Dov Winer at Info2010 Conference



Europeana and Judaica Europeana presentation by Dov Winer at Info 2010 Annual Conference and Exhibition: e-Content, e-Resource Management, Web Technologies, Online Information & Knowledge Management. Tel Aviv, Hilton Hotel May 3-5, 2010

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Europeana and

Judaica Europeana

Dov Winer

European Association for Jewish Culture

Scientific Manager, Judaica Europeana

הספרייה הדיגיטאלית האירופית

Judaica Europeana

• Reply to the eContentPlus 2008 call for contributions to EUROPEANA –

The European Digital Library

• 24 months project - 3 million € with 50% contribution of the European


• Contribution of content on the Europeana theme of CITY:

cities of the future/past - migration and diasporas - trade and industry -

design, shopping and urban cool - the route to urban health - archaeology

and architecture - utopias - riot and disorder - palaces and politics

• Other themes in the Call:

Social life - Music - Crime and Punishment - Travel & tourism


Hungarian Jewish Archive


Extending the network

The following expressed their interest in

joining Judaica Europeana:

• National Library of Israel, Jerusalem

• Center for Jewish History, New York

• Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam

• Jewish Museum Berlin

• Centropa, Vienna/Budapest

• Galicia Jewish Museum, Krakow

• London Metropolitan Archive

• Aberdeen University Library

• Institute for Jewish Policy Research,


Travelling trunk brought by a German refugee

family to England in May 1939, Mädler Koffer,

c.1930, Germany. The Jewish Museum London

• Europeana

• Judaica Europeana

• Vocabularies for Jewish Content

• Using Jewish Content

This presentation is available at:

Europeana ― the vision

Europe’s digital libraries,

archives and museums


• A showcase for Europe’s

cultural and scientific


• A flagship project of the

European Commission and

the European Parliament.

“A digital library that is a single,

direct and multilingual access point

to the European cultural heritage.”

European Parliament, 27 September 2007

“A unique resource for Europe's

distributed cultural heritage …

ensuring a common access to

Europe's libraries, archives and


Horst Forster, Director, Digital Content &

Cognitive Systems Information Society

Directorate, European Commission





Slide taken from the presentation by Cesare

Concordia, ISTI/CNR at the LIDA 2009 Workshop

Slide taken from the presentation by Cesare

Concordia, ISTI/CNR at the LIDA 2009 Workshop


Slide taken from the presentation by Cesare

Concordia, ISTI/CNR at the LIDA 2009 Workshop (~13 Billion triplets March 9, 2010)


thesauri, classifications, subjects, taxonomies, folksonomies,…

controlled vocabulary

concepts are documented, linked, merged with other data, composed, integrated

and published on the Web

CONCEPTS identified by URIs using RDF triples

:natural language expressions to refer to


skos: prefLabel [descriptor]

skos: altLabel [synonims, acronyms, abbreviations]


…broader and narrower concepts

broader/narrower relationships assert that a concept

is broader/narrower in meaning

related…concepts somehow related

SCHEMES compiled sets of concepts: ConceptScheme class and inScheme

relationship to link a concept to a scheme

hasTopConcept relationship for the entry points of narrower/broader hierarchy

LINK schemes map concepts from different schemes using the properties

exactMatch, broadMatch, narrowMatch and relatedMatchMay 10


I want to send my thesaurus/subject heading/taxonomy from one database/application to another

I want to publish my thesaurus/taxonomy… in an “electronic” form, so that it can become part of a distributed information network/environment

The Web values quality and openness (e.g. Wikipedia)

KOS are high quality resources [both the concepts and the links]

KOS are natural hubs…attractors…high gravity…attract links

act as firm foundation for a Web of data…

Links are paths to discovery (of documents, data,…); they can be exploited in useful and surprising ways (serendipity); well established KOS e.g. LCSH (Library of Congress Subject Headings, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings, AAT (Art and Architecture Thesaurus) can be hubs in the Web of linked data May 10

• Europeana

• Judaica Europeana

• Vocabularies for Jewish Content

• Using Jewish Content

This presentation is available at:

Judaica Europeana



The future of Jewish Heritage in Europe:

an International Conference – Prague 24-27 April 2004

developing Jewish networking infrastructures

Jewish contribution to European cities

Urbanisation and occupational

specialisation has led to the

identification of Jews with

specific streets, neighbourhoods

and other urban phenomena.

The J-Street Project by Susan Heller.

Compton Verney Trust and the DAAD, Berlin,

2005. A book, installation and video produced

with the support of the European Association

for Jewish Culture.

Jews and the City

Prof. Steven Zipperstein points to the anti-urban bias of most of the

Jewish historiography and how this began to change at the end of the

20th Century

Zipperstein, S. (1987). Jewish Historiography and the Modern City. Jewish History V2 , pp.77-88

“The Jewish Century” by Yuri Slezkine (2004):

“Modernization is about everyone becoming urban, mobile, literate, articulate,

intellectually intricate, physically fastidious, and occupationally flexible. It is

about learning how to cultivate people and symbols, not fields and herds. It

is about pursuing wealth for the sake of learning, learning for the sake of

wealth, and both wealth and learning for their own sake. It is about

transforming peasants and princes into merchants and priests, replacing

inherited privilege with acquired prestige, and dismantling social estates for

the benefit of individuals, nuclear families, and book-reading tribes (nations).

Modernization, in other words, is about everyone becoming Jewish.”

(Slezkine, 2004).• Yuri Slezkine, The Jewish Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004. For the first chapter


Jews in European Cities – kinds of content

Known celebrities – full individual expression

Core of Jewish Life

Jewish expressions in the

urban landscape

Jews in European Cities

JUDAICA Europeana goals

• Document Jewish expression in Europe. Support content holders in

identifying content that reflect the Jewish impact on European cities

• Digitise and aggregate this content. Synchronize standards, metadata

and vocabularies, with Europeana interoperability requirements

• Deploy knowledge management tools to support communities of

practice index, retrieve and re-use content pertinent to their areas of


• Support employment of content in scholarship; university teaching;

museum curatorship; cultural tourism; plastic arts, music and

multimedia; formal and informal education

• Europeana

• Judaica Europeana

• Vocabularies for Jewish Content

• Using Jewish Content

This presentation is available at:

Jewish gazetteers

• Europeana

• Judaica Europeana

• Vocabularies for Jewish Content

• Using Jewish Content

This presentation is available at:

Employment of Content

• Support employment of content in scholarship; university

teaching; museum curatorship; cultural tourism; plastic arts, music and

multimedia; formal and informal education

• Each partner will:

• Organize at least two virtual exhibitions employing the

digitised resources

• Involve at least two scholars in using Judaica Europeana

knowledge management tools in their scholarship research.

• Involve at least two university level courses in using Judaica

Europeana resources for teaching

• Engage at least three schools in the Unesco project “Scenes

and Sounds of my City”

JUDAICA Europeana

Digital Humanities Tools

Deploy Knowledge Management Tools



Thank you for your attention!


Dov Winer

Judaica Europeana Scientific Manager

EAJC - European Association for Jewish Culture

This presentation is available at:
