


I thought that I would change the theme all together, size and color of the font on each slide to hopefully give it a little more "umph" in hopes to gain a little more attention drawn to it.

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Copyright…What everyone should

knowPresented by: Jamie Serna EDTC6329

What is copyright?“Copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S. Constitution and granted by law for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works.”

So, what does that mean?

It means that one is not allowed to copy any published materials like books, music, games, images, software etc.

Who Owns what?The author usually owns what is written, posted or

recorded unless someone else is hired to conduct and report the information through different media outlets.

Ownership can be complicated. Some categories of works that used to be distinct and about which there were few issues of ownership may now be merged into a single work.

What is the TEACH Act?…TEACH Act is a copyright law that provides

educators with a separate set of rights in addition to fair use, to display and perform other’s works in the classroom and can apply to any work not limiting it to any medium.

Basically it opens doors to the education field to enable the use of whatever is needed to engage and enlighten the students as needed.

What is fair use?Fair use is a policy that gives you the opportunity

to protect yourself against copyright lawsuits.

There are questions/ factors to assess prior to using work that one wishes to use in their own presentations, writing or internet use.

Are we using others’ material fairly? Let’s find out!

Four Factor Fair Use Test1. What is the character of the use?

2. What is the nature of the work to be used?

3. How much of the work will be used?

4. What effects would this use have on the market for the original or for permissions on the use were widespread?

Why is “ownership” important?Knowing who owns a specific media is important so

that one does not copy or use it without giving credit where credit is due.

Research must be conducted to make sure all is clear and well prior to usage.

What permissions are necessary?Permission to utilize any work that one wants to

“borrow” is crucial. For starters, one must pass a few difficult tasks in order to assure they acquire the correct clearance.

For example; If the work is part of a book or a journal article, check the Copyright Clearance Center ("CCC") first. This site will usually yield the results of the copyrighted material you wish to use. Along side this site, there are many others that will offer the same information as to the materials posted.

Getting PermissionContact the owner

Several online methods/organizations

Confirm the authority

Get it written down (documentation is key)

Keep good records

Still liable

Need to know more?Feel free to visit for more in depth information on the use of copyright, the laws and what YOU should know!

References Harper, Georgia K. Retrieved September 1, 2012


Harper, Georgia K. Retrieved September 1,

Harper, Georgia K. Retrieved September 1, 2012 from: