Embracing shakespeare


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Embracing Shakespeare

presented by

Peter Holland Paul Edmondson

Stanley Wells

Embracing Shakespeare


Where did The Oxford Shakespeare

Topics come from and why?


What does the role of a general editor involve?


What’s been happening so far at the 35th International

Shakespeare Conference ?



Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.


Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.


Oregon Shakespeare Festival(founded 1935)Oregon Shakespeare Festival(founded 1935)


Sir Kenneth Branagh as Henry V, RSC, 1984

Sir Kenneth Branagh as Henry V

Geoffrey Streatfeild as Henry V, RSC, 2007

Henry V, RSC, 1994, dir. by Matthew Warchus

New Place by Pat Hughes, 1994 ‘Dig for Shakespeare’, 2009 - 2012


Dame Edith E vans as Volumnia by Robert Buhler

‘the honours of the performance fell to Miss Edith Evans. She is that rare thing, an actress with both breadth and subtlety. She is that equally rare thing, an actress who can bring out the full literary flavour of every word. To those who know their Shakespeare before they see him on the stage, how maddening it is to find word after word misunderstood, slurred over, debased, diminished, or subjected to the ignominy of substitution by the performers. But Miss Evans quickens every syllable, recognizes in a choice epithet something as three-dimensional as a living being, reveals new wonders unsuspected and never to be forgotten.’

Herbert Farjeon describing Dame Edith Evans as Mistress Pagein Nigel Playfair's 1923 production of The Merry Wives of Windsor

Shakespeare in the Theatre: An Anthology of Criticism, ed. by Stanley Wells, p. 202


Kenneth Tynan

What are your future plans for The Oxford Shakespeare



