


Emma's Autobiography

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• I was born on the 23rd of May 2003, in Christchurch hospital.

• The reason my middle name is Kate is because it is my Aunties name. I have a Mum, a Dad and a brother called Liam.

• I liked to get dirty and play in the sandpit. I played with Adyn at Wags.

• When I started school my best friends were Adyn, Paige, Alice and Mrs. H. I loved Maths.

• My Favourite family tradition is going to Whananaki and camping there. I love playing on the sand and in the water with Paige.

• My treasured keepsake is my wooden cat and my teddy. My Mum gave me a teddy called Big Ted and my Nana gave me a wooden cat. It is brown with blue eyes. My teddy is pink and has brown eyes.

I have a Granddad and Nana Mac who live in England. I also have a Burr and Nana that live just down the road.

• I like look after my pets. I want to be a vet when I grow up. I want to be a vet, because

• I care about animals