Alexei antonov


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Alexei Antonov presents his collection of oil paintings and drawings.Having studied art in Russia, Azerbaijan, and Italy, Alexei has been living in the US since 1990.His main goal in life is to promote the Ecology of Culture, more specifically, in visual art.

So much for art. How about the artist?

I was born in Russia in 1957, and I've been trying both hands (I'm ambidextrous) at art ever since. I can remember my self from the age of two, and when I was three, I was the terror of my mother's make-up kit, as I loved to draw murals on the wallpaper with her lipstick. All through my childhood I continued drawing, and in high school, though I left much to be desired in my other classes, I excelled in art and singing. I think that I was not a good student in other areas, because I prefer to teach than to be taught. Eventually though, I learned to learn.

Alexei Antonov isi prezinta colectia de desene si picturiDupa ce a studiat arta Rusia, Azerbaidjan, si Italia, Alexei traieste in USA din 1990.Scopul sau principal in viata e sa promoveze Ecologyia Culturii in special in artele visuale.

Bun, atat despre arta. Ce putem spune despre artist?

M-am nascut in Rusia in 1957, si m-am antrenat sa fac arta cu ambele maini (sunt ambidextru). Imi amintesc despre mine de la varsta de doi ani, apoi cand aveam trei ani o terorizam pe mama cu trusa ei de machiaj, pt ca desenam tablouri pe tapet cu rujul ei de buze. In tot timpul copilariei am continuat sa desenez si in liceu, desi lasam mult de dorit la alte materii, excelam in arta si cantat. Cred ca nu eram un elev bun la alte materii pt ca prefer sa-I invat pe altii decat sa mi se dea lectiii. Ulterior totusi am invatat cum sa invat.

In 1972 I entered the State Art College in Baku, where impressionistic, realistic, and abstract painting were taught...but no classical. I joined other students in minor revolts against communism by growing my hair out, looked for hot chicks, and even studied quite a bit. In 1976 I graduated, and went to work at the Reseach Institute of Design in Moscow. From1986 to 1990 I lived in Moscow and worked as a graphic artist and illustrator for magazines published by the main Russian Press Agency, "Novosti" (News). I also designed posters for leading pop singers and rock groups during this period of time, but my most important work was the active and attentive study of the technique of the old masters such as Rubens, Van Dyke, and Snyders. This is when I met Nikolai Shurigin, a successful artist and Russian patriot, who, though younger than me, had already discovered much about this technique and was powerful both in his painting and in his personality. I learned much from and with him.

I left Russia for the first time in 1988, when I visited Italy to study the paintings in the museums and exhibit some of my own. In 1989 I opened Rubens Gallery in Moscow, under the sponsorship of the central youth newspaper, "Komsomolskaya Pravda". I also took part in numerous exhibitions in Moscow, which were covered by the Russian Press.

I have been living and working in the USA since 1990, and it's a good thing, because if I were still in Russia, I never would have made this beautiful web page for you to enjoy. This unique classical technique is practiced by very few artists at this time and is no longer taught in art schools. My works are in private collections in many countries around the world.

In 1972 am intrat la State Art College in Baku, unde erau predate pictura ere impresionista, realista si abstracta...dart nu si cea clasica. M-am alaturat altor studenti in revolte minore impotriva comunismului purtand plete, alergand dupa fete sexy si chiar am studiat un pic. In 1976 am absolvit si am mers sa lucrez la Reseach Institute of Design in Moscova. Din 1986 pana in 1990 am locuit in Moscova si am lucrat ca artist grafic si ilustrator pt reviste publicate de agentia principala de stiri Russian Press Agency, "Novosti" (News). Deasemenea am creat afise pt cantareti pop si grupuri rock; dar cela mai importanta preocupare a fost sa studiez cu atentie in mod activ tehnica unor vechi amestri Rubens, Van Dyke siSnyders. Atunic l-am intalnit pe Nikolai Shurigin, un artist de successsi un patriot rus care,desi mai tanar ca mine, deja descoperise multe despre acesta tehnica si avea atat o puternica personalitate cat si o mare pricepere in pictat. Am invatat multe de la el.

