Ages & Societies


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World History

Ages & SocietiesLearn with World History Edition

Here we begin our journey through the most defining moments in history. History is the study of past events and changes in the development, transmission, and transformation of cultural practices. Culture of course are socially transmitted patterns of action and expression; it includes clothing, arts, knowledge, crafts, technology, and things of that nature. 1

Before we dive into it, lets backtrack a bit; Scientists give us a lot of uncertainties, but one thing we do know for sure, our ancestors did A LOT of walking.really. We humans are Homo Sapiens that emerged between 400,000 to 100,000 years ago in Africa (Human Geography and my writer tells us that WE ARE ALL AFRICAN, ASIAN, AND CAUCASIAN). 40,000 years ago, around the time when archaeologists believe we greatly developed (even obtaining the capacity for speech via evolution), Homo sapiens migrated during a wet period to Europe and Asia, crossed a land bridge to the Americas, and reached Japan/New Guinea/Australia via low sea levels associated with the Ice Age. Minor phsyical evoluntionary changes such as changes in skin pigmentation occured during migrations, but for the most part, humans adapted more through technological adaptation than biological evolution.


Paleolithic Period (Old Stone Age)Marked mostly by use of stone tools, the development of spoken language, ability to control and use fire.


Foraging SocietiesHunting and gathering clans



Pastoral SocietiesSocieties often found in mountainous and/or areas with insufficient rainfall, used small scale agriculture, and marked by the domestication of animals.

*READ SCREEN*Also both societies laid the foundation of traditional gender roles for the next, oh50,000 years! Ya know, man hunts and woman gather, cook, and raise the offspring. Cool thing about these days was done within 3-5 hours, the rest of your day open for bonding, practicing religion, creating art, telling tales, GTA 5oh wait, not yet.If only we could return to those work schedules..


Neolithic "New Stone" Revolution (Agriculture Revolution)Marked by cultivating plants, resulting in the creation of permanent settlements and agricultural practices.

*READ SCREEN*So folks domesticated plants and animals, like dogs, sheep, goats, because GLOBAL WARMING IS INDEED REAL!!With farming, people I suppose became friendlier with more food in their bellies, because communities arose, and a lotta sexing was happenin, resulting in a population increase.Also, since food supply was ample, not everyone had to farm, so specialization and trade came about.6

CivilizationA society with advanced cities (large population and trade), complex institutions (government, religion, etc.), specialized workers, record keeping, and advanced technology (metal, paper, etc.)

*READ SCREEN*Well go into more specific civilizations in later videos, but do know these key components are what make up a civilization.7

Bronze AgeThe latter part of the Neolithic Era when people figured out how to combine copper with tin to make a harder metal (bronze) to replace the use of stone.

*READ SCREENYes, why have a stone home when you could haveA BRONZE HOME!....or weapons and pottery, whatever8

City-StateAn urban center and the agricultural land around it under its control.

*READ SCREEN*You will see this term again when we cover Classical Greece


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Written by.Christopher HallNina Garrett
