Assimilation & Reduction - Pronunciation


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Assimilation & ReductionsCommon Sound Changes


Students will be able differentiate between words with a sound change and those without

Understand what the 4 sound change rules for palatalization are

Read sentences with target sound changes

Use correct blending to make requests and ask common Wh-questions

Learn to use several common phrase reductions

Learn about pragmatics for asking and responding to requests (especially tricky answer to Would you mind + gerund)


Warm Up

1. What are your goals this year?

2. Where’s your key?

3. Won’t you clean your room?

4. Where did you put your bag?



+ Y

This year as in shy

Z Where’s your as in pleasure

T Won’t you as in check

D Did you as in budge

Listening Discrimination

1. Take this yogurt. Take thish yogurt.

2. Do you want me to freeze your beer? Dja want me ta freezur beer?

3. Why couldn’t you be on time? Why couldn’tcha beyon time

4. Where did you go last night? Wheredja go last night

5. Could you do me a favor? Couldja do me ya favor?

6. Would you like to go there? Wouldja like ta go there?


1. What’s your full name?

2. Could you please spell that?

3. When did you come to this country?

4. How did you find out about this program?

5. What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

6. What did you eat for breakfast?

Pragmatics: Requests


The person sitting behind you at the movie theatre is talking loudly on his/her phone. What would you say?




What would you say?

Ex. You are cold. Would you please close the window? Would you mind closing the window? Could you close the window?

You trying to sleep but the television is very loud.

You forgot money for the bus.

You have a terrible itch on your back.

You dropped you fork on the floor at a restaurant.

Making Requests

Would you mind cleaning your room?

Could you…

Could you possibly…

Can you

Would you like to…

Can’t you…

Why couldn’t you…

Role Play

Requests: Would you mind…Could you…Could you possibly…Questions: Why couldn’t you…Would you like to…Can’t you


Would you ever donate blood?

What would you like to do in the future?

Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker?

What country would you like to visit most?

Would you rather have one long finger or 10 short fingers?

What would you do if you could suddenly speak English perfectly?

Would you rather live in an apartment building or a house?

Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery?

What would you do if you won a lottery?

Common reductions To and Have

Gonna, Wanna, Wansta, Hafta, Hasta, Usta,

1. Going + to = gonna I’m going to call you soon.

2. Want + to = wanna I want to pay you back.

3. Wants + to = wansta She wants to be a doctor.

4. Have + to = hafta I have to go to the bank.

5. Has + to = hasta She has to study tonight.

6. Used + to = usta Mary used to live in Paris.

Reductions are normal

1. I have to go to the bank after class. I’m going to deposit a cheque. I want to get there before it closes.

2. My sister has to go shopping. I don’t want to go with her. She’s going to take forever looking at clothes.

3. He is going to study for a big test this weekend. He’s hard working now, but he used to be so lazy.


1. I want to ______, but I have to ______, so I’m going to ______.

Ex. I want to go to your party, but I have to babysit my brother, so I’m going to stay home.

2. My sister wants to ______, but she ______, so she’s going to ______.

Ex. My sister wants to go to the beach, but she needs to look for a job, so she’s going to skip it.

Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda


A: You’re late! You should have been here 2 hours ago.

B: I’m sorry. I would have called you but I didn’t have your number.

A: You could have emailed me.

B: Yes, I should have done that.

would have+ past participle verbshould have

could have

What’s your regret?

1. Oh no! It was my mother’s birthday last week!

2. I wish I studied harder when I was young.

3. I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you needed help.

Should have + p.p. Could have + p.pWould have + p.p

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