Coaching in English



A unique service that incorporates English language learning into a genuine coaching model allowing you to reach your goals and improve your English at the same time!

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Coaching in EnglishEnglish

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

Programme Details

� Why choose Coaching in English?

� What are the benefits of Coaching in

Presentation Contents


� The ideal coachee profile

� Typical areas for coaching

� Programme options

� The methodology

� Coach/teacher profile

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

Coach/teacher profile

� Fees

� How to organise a pilot coaching session

There are many employees who now have an advanced level of English

and continue to receive traditional English classes. In many cases, these

Why choose Coaching in English?

classes have turned into mere conversation classes that offer little value to

the student.

However, it doesn’t have to be like this,there is a different option

If we replace an everyday conversation with a ‘coaching conversation’ and

add a methodology which focuses on improving grammatical accuracy, we

won’t only start to see improvements in the coachee’s English, but the

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

coachee will make important progress towards the achievement of other

professional goals.

� Not only do the coachees practice and improve their English, but

they also achieve an important professional or personal

What are the Benefits of Coaching in English?

they also achieve an important professional or personal


� Listening skills improve substantially; active listening is an

integral part of any coaching process.

� Coachees feel more motivated as they see progress towards a

goal and are able to improve their English at the same time.

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

� Increased motivation in the workforce leads to higher

engagement and personal productivity.

The Ideal Coachee Profile

�To participate in the coaching programme the coachees need a

minimum level of B2 (Council of Europe Common European


� As in any other coaching process, the coachee needs to have

identified an area in which he/she wants to improve. This chosen

area does not have to be related to English; the fact that the

sessions are conducted in English shouldn’t influence the choice

of topic.

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

of topic.

� It is vital that the coachee is open to the idea of coaching and is

prepared to commit to the efforts coaching requires.

Coaching can be employed to deal with any area where the coachee

wishes to make improvements. However, the coach will help the

coachee identify exactly which aspects of the situation need dealing

Typical Areas for Coaching

coachee identify exactly which aspects of the situation need dealing

with first and from this, will help the coachee set the approriate goals to

achieve a SMART objective.

From our experiencecoachees tend to concentrate on the following


� Leadership Personal development

� Time management Work/life balance

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

� Time management Work/life balance

� Communication skills Managing change

� Speaking in publice Self or team motivation

� Handling difficult people Dealing with conflicts

Programme Options

Option 1: Pure coachingOption 1: Pure coachingOption 1: Pure coachingOption 1: Pure coaching

� Programme of 4-8 fortnightly sessions of approximately 1 hour’s

duration. The frequency of the sessions can be adapted to the needs

of the client and coachee.

� The GROW methodology is used for the overall coaching process and

for each individual session (see other slide)

� The coachee commits to the completion of tasks between sessions

which will help him/her move towards achieving the final objective.

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

which will help him/her move towards achieving the final objective.

� In this programme, the focus is exclusively on coaching, language

weaknesses are not addressed.

Programme Options

Option 2: Coaching with a linguistic componentOption 2: Coaching with a linguistic componentOption 2: Coaching with a linguistic componentOption 2: Coaching with a linguistic component

�� Programme of 4-8 fortnightly sessions each of approximately 1 hour and

15 minutes duration. During the session the coach/teacher will note

language errors but will not correct the coachee at this stage so as not to

distract him/her. Once the actual coaching part of the session has finished,

the coach/teacher will give feedback on the coachee’s linguistic errors.

� On completion of the agreed number of coaching sessions, (usually

between 4-8), personalised English classes will be prepared based on the

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

between 4-8), personalised English classes will be prepared based on the

language weaknesses detected thoughout the coaching sessions.

GoalWe set SMART goals to precisely define the objective we wish to


Coaching Methodology: GROW

RealityWe look at the gap between where we are now compared to

where we want to be

OptionsWe brainstorm and analyse the options available to us to reach

our goal, taking into account real and imagined barriers that might

prevent us from moving forward

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

WillWe commit to the actions that we decide and believe will lead us

to the completion of our goal

In addition to the documentation used in

the coaching sessions to follow the


GROW methodology and to track

linguistic errors, a progress report is sent

periodically to the client, (See example of

this document in separate file).

The frequency of this report will depend

on the number of coaching sessions

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

on the number of coaching sessions


� All our coaches are trained and

qualified by approved coaching


Coach/teacher Profile


� They are native British and American

� In the case of programme option 2,

coaches are also TEFL qualified

teachers with experience.

� In all cases, our coach/teachers have

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

extensive experience in the business


It’s very easy!

How to Organise a Pilot Coaching Session

1. The person chosen for the pilot session should have a

minimum B2 level of English.

2. He/she chooses a topic for coaching and communicates this

to Business Learning Solutions.

3. The coach and coachee agree a date and time to carry out

the coaching session on the client’s premises.

Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

the coaching session on the client’s premises.

“Why learn only one thing when you

What one of our clients says about Coaching in English

“Why learn only one thing when you

can learn many at the same time? With this course I’ve learned personal improvement techniques whilst

improving my English at the same time. Fantastic!”Alvaro Escobar Iglesias, Consultor Alvaro Escobar Iglesias, Consultor Alvaro Escobar Iglesias, Consultor Alvaro Escobar Iglesias, Consultor

Eventos y Relaciones Públicas, Eventos y Relaciones Públicas, Eventos y Relaciones Públicas, Eventos y Relaciones Públicas,


Una formación innovadora en habilidades directivas en inglés

