emind magazine page 1



E-mind is monthly magazine initiated by guru nanak college,i got the opportunity to make this wonderful magazine along with my colleague

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Pg 2: Campus Page 3:Technology Page 4:student writes

June-July 2012

My firts day of college :a student writes

VACHA: NSS youTH AT kHARgHAROn 25th NSS and WDC volunteers of guru

nanak college, went for a 3 days reside-

tial camp organised by VACHA at

kharghar,youth training centre 25 students

with 2 teachrs,mr santosh pathare and mrs

medha tapiawala were fairly participated in

that camp we their at 9.30 am on 25th and by

10.30 am we were introduced by miss yogna

and dr.medha.they together took a some ses-

sion on genderequality and particularly and

played some games and activities based on

gender equality.at the end of the day they di-

vided in 4groups and give us a taskfor next

day, a small 5 minutes role play based on

some social issues.this role play we had to

perfom on next day morning on 26th

on 2nd day, we were introduced by by miss

darshana and we performed our respective

role play in front of her.she also did some

games and activities like “surekha ka budget

“also she took some session on violence

against women and saw some documentary

movies on patriarchy, gender and democracy

at the end of the 2nd day, we were given

some topic to make osters and slogans

on the 3rd day we submitted aour posters

and slogans to miss

kharghar:vacha camp group with teachers

yagna and dr.medha group discussion and a quiz compitition after all that ac-

ticities they gave usour participation certificate and we gave our feed backwe

leave youth training centre on 27th aug at 3.30 pm


Indian scriptures have their own ‘teachers day’ in the form of guru

purnima.the calender offers this day at 3rd july to par obeisance to

those who have helped shaped your life.as per every year this year

also gurunanak collge celebrated purnima by giving ‘tulsi’ plant to all

teacher. we all celebrate guru purnima as a birthday of guru vyas

who editted the vedas, whole 18 puranas,mahabharat and srmad

bhagvad geeta.

guru purnima is a day when we pay obeisance to the lifeline of

this great,unbroken civilization of indiathe guru-sisya-paramopara or

mentor- protege lineage

The combination of the teacher’s wisdom and the energy of the

student go towards making a vibrant,progresive society. today stu-

dents tend to undervalue the teacher and this day helps restore the

balance.it stresses on the importance of the guru in evry walk of life

This morning was a bit different than

usual, as I had my first day of college to

attend. I woke up early, which was quite un-

usual espeially after the long vacations that

had just got over.Obviusly, had to look 1 kg

pretty than I ooked everyday. Although a lot

of them may deny, I think everybody wants

to look beautiful and handsome on the first

day of college. After reaching college, I

found out from the notice board that I was

allotted roll no. 24.I entered the class as if I

was entering a new world where I felt I knew


page 4

June-July 2012

(left) college campus.(right) college canteenI am all different from them and with-

out even having a glance at the entire

class I quickly grabbed a seat on the third

bench.there was some time left for the

lecture to begin, I thought of exploring my

cell phone menu, and tried calling a few

friends.The teacher , meera nair entered

the class. My seniors told me that she is a

niceteacher.She introduced herself and


asked each one of us to introduce our-

selves to the rest of the class.Now this

ritual has always been interesting for

everyone. It's something that we all are

so aware of, yet everybody's heart beats

faster till their turn comes. I managed to

give a normal introduction of mine. The

introduction process ate up most

of the time, and soon Mam's lecture came

to an end.

I was happy with my first day in SY

BMM. Although first days are meant to be

something special, there was nothing so

special about my first day.On second

thoughts, I can say that my handwritten ex-

perience about the first day is my second

year of BMM career.


Sushil kumar