, pick one friend or family member a week to mail a card to. It could be a “just because” card, “thank you for being you” card or a card to make them laugh. Whatever it is, take the time to let that person know you are thinking of them.


2. lunch or dinner  Life is crazy busy for most of us, but

make time once or a few times a month for your fr iends and family. Take them to lunch, cook dinner, venture out to happy hour or enjoy a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning. It ’s l ike anything else in your l ife…schedule it and there is no reason to cancel unless Montezuma’s Revenge has taken over your belly.


3. Call, email or textThis is a topic of contention for some…technology.

For many of us a phone convo is tough to f it into a daily schedule, but a quick email or simple text to say hello or I ’m thinking of you is just as thoughtful. I chat with my fr iends who live 3000 miles away from me every few weeks or even every other month. Do we both wish we talked more often? Yes. Do we get our panties in a bunch if the other person hasn’t called in a couple months? No. That’s what true friendship is about…life is busy, so you should be able to pick up right where you left off no matter how much time passes. As I mentioned above though, a quick email or text to see how l ife is going is a must more then every month. That’s the wonderful thing about technology…you can stay in touch in so many different ways now.`


4. inquire about THEIR interests When you do have a chance to chat ask

them about how THEY are doing. We all have so much going on in our l ives so it ’s easy to get caught up in talking about what is going on with you, but don’t forget to ask about their l i fe. Find out what’s new, hobbies they have taken up, favorite restaurants they have tr ied, new friends they have met or anything that is new in their l i fe. A word to the wise…people who talk about themselves ALL of the time are not worth your t ime. That is a high maintenance friend and l ife is too short to spend your t ime with those peeps.


5. show your gratitude 

This one is pretty self explanatory, but an easy one to forget. When you have those friends/family who love you unconditionally and understand that it ’s not personal when you don’t speak often; it ’s easy to forget to show your gratitude. Thank them for just being in your l i fe and being a wonderful fr iend. Send a card, call , email, mail f lowers or anything else that expresses your gratitude for having them in your l i fe.



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