Prima data am parasit Rusia in 1988, cand am visitat Italia ca sa studiez pictura pe cont propriu in muzee si expozitii. In 1989 am deschis Rubens Gallery in Moscow, avand ca sponsors unul din ziarele centrale pt tineret, "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Am luat deasemenea parte la numeroase expozitii in Moscova, despre care s-a scris in presa rusa.

Traiesc si lucrez USA din 1990, si asta e bine, pt ca daca as fi ramas in Rusia niciodata nu mi-as fi facut o pagina de facebook de care sa va bucurati voi. Acesta tehnica clasica unica e practica de f putini artisti si nu se mai invata in scolile de arta. Lucrarile mele se gasesc in multe colectii din diferite tari.

Classical painting, not to be confused with figurative or realistic painting, is very real. Classical paintings, though very real, are not to be confused with the contemporary figurative and realistic styles. This is art for all those of us who have lamented the decline of beauty and grace with the increase of technology and industry. As we develope new, faster ways to do things, we often lose touch with the better ways. I has re-established that link through my paintings. The Classical art school does exist, and is prepared it for the twentieth-first century We all prepare to meet the twenty-first century in various ways.Take a look at how I am preparing with my paintings, and how Classical art is prepared to reclaim its place. My Classical painting is my route to the twenty-first century, and I invite you join me. come with me. Alexei Antonov

Pictura clasica, ce nu trebuie confundata cu cea figurativa sau cea realista,e f reala.. Pictura clasica, desi f reala, nu trebuie confundata cu stilurile figurative sau realiste contemporane. Aceasta este arta pt toti aceia dintre noi care s-au lamentat ca odata cu cresterea tehnologiei si a industriei s-a produs un declin al frumusetii si al gratiei. Asa cum dezvoltam cai noi, rapide, de a face lucruri, adesea pierdem legatura cu caile mai bune.. Eu am recreat aceasta legatura prin intermediul picturilor mele. Scoala de Arta Clasica exista si e pregatita pt secolul 21. Noi ne pregatim sa ne intalnim cu secolul 21v in felurite moduri. Ia priviti cum ma pregatesc prin picturile mele si cum arta Clasica este pregatita sa-si reclame locul care I se cuvine.. Modul meu clasic de a picta este drumul meu catre secolul 21 si va invit sa ma insotiti.Alexei Antonov

Accidental Putting on

After the Encounter

After the performance

An ant is above-ground in a rose


Ants Paradise

Artists Sketch-board

Basket with Roses

Bouquet with fruits


Candy Box


Cherry Brandy

Claret Grapes

Apple Harvest

Coffee with Reflections

Constraint from surplus of light

Country Pitcher

Dark Bordeau red rose in by golden light

Famous Pistol

Portrait study --Finish

Flower for sweet one

Flower of the Kings

Forenoon Beauty

Gold Yellow Rose

Good Fortune

Grandmothers Rug

Greek Motif

Green Apple

History in a cell at a moonlight


In front of the Window


King flavor with glass

King flavor with urne


Lonely rose but proud

Lonely Rose

Lost Rose


Monarch Invasion


Morning in the Artist's Studio

Mulled Wine and Winter Evening

My Favorite Russian Things

On the threshold of a spring feast

Pearls and Shell


Pomegranate is the disrupting orange to surprise and happiness to ants

Prisoner of Love

Red and White

Red on White

Red Rose


Refreshments somewhere on the east

Rose Fog and Sun

Rose in the Artist's Studio

Rose in the Darkness

Rose Next

Rose on a bronze plate



Under solar beams

Traveler from a Roseland

To The Rose Hot

There where a rain snow and sun are

The rural beauty

The Italian ancient vase

The evening award

Tatiana in the similitude

Tanya in a brown study

Stilllife with lace

Still life with Samovar

Still life with Gilded Vase

Star of the cinema

Solicitudes of a bee

Silver Coffeepot Reflections

Silver Coffeepot and Lace

Silver Bowl


Sight upwards


Russian Breakfast

Roses and Carafe

Rose with wings and pomegranate with children

Rose under the Lampshade

Rose on the Light Background

Rose on the Air



Piotr Ilici Ceaikovski

"Valsul Florilor"

din baletul

"Spargatorul de Nuci"