Arctic live! answers


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Arctic LIVE!

Skype in the Classroom withJamie Buchanon-DunlopArctic LIVE!17th March 2016, 12:30 p.m. GMT

Jamie Buchanon-Dunlop, Arctic:

Carina, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:Yes. The first two days are a bit tough, but we get used to it after a few times coming here.

Jamie, Arctic:

Manuela Correia, Portugal:Is it difficult for you to adapt (to civilization) after returning home?

Jamie, Arctic:Yes. To the people, the smells, the sounds

Miriam, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:Mainly our steps on the snow, the wind...

Flvio, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:Yes, these houses are quite comfortable. They belonged to Scandinavian settlers that came here to work on the mines. But if we were on a camp, then no, we couldnt take our clothes off because of the cold.

Carina, Portugal:

Jamie:Do we have free time? (laugh)

Ana Sofia, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:Eskimos live in the Canadian Arctic. There are several countries exploring the Arctic: Canada, Norway, United Kingdom, India to name just a few.

Miriam, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:No and its better it stays like that. We have to take riffles whenever we go out to scare them. But the other day, guess who came for lunch?

Jamie, Arctic:

Diogo, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:Probably the first ones to be in danger would be the marine animals. The polar bears are also in danger because with the glacier melting they are loosing their hunting platform.

Mariana, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:Yes, they return in spring like for instance the grouse.

Carina, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:We separate the garbage. What can be composted, stays. Everything else we take home with us.

Miriam, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:Not really plastic, physically, but evidence of plastic, i.e. we found the components of plastic in enzymes, in water, in animals...

Miriam, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:Its not only ONE thing; its a combination of factors, like over fishing, global warming, pollution Take for example a piece a fruit that you buy on a supermarket. It comes wrapped in plastic (which is completely unnecessary because its a natural product). Because of that, one tree had to die, rot in earth for thousands of years until its transformed into oil, which is then extracted and transformed again in plastic that we will throw away as soon as we get home. Are we all mad?

Carina, Portugal:

Jamie, Arctic:We are trying to understand how the glacier melts down. We are collecting ice samples inside the glacier. If you look at the satellite data for sea ice extent, you will see that this Jan / Feb has been the lowest on satellite record. The glacier study will only reveal evidence of change when we take another set of measurements next year.

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