Almila Akdag Salah: Looking at classification systems from the point of view of users: analyzing...


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KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015



KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015


¤  deviantArt ¤  Introduction via data collection phase J ¤  A classification system generated out of user

needs ¤  Fingerprints of these users

¤  Thomas Laqueur ¤  One Sex – Two Sex Model ¤  Cultural implications ¤  Translation ¤  Data & Strategies

Data: What are Daily Deviations?

¤  Daily Deviations ¤  One of the promotion mechanisms in dA is the idea of choosing about

20-30 works daily, and publishing these on the main webpage of the site for the duration of a single day.

¤  These selected works illustrate a representative distribution of the dA community: they might belong to the earliest or latest members, to popular or unknown members.

¤  The jargon of the site: every member is called a ‘deviant’ and every uploaded work is a ‘deviation’. The selected ‘deviations’ for each day are ‘daily deviations’ (DD’s).

¤  Our dataset: ¤  30.643 daily deviations created by 21.745 deviants between

2000-2011. ¤  These deviants had a total of 1.321.264 artworks in dA archive at the

time of data retrieval.

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Category Distribution of dA

Photography Digital Art Scraps Traditional Art Resources Cartoons Customization Fan Art Manga & Anime dA-related Designs/ Interfaces Literature Artisan & Crafts Antrho

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

A look at the Network Structure KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Category Network of dAKNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Visualizing member’s galleriesKNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Comparing two categoriesKNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Information visualization

¤  Thomas Laquer’s argument: From One Sex to Two Sex Model

¤  N-gram Dataset ¤  Building a strategy ¤  Gutenberg & Goodreads ¤  Where does KOS come into play?

Outline KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Body, gender, sex

¤  A monk, a beautiful -death- girl, and a story told in three different ways ¤  in 1749, Jacques-Jean Bruhier ¤  In 1752, by Antoine Louis ¤  In 1836, by Michael Ryan

¤  What does the story has to do with body, gender and sex?

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

One Sex Model

¤  Woman has the same genitals as men except that, as Nemesius, bishop of Emesa in the 4th century put it: “theirs are inside the body and not outside it.”

¤  In the world of Galen, who in the 2nd century developed the most powerful and resilient model of male/female reproductive organs, the vagina is imagined as an interior penis, the labia as foreskin, the uterus as scrotum, and the ovaries as testicles.

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Two Sex Model KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Difference of degree rather than kind

Identifies a canonical body—one is inferior version

They are bound together in the same system Re-zoning of maleness

requires a relocation of femaleness

Construed as two essentially different kinds

New vocabulary introduced to describe femininity as essentially different from masculinity E.g. “ovaries” rather than

“female testes”

One Sex Two sex

From One Sex Model to Two Sex Model KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Data Collection/Re-collection

¤  Test phase for a digital humanities project: ¤  We develop different ideas to translate the

break from one sex to two sex model in quantitative formats, and test them

¤  We define explicitly what kind of data we need (in this case which words/word grams to search for in the dataset)

¤  We might have to go to this stage and recollect data according to the test phase results

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Research Strategies

¤  Looking at adjectives: ¤  Is there a difference in adjectives used for

man/woman? ¤  Is there a change in adjectives associated

with man/woman over time?

¤  Looking at verbs: ¤  Can we talk about different verbs used for

male vs. female protagonists/characters in novels?

¤  Are there any differences in the frequency of passive/active voice for male/female characters?

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Research Strategies II

¤  Looking at color only: ¤  The association of certain colors with specific

gender is recent. ¤  How did color association change over time? ¤  Image Analysis problems: automatic face/

gender identification where the current norms do not apply!

¤  Looking at objects: ¤  In portraits, which objects were mostly used

with which gender? ¤  What are the color usage for the common

used objects?

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Research Strategies III

¤  Looking at Book Covers: ¤  Can we transfer knowledge from our color

study done for paintings to analyze book covers?

