Creative Lifelong Education System to enhance perception of living time in Human Life



The main potential focus of my presentation is on the fact on how creativity can influence the perception of human mind and how creativity in education can enhance the perception of time we are living in. This could also help the Universities to stand out and find new potential in the troubled futures. Everything is relative for example if we move in an elevator we presume that the world around is moving but in a different scenario when we look from outside it is totally opposite, same is with time. We all might presume that time is a fixed dimension, one second for me is one second for you, but there is a difference on how every individual experiences and perceives it, it is different for every individual, the main underlying reason is that our brains are not just keeping track of time but our brain also constructs time. It has been observed that when we are in a life threatening situation time seems to slow down, as we grow older it is presumed that time seems to speed up. As per Dr Eagleman the more information the brain has to process the more time seems to last, this is because of more attention to detail. If you don’t let a lot of information in, your brain is on an automatic mode and hence time perceives to move faster, this explains why time gets faster as we age since in our current system of education we tend to stop learning after a phase of life and make things more simple and hence the brain does not has to process more information. What in the case we are bored even if we are young, as per Kellaris & Kent, (1992) the reason is that when we are bored we tend to make our brain resources concentrate on monitoring time. It is also said that time is perceived to move faster if we have fun and make our brains think Sackett, Meyvis, Nelson, Converse, & Sackett, (2010). So by this we can conclude that we do have some control over our perception of time, we can make it faster by distracting ourselves by doing things which does not make us keep track of time or we can make it slower by learning new things and giving more food for the brain to think.We need to look into our past and learn from the what the others have done, one of examples would be looking at how animals perceive the world around, the field of bionics has been able to come up with a lot of creative innovations by mimicking the nature, now its time we mimic the basic human tendency to perceive things and make it last for longer by using creative education as a tool.Cognitive, conative, and environmental factors would influence such a creative change, according to Lubart, Georgsdottir, and Besançon (2009). Cognitive factors include intellect, thinking (divergent, logical and analogical), and knowledge, including the “accumulated facts, theories, and personalized expertise that concern various content domains, but also an understanding of constraints and other implicit parameters that play a role in problem solving” (p. 44).

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Lifelong Education System to enhance

perception of living time in

Human Life

Part 1

•General Overview on Creativity

•What is Relativity ?

Part 2

• The Basics of Time

•What is Perception ?

Part 3

• Life long Learning

• Extended Perception of Life

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