A group discussion


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A group discussion

Taking into account: pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency and gramatical structures.

The first meet

Possitive Comfortable Friendly

Body language

Use appropriate vocabulary

Expand your answers


Speak with monotone Give yes - no answers Repeat the question Go off topic To say: I dont know Speak quickly or slowly

Expressions for giving opinions

I would say that…

I reckon

If you ask me

Please, you must take notesAbout this expressions

Expresions for agreeingDefinetelyCertainly I think so tooYou´re rigthThat is a good pointI agree with you

BecauseBesidesThereforeDue to The reason is that

Expressions for desagreeingYes, but…I don´t know about…I´m not sure about that…I do not go along with you on that, I think that Surely , but…