¤  How do book covers change over time? ¤  Differences in book covers reflecting the

gender of the author

¤  Looking at Authors/Text/Reviews: ¤  Historical data: Reviews, reactions to authors

who published first with male name ¤  How do male authors ‘voice & describe’

female characters vs how do female authors do that

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Data Resources & Shortcomings

¤  Google N-grams ¤  Gutenberg ¤  Goodreads

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Metadata of Google N-grams

¤  For each word in an n-gram we know ¤  In which year it appeared ¤  With which words it appears (at most with 5-

words distance ¤  The position of it in the sentence (i.e. we can look

for words that are at the start or end of a sentence, or search for word/adjective pairs, word/verb pairs etc.)

¤  What we do not know: ¤  The publication venue (book, journal, ?) ¤  The genre (poem, novel, scientific text, religious

text, etc) ¤  The full sentence it appears

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

N-Gram Corpora

¤  English/American ¤  French ¤  German ¤  Italian ¤  Spanish

¤  Chinese ¤  Russian ¤  Hebrew

N-Gram Corpora KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Metadata of Gutenberg

¤  For each book in Gutenberg ¤  The authors name ¤  Title ¤  The full text ¤  Language ¤  LoC class ¤  Subjects

¤  What we do not know: ¤  The publication year ¤  The publication edition

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KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

A Snapshot from Gutenberg Bibrec

¤  Author Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930 ¤  Title The Sign of the Four ¤  Language English ¤  LoC Class PR: Language and Literatures: English

literature ¤  Subject Holmes, Sherlock (Fictitious character) --

Fiction ¤  Subject Private investigators -- England -- Fiction ¤  Subject Detective and mystery stories ¤  Category Text ¤  EBook-No. 2097 ¤  Release Date Mar 1, 2000 ¤  Copyright Status Public domain in the USA. ¤  Downloads 2811 downloads in the last 30 days. ¤  Price $0.00

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Crawling Goodreads

¤  data on the books: ¤  Reviews ¤  ratings ¤  number of ratings ¤  number of reviews ¤  author ¤  first publication date

¤  as for the authors, they have their separate profile pages which we can use to collect additional data: ¤  age (born/died info) ¤  gender (yahoo :) ¤  genre (yes!) 

¤  and the reviewer info: ¤  age ¤  gender ¤  number of reviews ¤  number of ratings ¤  achievements (best reviewer, top reviewer etc. anything that is

listed on their profile page under their profile pic)

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

When and where does KOS come into play?

¤  Classification of Color ¤  Population of classification systems as a

mirror of sub-cultures ¤  How differently are books classified in

different library collections and what does the differences tell us?

¤  Classification Systems as a way to assess an overview, evolution, interests and goals of an SNS community

KNOWESCAPE 05.03.2015

Thanks to…

¤  deviantArt: ¤  Albert Ali Salah ¤  Lev Manovich ¤  Jay Chow

¤  From One Sex to Two Sex: ¤  Alexender Petersen (IMT) ¤  Orion Penner (IMT) ¤  Zoe Borovsky (UCLA) ¤  Arzucan Ozgur ¤  Alper Çetin ¤  Albert Ali Salah


Borgatti, Steve. Netdraw: Graph Visualization Software. Harvard: Analytic Technologies.

Clover, Carol J. 1993. Men, Women, and Chain Saws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film. Princeton University Press.

Danowski, James. WORDij. Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago.

-----. 2009. Network analysis of message content. In The content analysis reader, ed. Krippendorff, K and Bock, M., 421-430. Sage Publications. L

Laqueur, Thomas. 1992. Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Harvard University Press.

Borovsky, Zoe. 2010. Hota, Sobhan, et al. "Performing gender: Automatic stylistic analysis of Shakespeare’s characters." Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Conference. 2006. Google Books - Wikipedia API - Project Gutenberg - Stanford Parser -

