Haiti School Update



Dada Gopalakrsnananda sent news in Nov 2008 from his school in Port Au Prince

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AMSAI Haiti Update Oct 2008AMSAI Haiti Update Oct 2008

Prepared by: Dada Gopalkrsnananda


Dear brothers and sisters, welcome again to Our AMSAI Haiti Update NEWS.

In this presentation we want to highlight more on the school activities as this is the first month of the school.

The children are coming with new expectation and new uniform.

Kindergarten 3rd Grade: 15 kids

Kindergarten 2nd Grade: 18 kids

Kindergarten 1st Grade: 15 kids

Sport Activities

Playtime with Volunteer

Sense of Neo-Humanism

Library ProjectMrs. Emily from New Hampshire visited our school several times and was very inspire. She had initiative to start a library for helping the kids in their learning and expand their knowledge.

This idea was supported by Bhaskar (Peter Dodge) from New haven, CT.

We are preparing the hall for the library.

One thousand USD had been spent for ceramic floor and paint. Next we need to build book-shelves, tables, chairs, etc.

Work in Progress: Wall need painting!!!

World Food ProgramThis Room for Food Depot

Need Repainting

Current Status: Almost DoneCurrent Status: Almost Done

•It is our policies that the income from the student fees are mean for paying teachers salary and school materials.• Since the school was open, we collected 137,550 Haitian Gourde (approx: 3450 USD), and still more is to be collected.• With this collection we will have enough money to pay teachers salary until Dec 2008.• Our monthly expenses for teachers and staff salary is: 2000 USD

Finance Report for Oct 2008Income:Donation: 105,405 Gds (USD 2,635)School Entry: 137,550 Gds (USD 3,450)

Expenses:Salary: 81,500 Gds (USD 2,040)Construction: 52,490 Gds (USD 1,315)Office expenses: 6,500 Gds (USD

162)Food & Kitchen Supply: 27,800 Gds (USD 700)

Balance : 1,868 USD
