3 steps (+twitter) to student engagement


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  • 1.3 Steps (+Twitter) to Engaging Students Benjamin Ang BUS / LAW Slideshare.net/benjaminang

2. Objectives Select and use the correct free and user-friendly technology tools Develop lesson plans to use the technology to increase student engagement and assess understanding in real time Learn how to avoid some of the common pitfalls that would hinder your effectiveness 3. Come and visit me online www.facebook.com/benjaminangck www.twitter.com/benjaminang www.youtube.com/benjaminangck http://techmusicartandlaw.blogspot.com sg.linkedin.com/in/benjaminangck/ www.slideshare.net/benjaminang Other projects http://emlblog.blogspot.com www.twitter.com/emusiclab 4. Start a Twitter account Go to www.twitter.com Dont worry, you can delete it later Choose a name for yourself mine is benjaminang Click Sign up for Twitter 5. Choose who to follow Follow one of the recommended accounts Or search for people (public figures or friends) to follow Follow the other participants in this session! 6. Start your own tweets! Click on the blue quill pen Keep it short 140 characters (slightly less than SMS) 7. How Twitter works by default All your tweets are public People who follow you will see your tweets in their news feed Others my find your tweets if they search Twitter for key words Try tweeting I enjoy prunepickledchocolates Now search for prunepickledchocolates You can make your tweets private (protected) 8. Now the truth about Twitter Many students are making their accounts protected Try http://todaysmeet.com/3steps 9. DEMO LESSON 10. HOW A CONTRACT IS MADE DEMO LECTURE 11. International software company MACRO-SOFT offers Marie a contract to develop a new smartphone application for them, to be released in time for the Christmas season. Is there a contract? 12. Elements of contract Invitation to Treat Advertisements Displays Offer Can be terminated by Withdrawal Rejection / Counter Offer Lapse of Time Acceptance Must be communicated Unless covered by Postal Rule or Electronic Transactions Act Consideration 13. Discussion at Answer at http://todaysmeet.com/3steps Is there a contract in each case? MACRO-SOFT places an ad in FaceBook. Marie sends them an email Im your man MACRO-SOFT makes the offer. Before Marie accepts, they withdraw. MACRO-SOFT offers to pay $10,000. Marie asks for $20,000 instead. Marie accepts after Chinese New Year. 14. What was the Lesson Plan? 15. Try creating your own Visit www.todaysmeet.com Follow the instructions Tell us the name of your meet so we can join you 16. PITFALLS AND SOLUTIONS GROUP DISCUSSION 17. What are some obstacles? 18. How could we solve them? 19. Ground Rules for Discussion We will respect the other users of the room The lecturer may delete offensive or annoying posts or shut down the room if necessary We will ignore attention-seekers who are not contributing meaningfully 20. Socrative Visit http://m.socrative.com Join Room Number 179333 What do you think of COE prices? A They are too low B They are just right C They are too high D I have no opinion 21. Poll Everywhere Visit http://pollev.com/benjaminang In what ways are students today different from the past? 22. The Back Up Plan 23. Back to Poll Everywhere Visit http://pollev.com/benjaminang What did you find interesting or useful today?